Chapter 49 - Merry Christmas!

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(Shan's POV - Tue. 23 December 2014)

"Shan, will you stop squirming!?" Mark grunts with authority.

It doesn't even sound like a question, more like an order. We are at Chicago O'Hare airport and it seems like I can't remain still while we wait for our flight to be called. Ever since Mark announced we'd fly to New Jersey for Christmas, I have been craving for this moment. My first flight ever.

Of course, I am very eager to meet his parents; with all that Mark has been telling us about them, I feel like I've known them forever. His mother sounds like the one I've always dreamed of, kind, supportive and understanding. His father sounds like... his son's father, authoritative and hard-working, but also encouraging. I'm sure we'll get along very well! That is... if they can cope with my boisterous personality. Paul Murray is quite tired from his heart attack, and I promised I'd try my best to reign in my hyperactivity around him.

Anyway, we're not there yet and before I have to tone down my innate enthusiasm, there's still a fantastic experience waiting for me... My first time on a plane! I have always wanted to fly but never had the opportunity to. As a child, I was too noisy and lively, so my parents never dared to take me on such a trip and always kept our vacation within tolerable car distances – which means I never went further up than Green Bay, Wisconsin. Later, after I moved in with Liam and started earning money, I had hoped to save enough to travel or why not fly to Los Angeles with him when he visited his parents, however, the spendthrift I am never managed to do so. My Bunny did offer to buy me a ticket, but I always declined, not willing to abuse his kindness.

So, this is my first flight and I am extremely excited about it! So much so that barely after ten minutes sitting on this uncomfortable chair, I'm already annoying my Master with my legs bouncing while my eyes try to catch everything that's happening on the tarmac. Thank goodness, my muscles seem to get Mark's message, hearing the sternness in his tone, and immediately cease their quiver as my feet quietly rest back on the floor.

"Why did we have to come so early?" I ask with irritation though, rolling my eyes at Alex who's sitting on Mark's other side and chuckling at my impatience.

"Because that's how it's supposed to be, Shan. Now please quiet down," Mark reasons. "Look at this kid over there. He can't be older than 2 or 3 and he shows more patience than you do!" he adds, pointing at a little boy in another row of seats.

The little buddy is so cute with his small backpack, sitting on the edge of his chair with his legs dangling and swinging. He looks completely lost in the contemplation of the planes and trucks outside, watching them through the window wall.

"Perhaps he's used to traveling..." I argue with bad grace.

"Stop it, Shan. Just take your book and read. Or play on your phone. It shouldn't be more than a few more minutes now."

A few more minutes? Forty of them, yeah! That's how much more we have to wait before they eventually call the passengers of the Delta flight to Philadelphia! I instantly jump to my feet, ignoring Mark's sigh, and paw the ground while he slowly slips his laptop back inside his messenger bag. Alex also stands up, obviously not too confident. My poor Pumpkin has never been on a plane either, but contrary to me, flying scares him a bit.

"It's okay, Alex," Mark reassures him, wrapping a comforting arm around his shoulders. "I told you this morning, risks are near to zero on a plane, and you'll see, it's fun."

"You can sit in the middle and we'll be holding your hands," I offer warmly as well, and I'm glad to see a small smile draw on his face.

"Thank you, Muffin, that would be nice..."

Excitement fills me as we finally get on the plane. Part of the crew welcomes the passengers and guides them toward their seats. Mark wanted to book business class seats, but Alex and I bugged him until he yielded for coach class ones. For one, he refused to let us pay for our own tickets, and we didn't want him to spend too much useless money. Of course, it was a lame argument to him, however, after looking at the seat map, we saw that the business cabin is set in a way that one of us would have been left out from the others since there are only two seats on each side, whereas there are three in coach. Besides, it's only a two-hour flight and we don't need the business comfort for so little time.

Mark invites me to sit next to the window so that I can enjoy the sight as we take off, and he takes the aisle seat, allowing Alex to settle between us. I'm not sure what Mark did, but we were lucky enough to get the first row on the right side, which means more comfort and space for our legs, especially Mark's long ones.

