Chapter 12 - Let's Start Playing!

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(Mark's POV – Fri. 8 August 2014)

I am not sleepy just yet, it's far too early for me, but I can't resolve myself to retrieve my arms from around Shannon's body. Almost as soon as I told him to sleep, he curled up inside my arms in the cutest way, his face nuzzling my chest, and drifted away. I like this cuddly Shannon a lot, hence my reticence about breaking off my embrace.

Yet, I'm a bit perplexed after tonight, but it's all because of me and what I did.

Shannon and I haven't signed a contract yet, he hasn't officially agreed to be my Submissive, so maybe I shouldn't have disciplined him. I was clearly annoyed when I got back home, found his mess in the kitchen and him asleep on the terrace. The little I had asked him to do wasn't even done, so yeah, it pissed me a bit. Despite the boy's adorableness, the Dominant in me woke up and thought the young man should be punished.

I already have my guess on how difficult things might be with a Sub like Shannon, and as much as I have the reputation of being a soft Dom, I still need to show him who the Master is. And the sooner, the better, because he needs to understand how the lifestyle works and to respect the rules I establish.

Me being me, I still took it slowly, explained him he could safeword and only gave him a light punishment. Feeding him was mostly to remind him that young men who behave like children are treated as such, and with the spanking, he got a preview of what sort of sanction he may experience if he misbehaves.

I am pleased that he took it without complaining and hardly even whimpered with each of the slaps I delivered on his firm ass. My courageous boy held the tears pooling in his eyes, but at the same time, I did feel his hard member against my thighs, so there was clearly a bit of arousal. This is something I will have to watch out for because a punishment isn't supposed to provide pleasure for the Sub, so he will have to see the difference between a pleasurable spanking and a punitive one. In any case, he didn't seem to be shocked and he apologized.

Feeling his warm and regular breath on my chest, I tighten my grip around his body, relishing in his sugary scent.

A quick look at my watch indicates me that it's not even 9:00 pm. I hadn't planned on spending the evening like this. I wanted to continue our discussion on rules and duties. I wanted to show him my playroom. I wanted to play our first scene, a simple one, tonight. Unfortunately, none of this happened.

Tomorrow, we will need to finalize details and schedule more appointments for his training. If Shannon accepts to become my Submissive, I won't necessarily have to hold these sessions at the Black Diamond. Exactly like for his friend Liam, it will be as if I had met someone outside of the club and brought him into the lifestyle, meaning I can train him here at home. Of course, he will still have to take the final test at the Diamond before Aaron can certify him officially.

After a few more minutes watching him, I disentangle myself from his limp form, making sure the thin bed sheet covers his body, and head to my study. I spend the next three hours working on the usual draft contract between a Dominant and a Submissive, adapting the rules to Shannon and fixing him some goals.

It's nearly midnight when I sneak back into the guestroom and lie down next to Shannon. He has flipped to his right side, so I snake my arms around his waist and pull him closer to my chest, nesting the top of his head under my chin. Yes, I like the feeling of holding him, I think to myself as I slowly drift to sleep.

*   *   *

It's barely after 6:00 am when I stroll into the kitchen the next morning in my sweat pants, ready for a little workout session. Shannon is still sleeping, so I prepare some pancake batter for our breakfast, and put the coffee machine on.

When everything is ready, I head back to the guestroom, determined to drag the young man outside to run with me. Good habits should be developed at the earliest stage - a bit like discipline, if you see what I mean. I don't even feel guilty about the crack-of-dawn hour, seeing as Mister Shannon slept in yesterday morning, napped in the afternoon and went to bed at dusk. I have no hesitation when I begin to gently shake his shoulder, but his eyes hardly open.

"Good morning lazy boy, it's time to wake up!" I say, poking his ribs.

"Uuugh, 'ts too early..." he mumbles, pulling the bed sheet over his bare chest and sinking his face into the pillow.

Well, this is not how things work, young man!

"Shannon, you'd better get your cute little ass out of bed within the next minute, or I swear I'll drag you by your hair to the bathtub and turn on the cold water tap until you're fully awake," I say firmly, and the threat seems to kick in as he pushes the sheet and gets up all at once, yawning.

