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Avengers: Age of Ultron
April 2015

When Kate first started spending extended periods of time at the Barton Farm, it was a lot to get used to. But it was relaxing and a welcome escape from the business of New York City. There was always something to be done, and whether that was playing with Lucky the golden retriever or feeding the animals.

It was quiet, that was the main thing. And if there was a sound, it was easily explained away. A cluck from a chicken, a moo from a cow, Lucky barking at birds or squirrels or because he wanted pizza.

So that was why she was surprised to hear the sounds of some sort of plane landing in the outer field, Kate was immediately up on her feet and looking out her bedroom window.

There, in the field, was a quinjet. One she had seen on the tv before. One that had the Avengers logo on it.

What the hell was Clint doing? He'd never brought a quinjet home before.

She saw people begin to file out of the quinjet, none looking particularly good, she was confused. Then she remembered who else was in the house at the moment and been watching the news last time she'd gone for a snack run and only one thing came to mind.


Kate turned and headed down the stairs, Lucky bolting past her as she heard the door open. She cringed halfway down as she heard voices.

"Welcome to Casa de Bart-"

"Clinton Francis Barton!" 

Kate winced.

"Oh, god," she heard Clint say.

"Here I was, Clint, watching over your farm, your dog and your kid-"

"Kate's not my kid."

"-when I decided to turn on the tv. What do I see?"

"The Iron idiot fighting the Hulk and me undoubtedly trying to kill myself," Clint answered easily.

"The Iron Idiot fighting the Hulk and you undoubtedly trying to kill yourself! Do you have anything to say about that?"

As Kate inched herself slowly into the main room where everyone was standing, she saw Clint turn away from his brother and back to everyone else. He saw her in the doorway and smiled.

"Everyone, this is my brother, Barney Barton," he introduced, "the dog is called Lucky and Kate is, uh, Kate."

"Hi," Kate said.

Everyone turned to look at her and it took her a moment to realize that the Avengers were looking at her. They were standing in the living room of the Barton Farm

"Francis," Captain America said, "right."

"You have a brother," Stark said, looking at Barney, and then to Kate, "and a kid."

"I'm not his kid," Kate said.

"She's not my kid," Clint repeated.

"Sorry for barging in on you," Captain America apologized.

Holy shit, was Captain America looking at her? And apologizing?

"Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were too busy not knowing you existed," Stark snarked.


"Fury helped me set this up when I joined. Kept it off of S.H.I.E.L.D. files. I would like to keep it that way," Clint explained.

"It's a good place to lay low," Kate said. Clint looked over at her in surprise, "what? You keep this place and us a secret from your teammates and then show up with everyone looking a little worse for wear and don't expect me to know that you're hiding from something? Come on, Barton, I'm smarter than that and you know it."

Kate passed him and Barney into the kitchen where she started rummaging through the cupboards for food.

"We're out of pizza, Barton, and it's your turn to pay for it!"

Captain America: Civil War
April 2016

After the mess with Ultron, Clint told her that he was officially retired from the Avenging business. She hadn't believed him at first, but after two months and him not running off in a quinjet and the bow and trick arrows staying in the hallway cupboard (except for competitions, of course. Barney was a terrible shot with a bow and now refused to play with Kate and Clint), she started to believe him.

Turns out, she should have given it a year.

Clint got a call from Captain America ("his name is Steve, Kate, just call him Steve," Clint kept telling her) explaining that the situation with the Sokovia Accords had gone to shit.

Okay, well, he hadn't said that exactly, but that's what he meant. Falcon ("Sam, Kate, why can't you just call them by their actual names?" Clint had asked) needed Clint to pick up some guy in San Francisco that would help them before breaking Wanda out of her Stark Imposed House Arrest. Then, they would have to fight their way past Iron Man and his allies, to get Bucky (aka the Winter Soldier) to a quinjet.

Clint hadn't told her the specifics. He wouldn't. He just told her he was going out and he'd be back in a few days. She only found out later what was really going on. Kate hadn't really believed him, especially when she looked in the cupboard after he'd left and noticed his be was missing.

All her suspicions were confirmed when there was a knock on the door (an unusual occurance) and she opened it to find Captain America standing there.

"What did he do?" she asked him.

Captain America raised a brow, "why do you think Clint did anything?"

"Because you're here. In civilian clothes and trying to look nonchalant. So what did he do?" she asked.

"They have him imprisoned," Cap said.


"The government."

"Why? Wait, no, tell me that later. Where?"

"The Raft."

"The what?"

"It's an underwater supermax prison. He an Sam and Scott and Wanda are all locked up there. Will you help me get them out?"

"I'll be able to hold that over his head forever, of course I'm coming! Let me get my stuff and we'll go."

Several Hours Later

Kate mostly followed behind Cap for the entirety of their journey through the Raft, taking down guards and anyone else that got in their way. She helped, of course she did, by taking down anyone smaller or that got back up after Cap knocked them down. But right before they entered the room where all the prison cells were, she had an idea.

"Beds empty!" she announced as she came into the light, looking directly at Clint, "no note! Quinjet gone!"


"Who the hell is this kid?"

"You can't just say you're going out for a few days and take your bow with you and not expect me to know. I do practice with that thing when you're not looking," Kate explained.

"First of all," Clint said, "I want you to know that it was all Natasha's fault and I did nothing wrong-"

"I'm sure Natasha's the reason you're in an underwater supermax. Explain yourself now or I'm taking everyone else and leaving you here alone," she threatened.

"How did you even get here?" Clint asked.

It was at that moment that Cap also materialized out of the shadows, but his eyes were on Falcon. The keys were in his hand. Or, well, the card that you swiped to open the cells was in his hand.

"Barney is gonna kill you when you get back to the farm," Kate said as Cap started unlocking cells.

"He was at the Farm?"

"No, but if you think I'm not gonna tell him you are dead wrong."

I just want to credit guardiansofthegalaxi on tumblr for her awesome Kate Bishop and Barney Barton Marvel AUs. They helped inspire me a lot for this story and so I used my two favourites in this chapter! I don't want anyone to think I came up with these and want to give credit where credit is due.

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