We get a short safety demonstration from the hostess once everybody has finally sat down. Yeah, there are always latecomers, but I can't blame them. Hadn't it been for Mark who urged us to arrive at least an hour before departure time, I would have been among them. As the plane gets towed to the runway, Alex's hand turns sweatier and his fingers almost painfully squeeze mine when the aircraft picks up speed. I can't really see in front of the plane, but it seems like the runway is getting shorter and shorter and I begin to worry a bit whether we are going to make it or not.

However, the front suddenly rises, and we get to feel the pull of the motors as our bodies are forced backwards. And there we are flying! Looking through the round window, I can see the ground slowly backing away, the cars and buildings getting smaller until I can't distinguish anything anymore. The sensations in my belly are eerie!

"Isn't it beautiful?" I ask Alex as I tug on his hand and make him look through the window while we fly through the clouds.

"It's like we're surrounded by cotton!" he exclaims, the pressure of his hand eventually relaxing.

As he gapes at the landscape, I briefly peek at Mark who is watching us with eyes full of love and smile back at him.

"Want to swap seats, Pumpkin?" I suggest after a few minutes when the seatbelt signal goes off.

"Can we?" he exclaims, turning to Mark for his approval, and he nods in answer. "Thank you, Muffin!" he then adds with a grin once we have moved.

"You're welcome!"

Mark grabs my hand and throws me a very warm look that makes me feel like a good boy. The rest of the flight is... long and boring. Taking off was cool with the speed sensations, but then, it's nothing more than sitting in an armchair without having anything to do. The clouds block our view from the ground, so I can't even keep busy looking at what our planet looks like from above. And boredom is definitely not my friend.

Mark sighs as my legs start bouncing again, but he soon leans down to search into his bag and pulls out some sort of comics that he rests over my lap.

"What's that?" I ask, frowning at him.

"Aww that's Waldo!" Alex whisper-shouts. "Come on, Shan! Don't you know who Waldo is?"

"Err... No, I don't. It looks like a book for kids..."

"Adults like him too, have a look!" Mark suggests.

"Yes, let's look for Waldo, Shan!" Alex says with renewed cheerfulness.

I think he's going nuts. Maybe he doesn't deal well with heights... I still take a look at the book. It's called Where's Waldo – Santa Spectacular. As I open it, all I can see is... a whole mess of characters and things! No speech bubbles like in comic strips, just confusion with dozens of tiny individuals. In front of my perplexed expression, Alex shuts the book and points the cover, where there's a guy with spectacles and a red and white pullover and hat.

"See? That's Waldo," he says, opening the book again to the messy page. "The goal is to find him in there!"

Hmm... Interesting. I usually have a good sense of observation, so it shouldn't be too difficult. And yet, ten minutes later, I still haven't found Waldo.

"Found him!!" Alex squeals, leaning over my shoulder.

"Liar..." the sore loser I am replies.

"Here!" Alex points his finger to the book and here I see the little Waldo.

"He's so small!!! How could I have found him??" I grouse.

Yeah. Definitely a sore loser.

"Alex did find him. Try harder next time," Mark reasons.

I turn to the next page... and that's a double page. Alex and I bend over the book and start scrutinizing the drawings. I groan inwardly as time passes and I still haven't found the little prick. Until my eyes finally focus on a red and white hat.

"Found him!!" I exclaim with a smirk, causing Alex to laugh.

"See? It's not that difficult. Let's try another one!"

It goes on like this for the rest of the flight while Mark is working on his laptop and until a hostess comes to remind us that we need to put our seatbelts back on because the plane is about to start its descent.

"Do you want to resume your seat in the middle," I ask Alex.

"No, it's okay, thanks... unless you want to be by the window?"

"Nah, I can enjoy the sight snuggled against you..." I reply, doing just as I say.

The landing is almost as funny as the take-off. It is rather impressive to see the ground zooming in so fast and I still wonder how such a huge craft can fall from the sky and not crash. The plane barely bounces on the runway as it touches the ground and soon after comes to a stop.