"Good morning..." he mumbles.

"Good morning. Do you have sweatpants and running shoes?"

"Are we going to run? Is this why you woke me up so early?" he cries out, now wide awake. "But it's not even 7 in the morning!"

"Yes, we are. Now go get some clothes on and meet me in the kitchen for a coffee before we go," I order and walk back to the kitchen to pour coffee into two mugs.

He meets me there, still half asleep five minutes later. As he perches himself on a stool, I push one of the mugs in front of him.

"Do you have sugar, please?" he asks shyly.

I am so used to drinking coffee without sugar that I didn't even think to put it on the counter.

"In the cupboard, right there," I reply, smirking a bit and pointing to his left.

Once we are done with our coffee, I lead him out of the apartment and we take the elevator to the ground floor. As we make our way down, I grab his hand, smiling warmly to lift up his spirits, and making him blush a little.

"Good morning, Max," I call out to the receptionist as we pass by his desk and I quickly introduce Shannon. "As my guest, Mr. Watts is allowed in and out of the building and you won't need to notify me."

"Noted, Mr. Murray!"

We walk to the Millenium Park at a steady pace for a warmup, and then I lead him to a quiet track. I don't want to make it too hard for him as he obviously isn't used to physical exercise, but he follows me without real difficulty as we run for a little less than an hour.

I love running. To me, this is the most liberating activity. When I run, either I forget about all the worries that are on my mind or, on the contrary, it helps me to clear my thoughts when I need to make important decisions. I usually put music on, but not today. I want to be able to hear Shannon if he needs anything, but we both keep silent during the whole time until we are back home.

"Time to fill our stomachs!" I say cheerfully as I toss him a bottle of water that he almost misses, still panting from our run. "Are you up for pancakes, fried eggs and bacon?"

"Thanks, yeah! That would be great, I'm starving!" he exclaims through his heavy breathing.

"Alright, take a seat. It'll be ready in a few minutes," I chuckle, pushing a thin stack of paper in front of him, before I set to start preparing our breakfast. "You can read this while I cook. This is our contract. I prepared it last night. Then we can discuss about things you don't agree with and confirm your limits."

"Okay, thanks. You did this last night?"

"Yes, once you were asleep."

"Oh... so then, ..." he stutters, so I turn around to look at him over my shoulder and raise my eyebrows. "You didn't sleep with me, then?" he eventually asks, obviously upset.

Upset Shannon is really cute with his pouted lips...

"Of course, I did. I couldn't miss you talking in your sleep!" I tease, wiggling my brows.

"I don't even talk in my sleep!!!" he exclaims with mock offense.

"Just kidding you! But I did sleep with you, though."

The smile that spreads on his face deeply warms my heart. What is this boy doing to me already?

About ten minutes later, our breakfast is ready and I place everything on the table. Shannon moans with every piece of food he swallows.

"That's delicious! Really! How can you cook so well?"

"Fried eggs and bacon are not difficult to cook!" I chuckle.

"Let me try it, you'll see I don't get the same result..."

"What do you usually eat for breakfast then?" I ask, not sure I really want to know.

"Oh... hmm... cereals or leftovers..." he says, shrugging his shoulders. "Depends on what Liam left for me."

"Right, I really need to teach you some good habits, then," I reply, shaking my head. "So? Have you read the contract?"

"Yes, I have. Where do I sign?" he asks with a smug grin, making me choke on my coffee.

"I'm not asking you to sign right away, Shannon. We need to discuss everything first."

"That's fine. Anyway, I really want to have this contract with you, so I'll agree to anything as long as you accept me as your Submissive," he affirms, waving his hand at the contract.

Please add stubborn to his characteristics.

"You didn't hear me well, Shannon," I scold him. "This contract is not only about what I expect. It takes into account your opinions and your desires, and as I told you, this relationship is based on communication. If there's anything you don't like or that bothers you in this contract, you have to tell me. We will discuss the reasons why these things annoy you and find arrangements. This is called compromising."

"To be honest, apart from the gym thing, I don't see anything that particularly annoys me."

"Are you sure? You can take more time to think it over, Shannon, I won't mind," I insist.