Now comes my second source of excitement... Meeting Paul and Sophia Murray. I wonder how I should address them, though. Sophia and Paul? Mrs. and Mr. Murray? Mark hasn't given us any instruction, so I'll go with Mr. Murray and Mrs. Murray for now.

I, who have never set a foot out of Illinois or Wisconsin, am about to see two different states in a few minutes. Pennsylvania and New Jersey! The weather is so bad that I can't really enjoy the sight as the taxi takes us on the Delaware Expressway. There is quite a lot of traffic when we reach the bridge over the Delaware River and the heavy rain doesn't help. It even seems like snow has joined in. We soon enter a town named Camden when we exit the bridge which makes me chuckle.

"Did Camden's parents name him after this town?" I ask Mark playfully, making Alex giggle.

"No, Cam arrived in the region when he was five, so his name has nothing to do with this town," Mark replies, rolling his eyes.

"Hello, my name is Camden and I live in Camden," Alex chants jokingly, trying to take a deeper voice. "Nah, that would suck. My name is Alex and I live in Camden sounds better."

"I can't imagine you living in Camden... That would rather be Camden living in you..." I joke, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Ugh, that's gross, Shan..." Alex replies, making a disgusting face and even shuddering at the thought of my innuendo.

"I'll tell Cam... I'm sure he'll love how you're making fun of his name," Mark chirps in.

"No, please don't!!" Alex and I beg, suddenly more serious.

"It's funny how Cam can still make you feel uneasy?" Mark teases us.

"Doesn't he make you feel so?" Alex mumbles.

"Not at all!" Mark guffaws. "I've known him for almost 25 years and he doesn't impress me, at least not in an uncomfortable way. You guys just need to get to know him better. He's not as cold as he looks and he's truly a great friend."

"I'm sure he is, and he doesn't impress me as much as he used to in the beginning, but admit he looks quite... dry, and strict... and severe..." I comment.

"He's a Sadist, Shan," Mark retorts in a low tone. "What did you expect? You'll just have to get to know him better. You'll see he can be fun too. Anyway, we're almost there. That's the street where my parents live and have their business."

Mark told us that Collingswood is a pretty little town and it looks nice indeed. It's nothing like Chicago and its huge buildings. Haddon Street is bordered by cute houses – the American type with open gardens, no fences – and plenty of trees. As we get closer to the center, we get to see more shops and restaurants too, then a few low buildings, most of them being made of red bricks, until our driver pulls on the right and stops. After Mark has paid for the ride, we all step out and gather our luggage from the trunk.

Our tall man's eyes show a lot of fondness and nostalgia as he points a cute red brick one-story building across the street. The ground floor has long bay windows and three doors at the center. The one in the middle seems to lead to the upper floor and the apartment, and the two others give access to the restaurant, it seems, and indeed, as Mark leads us to the middle one, we enter some sort of hall with a staircase that leads upstairs.

"Mark!!! Sweetheart!! You're here!!" a feminine voice squeals when we reach the top of the staircase.

We have arrived into a large living room and a petite woman crashes into Mark's chest as he walks further in. Alex and I can't help a giggle when we see our man lean down to wrap his arms around her shoulders while she pats his back and clings to him. This is so cute!

"Hey, Mom..." he chuckles. "I saw you only ten days ago!"

"I know! But it's so good to see you again, Sweetie!" she says, squeezing him even tighter.

"Sophia," a very deep voice – similar to Mark's but hoarser – echoes from what seems to be an open kitchen. "Will you stop suffocating your son? Let him breathe!"

Said voice belongs to a man in his sixties, barely shorter than Mark and with a rather strong built. I wonder if his tan comes from spending so much time in front of the stoves, but I doubt it. His features are sweet though, and their expression holds a lot of tenderness as he looks at his son, his salt-and-pepper hair adding a lot of charm to his handsomeness. If I ever wondered what Mark will look like in thirty or forty years, well, I have an answer and I can't say I'm disappointed! Except for the color of their eyes – which our Dominant must have gotten his mother – Mark and his father are like two peas in a pod, a younger and an older version.

"Hi, Dad!" Mark whispers with emotion as he embraces his old man.

"Hi, Son. It's good to see you and at least, I'm awake this time!"

"Well, I much prefer you awake!" Mark grunts in answer as he pats his father's back.

Alex and I have been shyly standing back by the top of the staircase, allowing the family to enjoy their reunion, but Mark soon turns to us with a warm smile and motions for us to join them.

"Come in, guys, let me introduce you!"

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Murray," we both say timidly, and the latter's eyes immediately brighten with wit as she walks toward us.

"No, let me guess, Mark!" Mrs. Murray squeals, pointing a finger at me first. "You with these beautiful mischievous eyes are Shannon, and you little Cutie are Alex! I'm so happy to finally meet you!" she exclaims before she grabs us both into a hug. "Please call me Sophia and make yourself at ease!"

"Thank you so much for welcoming us..." Alex whispers.

"You're so welcome! It's a pleasure to have you here! And this is Paul, Mark's father!"

We both walk to the older man to shake hands, but he also pulls us into a manly hug. What's with New Jersey people and their hugs!? I love this though!

"Welcome home, Shannon and Alex! And you can call me Paul. It's so nice meeting you!" he says as he breaks our embrace and looks at us with affectionate eyes.

"Right... Let's go and put our luggage away," Mark says after a bit of chitchatting about our trip. "Then we'll go prepare dinner."

Mark leads us back to the staircase and into a corridor with three doors. He explains that the first one is his parents' bedroom, then the bathroom, and at the end of the corridor, there is his own bedroom. It's funny that his old room remained as it was when he was a teenager, with posters and plenty of pictures on the walls. I can't help a smirk as I recognize the wall behind his bed from the Skype conversation we had two weeks ago, and I can totally see him again, lying bare-chested on his bed, and jacking off while...

"Please keep your dirty thoughts aside for now, you naughty boy..." he suddenly whispers in my ear, hugging me from behind.

"I wasn't thinking about anything dirty..." I lie playfully.

"Sure... That's not what this bulge says..." he replies, groping my crotch.

The evening goes really smoothly and in a light atmosphere. After we have been showed the restaurant downstairs – where it seems to be where they usually have their meals – Paul, Alex and Mark start cooking chicken breasts and green beans while Sophia and I set the table. The Murrays' restaurant is nothing like Le Marais in size, but it can still hold about forty guests, and its decoration, white walls with paintings of landscapes, is very neat. They haven't reopened the restaurant due to Paul's health issues, and they won't since they are in the process of retiring and selling it.

As I thought, Paul and Sophia are very nice people. She is extremely cheerful and talkative too, asking Alex and me a ton of questions about our childhoods and lives in general. Toward the end of dinner, while Paul and Alex start a conversation about how a capon should be cooked, Sophia tells me a lot about Mark's younger years and how he hated going to school before he met Joshua, Aaron and Camden. It seems like the four friends' bond grew stronger and stronger over the years, with them spending all their free time together. As I tell her, my relationship with Liam may not be as old as theirs, but I know how important it is to have at least one supportive friend, and Lili is definitely one.

Since we're so deep into our conversation, we have completely tuned out Mark, Alex and Paul's, and as we start clearing the table and cleaning the kitchen, we keep on chitchatting there. Seems like we have a point in common: TALKING! And we do that a lot! She is sad to hear that my parents had a hard time handling my hyperactivity and that my bi-sexuality caused us to drift apart. I wish I had such an understanding and open-minded family as Mark's.

The following morning, after a restful – yet sexless – night of sleep, then a nice and copious breakfast, Mark takes us for a tour of the town, showing us the most important places of his childhood, like the schools he went to and the parks where he would hang out with his friends. He also shows us where Camden used to live – some sort of crappy prefabricated house – as well as Aaron's former place, from afar, which is not that big considering I heard the Master Dom had eight siblings. When an old woman walks out the front door, Mark immediately drags us away.