As much as I want to finalize this agreement as soon as possible, I don't want to pressure him. I don't want him to have regrets, though we can still discuss the terms later if he realizes that some things are too much at some point.

"Positive," he says with conviction. "As far as the limits are concerned, I can't really tell. There are many things I have never tried, and I have no clue whether they scare me or they...  turn me on. I am a bit confused," he adds, blushing.

"It's fairly normal, don't worry. It's because a lot of the things mentioned in the limits can be as much pleasurable as they can be painful, depending on how they're used. Once again, I'll tell you that communication is very important. We will try things gradually and update your activity sheet as you discover more and more. How does that sound?"

"Yes, this is a good idea, thank you!" he cheers, clearly reassured.

Well, that was fast... It seems like we have come to some sort of agreement already, and I couldn't be happier about it. Deep down, I feel like this relationship might go far, on a shorter-term aspect, it means we can use the playroom this morning...

"So, can I sign the contract as it is?"

"Yes, you can. It's just a document between you and me, though Aaron will have a copy for his records as the Master Dom of the club, but remember we can amend it any time you like. Alright?"

"Yes, perfect! Thank you so much!!" he replies with a lot of excitement.

I can't help smiling at how he keeps floundering on his stool. He reminds me so much of Tigger... Yeah, no... let's not go there, I don't want to be Winnie The Pooh.

"Thank you!"

Now I can't wait to start our relationship, even if I well intend to take it slowly. I hop off my stool and move around the counter to stand next to him. Gently grabbing his chin between my thumb and my index finger, I lean down to brush his lips with mine. Mmm... They're so smooth!

"I'll let you clear our breakfast while I go and run a bath for us. Meet me in the bathroom when you're ready," I order and he nods.

The tub in my bathroom is one of those large quarter-round white Jacuzzi-style baths. I pour a generous dose of oils and foam and let the hot water run while I make sure we have clean towels on the heating rack.

As I turn around, I see that Shannon is already here, standing on the threshold, so I hold out my hand for him to join me. While he is expectantly looking at the filling tub, I begin to undress him from behind, first removing his tee-shirt and letting him kick out his sneakers; then I pull down both his sweat pants and briefs, while nibbling on his earlobe and all the way down his back, tasting his salty sweat. I take my clothes off and put everything in the hamper, then push him toward the tub.

Stepping in first, I tug on his hand to join me, and we both sit down, him in front of me. He leans against my chest while my legs lay on either side of his. I pour some gel in my hands and begin to massage his shoulders, lathering his skin, before they move down his arms and run beneath his armpits. As they wander all over his chest, I tease his nipples with the tips of my fingers, then pinch them, making them harder. Making me harder. Shannon moans as I twist the little buds, and I'm pretty sure he can feel my hard-on twitch at the small of his back.

"Ngh... Feels good..." he breathes out, slightly rocking his hips.

"I know something that could feel even better, Pet."

The husky whisper has him shiver within my hold, and at the same time, my right hand sneaks around his waist and firmly grasps his erection, giving it a full stroke that makes him squeal and arch his back.

"Please, Master..."

The title sounds so nice in his mouth! My left hand grabs a handful of hair at the back of his head and forces it to tilt so that I can kiss him while the other one keeps stroking his shaft. His moans only increase my own arousal and by the way he is stiffening, I can tell he's getting close to his release, so I slow down the pace for a while. As I nibble on his swelling lips and his chin, I pick up speed, then slow down again.

I keep this little game going for a few minutes, enjoying his moans which are getting louder and louder. Yet, I don't want to push him too far already and his breathing is becoming quite heavy, his begging almost plaintive.

"Come for me, Shannon!" I whisper in his ear, and as if he had been waiting for the command, he unloads his release in a long moan while I give his shaft a few more strokes, deepening our kiss.

After a few minutes, he comes back from his high and tries to turn around to face me, but I stop him and remove the drain plug. I make him stand up with me so that we can properly clean this time, and while we kiss, my hands roam all over his body, insisting particularly on his backside and teasing his entrance with my fingers. Each time I probe his little hole, Shannon moans and his cock quickly hardens again. I eventually use the shower head to wash the soap off. I'm first to step out of the bathtub and wrap a towel around my waist, which forms a nice tent at the front. I help Shannon out of the tub and rub a towel over his body.