"Was this Master Aaron's mother?" Alex asks shyly as we head back toward the shops.


"It looks like you're trying to avoid her," I chuckle. "Why don't you go and say hi?"

"I am avoiding her and we're not on very good terms."

"Why is that?" Alex questions.

"Hmm... Let's say that Aaron fled quite abruptly back in the years, when he was still a minor, and never got in touch with his family again," Mark explains awkwardly, almost grunting.

"Oh... Was it that bad at his place?"

"His entire family is... They're all zealous Catholics and fervent bigots, so you can imagine. Anyway, let's not discuss this now, Boys, I'll explain you another day. Let's go do some last-minute shopping!" he concludes, leaving us a bit perplexed.

It's hard imagining Master Aaron living in such a family, but if that's the case, I can only guess how horrible it must have been for him or why he would have wanted to run away.

After some quick errands, the three cooks set to prepare a capon in the French way, which apparently takes hours to roast in an oven, while Sophia and I spend more time together decorating one of the dining rooms of the restaurant with garlands, wreaths and a tree full of decors. Mark keeps checking in on us, probably to make sure I'm behaving, while pretending he just needs a kiss.

"Sophia, may I ask a question?" I say shyly and in a low voice.

We are now sitting at a table, far enough from the kitchen, and preparing toasts and crackers.


"Why does Mark refuse to celebrate his birthday?"

A shadow suddenly casts her motherly features as memories seem to flash back inside her head, and I immediately regret being so curious.

"Never mind... I shouldn't have asked this..." I apologize.

"It's okay, Shannon, don't worry, but I can't answer this question. If Mark hasn't told you yet, it means he's just not ready to face old demons. He's usually very open on communication, but I'm not surprised... There are things he'd rather forget, I guess..."

"Yeah... Communication is like his second name..." I grouse playfully.

"Just give him a bit more time, Shannon, I'm sure he'll tell you at some point," she replies, gently brushing my arm.

"I hope he will. It would be so nice to arrange a party for his thirtieth birthday."

"I can only agree with you!" she cheers.

"What is it you can only agree with, Mom?" Mark asks warily as he walks into the dining room for the umpteenth time and comes to rest his hands on my shoulders from behind.

"That you're such a wonderful and generous person, Sweetie! I'm glad I raised you well!" Sophia replies naturally.

"That, you did!" he chuckles before he leans down, tilts my head backwards and brushes his lips against mine. "You better be good..." he then adds in a whisper.

"You've told me about a hundred times this afternoon, I think I got the message..." I grunt.

"Come on, Mark, go back to the kitchen and leave us alone!" Sophia teases him. "Or I'll have to go get your photo albums and show pictures to Alex and Shannon!"

"Oh my goodness!! I want to see them!!!" I squeal.

"Ugh... Mom!!!!" Mark growls as he walks back to the kitchen, making us burst out laughing.

Our Christmas Eve dinner occurs in a very joyful atmosphere, something I had never experienced before. I am seated between Paul and Mark at a round table while Alex is between Mark and Sophia, and although there is a general conversation going on throughout the dinner, I still manage to catch up with Paul since I've spent most of the time with Sophia, and Alex does the same with her. Mark participates on both sides, paying attention to what his parents may reveal about his childhood. For that matter, there's this moment when Mark fetches some wine from the cellar and Sophia recounts how the eight-year-old boy tried to use the blender on his own for the first time and forgot to put the lid back on, thus getting covered with milk, ice-cream and fruits and creating such a mess in the kitchen. I can easily imagine his face when he switched on the appliance and got splashed with the mixture, and actually, both Alex and I are laughing to tears when he comes back.

"What is this about?" Mark sighs as he sits back at the table.

"Something about a blender being used without the lid..." Alex replies, stifling his giggles.

"Gosh...Enjoying yourself, guys?" Mark grunts, rolling his eyes. "And Mom, will you please stop digging out all the skeletons in my closet?"

"No way!! It's too funny!" I exclaim. "We need more of them!"