"I could help you with..." he begins to say, trailing his hands from the top of my chest further south.

"Not yet," I interrupt him, which makes him sigh in frustration.

"May I ask a question?"

"You already did just now," I reply seriously, but that doesn't prevent him from chuckling.

"When are we going to... have... you know... to have sex?" he stutters, blushing lightly as he casts his eyes down.


*   *   *

Shannon is still speechless and doesn't even react as I lead him into the corridor instead of the bedroom. With our towels wrapped around our waists, we stop in front of the only room he hasn't seen yet, and I use the key I took in my bedroom to unlock the door, my heart beats faster. I want to make sure the young man is ready for this though, so before I turn the knob, I capture his chin between my fingers and tilt his head up.

"This room is a playroom, Shannon," I explain. "It's pretty much similar to the one you saw at the Black Diamond during your training, so you shouldn't be too surprised by its contents. Are you ready to go in?"

His eyes open widely, only displaying eagerness and lust and as he nods, I open the door and let him in first so that he can have a look around after I have turned the dim lights on. The room has no windows, so it's quite somber with its charcoal walls and dark gray wooden floor, but perfectly in line with the BDSM atmosphere.

Its fairly large surface fits a four-poster bed - King size and without a canopy! - at the back, a black leather cross against the left wall, where there is also a grid fixed on the ceiling. Let's not forget the punishment bench on the right side, which sits next to a chest of drawers that contains all sorts of accessories.

"If you don't feel comfortable here yet, we can go back to the bedroom," I whisper after a couple of minutes of silence, resting a comforting hand at the nape of his neck.

"No! No! I'm fine here!" he exclaims, but his voice is still a bit shaky, so I tilt his head up once more to look deep into his eyes.

"Remember, Pet, we can always stop a scene at any moment if it becomes too much for you. Do you remember your safewords?"

"Yes, Master! Red to stop and yellow to slow down," he replies and this time, his tone holds much more confidence.

"Good boy. Now let's remind you of a few rules. When in this room, they are the same as at the club. I expect you to call me Master and to obey orders without hesitation. Respect will be fundamental, and don't forget, you are not allowed to come before I give you permission to. Is this all clear?"

"Yes, Master!" he replies eagerly and I let go of his chin.

"Kneel!" I order, tugging on his towel at the same time.

The young man immediately drops to his knees, at attention. Seeing him in this perfect posture, with his head lowered and his cock standing proudly makes me so hard that my own erection is leaking beneath my towel.

"You're beautiful, Pet," I tell him as I crouch to his level. "In the future, when I tell you to go and wait for me in the playroom, I want to find you in this position, at this exact same spot, either naked or only wearing boxer briefs, alright?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good boy," I reply before I stand back up and go to the chest of drawers to retrieve a few things I will need and bring them to the bedside table. "Please come here, Pet, and lie down on your back in the middle of the bed," I then order.

Shannon complies without hesitation and with much eagerness actually, his body never able to remain still. I know he suffers from ADHD, so stillness is near to impossible for him, but I will try to make him learn little by little. Using restraints should help so once he is in the right position, I take the leather bracelet hanging from the top left of the bed and secure it around his left wrist, then use the one at the foot of the bed to restrain his left ankle.

I proceed similarly with his right side and once I have adjusted all the chains, stretching his limbs to the maximum, Shannon is left spread-eagle on the bed and barely able to move, except for his hard shaft that keeps jerking from excitation. What a beautiful sight!

"Are you okay, Pet?"

"Yes, Master," he whispers.

"This blindfold," I explain, picking a long piece of black clothe from the bedside table and showing it to him, "is going to increase your sensations."

Said blindfold is swiftly wrapped around his head, covering his eyes, and I don't waste any time joining my lips to his for a deep kiss. His chest rises up and down in rhythm with his pants as I run my fingers all over his perfectly hairless chest, then it's time for a bit more teasing. Dropping my towel to the floor, I take the long feather from the table and kneel on the bed, straddling his right thigh.

As the black soft item brushes against his neck, Shannon gasps and tilts his head, containing a hiss. I let it run along his collarbone, left and right, then up and down the inside of his arms. Remaining silent, I continue edging him, trailing the feather all over his chest, insisting on the erect little buds of his nipples and his navel, always further south, but I cautiously avoid his twitching erection.

I carry on with his legs, titillating his groin, then the insides of his thighs, his calves, before I head back north, ever so slowly. The tip of his cock is leaking with precum, as is mine, and I can't wait to finally taste him.

"How are you feeling, Pet?" I ask with a deep voice.

"Good Master... I... I want more."

"You'll have to be a bit more patient," I chuckle, discarding the feather on the floor.

Kneeling between his legs, I rest my hands on each side of him and begin the exact same trail I made earlier, with my lips and my tongue this time. When I reach his hips, Shannon has become a begging mess, writhing beneath me, but I still keep my way southward. As my mouth returns to his chest and my tongue begins to tease his nipples, Shannon rises his hips and his wet cock makes contact with my skin.

"Please, Master..."

"Shhh, more patience, Pet. Focus on the sensations and try to keep still," I encourage him before my lips cover his.

My tongue forces its way in and visits his warm cavern for a moment, before I go back down and give a long lick to his shaft, from root to tip. The boy squeaks when I pull his shaft upward and kiss its tip, licking another bead of precum, and he becomes even louder when I completely swallow his length. After a few minutes of bobbing my head up and down, swirling my tongue around his girth, I feel his balls tightening, so I let go of his member.

"Ngh... please!!!"

"Not yet, Pet..."

I reach for the bottle of lube on the bedside table and pour a large amount on my fingers, then begin to spread the cold substance between his buttocks. I am finally getting where I wanted to be. My own erection is getting painful, so after I have teased his entrance for a few seconds, I slowly let my index slide into his tight hole. And tight it is!

Once he seems to have adjusted to the sensation, I begin to thrust my finger in and out, and quickly add my middle digit. After a few minutes of stretching him while I nuzzle his neck, Shannon starts rocking his hips, meeting all the shoves of my fingers. I believe the poor edged boy has had enough of preparation, so I retrieve my fingers from his channel, which earns me a whining moan.

I get up from the bed to free his ankles from their restraints, then unroll a condom over my throbbing erection, that I coat with another load of lube. Kneeling back between his legs, I hover over Shannon, chest against chest and my hands tucked underneath his shoulder blades, and as my lips attach to his, I align the tip of my cock with his entrance.

After a long minute of probing, I let the mushroom head push past the ring of muscles, and Shannon's moans quickly encourage me to slip further in.

"Oh fuck! You feel so good, Pet!" I groan once I am fully sat inside of his warm channel, greatly enjoying his tightness.

I give him a couple of minutes to adjust to my size, then I begin to thrust back and forth, searching the right angle to hit his prostate.

"Oh Goooooood!"

His squeal soon tells me I have found it, so I hold the position and start rocking my hips faster. The hard pounding into his ass and his incoherent moans are so exciting that my orgasm is building up quickly, but I try to hold it for a while longer. His shaft is rubbing against my abdomen, spreading precum between us, while Shannon is pleading me to let him come. I think he has already done great with edging for a first time, so I sneak a hand between our stomachs and begin to stroke his erection.

"Come for me, Pet!" I eventually whisper in his ear.

His squeal of pleasure is almost deafening as he reaches his climax and releases his load, creating a sticky mess between our chests. His asshole clenching around my girth is my undoing, causing me to utter a loud groan as I fill the condom with my seed. This is the best orgasm I have had in a very long time!

I drop a sweet kiss on his lips as I pull out of him and remove the blindfold. Shannon has gone completely limp beneath me and his eyes don't even open. He is so cute with his pouted lips! After another peck on his nose, I get up and hurry to my bathroom where I get rid of the condom in the bin then prepare a washcloth that I wet with warm water.

Back in the playroom and once both our chests are clean, I free his wrists from the restraints and gently roll him on his stomach to perform his aftercare. Shannon doesn't even wake up while I massage his limbs, then his back, making sure he won't feel too sore from all the tension. This first experience, although one of the simplest, was great. I am not disappointed at all and can't wait to push things a little further.

Published on 9 May 2016

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