"Don't worry, Shannon, the closet is full..." Paul chirps in, laughing as well.

"Oh, come on, Dad! Where's the father-son collusion!?"

"In the closet with the skeletons obviously!" I blurt out, making everyone laugh, and even Mark.

"Yeah, right... I guess I'll be the laughing stock for the rest of the evening..."

Our dinner goes on cheerfully with more anecdotes while we enjoy a delicious dinner. Mark had cooked some goose foie gras earlier this week and I absolutely love it with the gingerbread they baked this afternoon. I also adore the French wine called Larmes de Sainte Catherine that goes with it, but unfortunately, Mark doesn't let me have a second glass of the delicious spirit since I already had two of Champagne before dinner. The capon and sweet chestnuts are divine too, and I wonder if I will still have room for dessert.

This is when Mark suggests that we take a break and open our presents, to which Sophia and I squeal our approval with excitement, causing Mark to sigh and shake his head. There are many gifts under the Christmas tree, and when I throw a questioning look at Alex, he replies with a wink, indicating me that he already added Mark's. I can't wait to see his reaction when he opens it!

Alex being the youngest, Sophia sends him to the tree to hand the packages to everyone, and my Pumpkin remains loyal to himself, blushing deeply as he does so. Paul and Sophia get a lot of small gifts, including a book about how to make your retirement a success and plenty of things for hot weather, such as shades, sunblock, clothes and hats. Alex and I also get clothes and books.

Mark is the last one to open his presents and one of them is a beautiful photo album from his parents with old pictures that his mother recently found and got redeveloped for him. This leads to a very emotional moment as we all look at the pictures of younger Mark. As he is about to open the package we brought from Chicago, Alex grabs his wrist and flushes red before he speaks up.

"Please... promise you won't get mad..." he stutters, making Mark frown.

Now that Mark is about to unwrap our present to him, I'm not too sure it was a good idea anymore. We spent quite a lot of money on the ring when he instructed us not to. Besides, it's quite personal and he might have preferred finding out in private when it's just the three of us and without his parents around.

"Why would I, Baby?" Mark asks, deepening his frown.

Alex just shrugs his shoulders and lets go of his hand, allowing Mark to pull the white box from its wrapping and discover the name of the famous jewelry imprinted on it, which only accentuates his suspicious expression.

"Some guys haven't listened to my directions, it seems..." he sighs, shaking his head.

"Instead of grumbling, just open the box, Sweetie!" Sophia intervenes with mock annoyance.

"I'm not grumbling!" Mark protests before he complies, and his eyes open widely when he gets to see the jewel nested inside. "Oh boy..."

His parents get up to go and stand behind him in order to have a better look at the beautiful signet ring that Mark carefully takes between his thumb and index finger. Each side has been hammered with an awl making little embossed dots all along. In the middle, a large, smooth and polished band runs around the ring and the signet space is straight. The letters A, M and S have been engraved on the signet in a beautiful calligraphy. The A and the S are slightly smaller than the M, with the end of the A intertwined with the first leg of the M, as is the tail of the S with the last leg of the M.

"Beautiful..." Sophia whispers as Paul squeezes his son's shoulder.

Alex and I exchange a worried look, biting our lower lips and anticipating Mark's reaction. A small smile eventually draws on his lips, but what strikes me the most is the emotion displaying in his eyes as he looks at us.

"You, Boys, are crazy..." he finally says with a strangled voice.

"It symbolizes our relationship... and more..." I explain meaningfully, referring to our lifestyle.

"Try it on..." Alex suggests. "I hope it's the right size..."

Smiling, Mark slips the ring around the third finger of his right hand and I'm glad to see it fits perfectly. Besides, the white gold makes a perfect match with his tanned skin.

"Thank you, Boys... I truly love it!" he says after a few seconds, allowing us to sigh with relief. "But I still think you're crazy!" he adds with a knowing look, and both Alex and I poke our tongues out at him.

Thankfully, Paul and Sophia give us a short moment of privacy while they go and prepare the dessert, giving us enough time for hugs and kisses.

"Time for dessert!!" Sophia cheers when she comes back with Paul.

"Thank you everyone for all these presents!" Paul adds. "I must admit that the best one is to have you all here tonight and I'm really glad we've finally met you, Shannon and Alex!"

Later that night, after a bit more Champagne and a delicious chocolate Yule log, we all head to bed. I am feeling a little tipsy and can't help giggling stupidly about nothing and everything, exactly like Sophia and Alex do. My Pumpkin is still underage, but Mark allowed him a glass of Champagne too and not being used to drinking alcohol, he didn't need more of the sparkling spirit to get light-headed.

After a stop by the bathroom for a quick evening routine, Alex and I are now trying to strip off our clothes by the bed while Mark is watching us, chuckling and shaking his head as we both attempt to help each other out. He ends up undressing us after Alex nearly stumbles to the floor and puts us in bed, lying between us.

"Your parents are really great..." I say dreamily once we are all comfortably settled, our heads resting on Mark's chest.

"I know..." he replies thoughtfully.

"They really don't look like they're in their sixties, and they're so... ahead of their time!" Alex adds.

"They've always been like this, very tolerant and open-minded. Yeah... They're really great parents, and I'm so glad they've accepted you so well."

"It wasn't difficult... We're such good boys..." I reply playfully.

"Yes, you've been good boys. Thank you for behaving so well..."

"No, thank you for such a wonderful Christmas. I'd never had such a nice one before," I say, pecking his lips then Alex's before I rest my head back on his chest and close my eyes.

"Same for me... at least not in a long time..." Alex comments.

"I love you, Boys, though... I should be angry at you..." Mark trails off. "You weren't supposed to spend that much money."

I reopen my eyes, only to find Alex staring anxiously at me in the darkness and we both stiffen a bit.

"We just wanted something to symbolize our union... and to claim you as ours..." Alex murmurs.

"Exactly! That's only fair!" I add.

"You already know I'm yours, Boys..."

"Yes, but we wear a collar to show we belong to you and we wanted you to wear something that shows you belong to us," I reason. "Would you have preferred a collar?" I ask cheekily, grinning at him.

"In your dreams, Babe... You guys are the collared ones!" he chuckles.

"And happy to be so!" I reply, Alex agreeing with a nod. "Do we really need to fly back tomorrow?"

"Unfortunately, yes, we do. Work is calling us back."

"Ugh, too bad. I really like your parents too..." Alex sighs. "Do you have a lot of work coming up?"

"Yeah, quite a lot. Soon it'll be time to close the books for all the restaurants, I need to meet all the teams to review the past year, and then, I also need to meet the guys at the club to help Aaron. Not that Josh, Cam and I have a real say in the development of the Black Diamond, but we always meet at the end of the year to discuss how it could improve."

"Oh... I didn't know that..." I say. "Are you some sort of... shareholders?"

"No, not at all. But Aaron has always wanted us to participate actively in the club, so he needs our opinions and ideas, and we also have to finalize New Year's Eve party..."

"Oh yeah, that will be another great celebration!" I exclaim, already imagining what Mark will plan to happen in his playroom.

"Shan..." Mark grunts.

"Hmm?" I reply innocently, but I know he can feel my erection swelling against his thigh.

"Let's sleep now so that we can enjoy our last day here tomorrow," he says, tightening his hold around my shoulders.

However, I have other thoughts in my head. I can't say whether my boldness comes from the bubbles of Champagne or from thinking about an intense sex scene for New Year's Eve, but I suddenly disappear underneath the comforter to pleasure my Master, immediately followed by an obviously-horny Alex too. Mark stifles a groan as we both pull down his pajama pants and make our tongues swirl around his already-erect monster.

What would be a Christmas celebration without worshipping your men's manhood?

Published on 6 June 2016

Below is a Google Street picture of the place that inspired me Mark's childhood place and his parents' restaurant. And then, for those who don't know who Waldo is, there are also two pics of him (although this cover says Wally, his name in the UK) ;)

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