Chapter 12

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Before he knew it, Lennox found the reports snatched from his hand and cast aside. Nita was sitting on a chair the opposite way across from him, arms crossed over the back of it. Amara was still hovering around behind her. Strangely, Nita had on a challenging smile.

"Wh-what are you going to talk about?" Lennox asked, feeling slightly nervous when Nita continued to smile at him.

"You seem just fine, don't you?" Nita asked.

"Uh, I'm fine and well, if that's what you want to know." Lennox said. "Ah, no real injuries from the little scuffle today."

"'Little'?" Nita grinned.

"Er..." Lennox diverted his gaze. Nita was being strange.

"I-it wasn't little at all!" Amara said loudly and somewhat boldly. "There was a big and weird monster thing, and..." She faltered a little, but she shook her head and continued, "And Suzanna almost got shot, and I met my supposed brother!"

Lennox was surprised by Amara speaking up, but Nita was smiling, more slyly this time.

"See that?" She nodded in Amara's direction. "The little kid is being tougher than you."

"I-I'm 13!" Amara insisted.

"Ah, you are!" Nita laughed, finally looking away to grin at Amara playfully. "Funny, you seem was smaller than that!"


She looked back at Lennox, who had a more serious expression on his face now. He knew, that whatever she had to talk about wouldn't just be playing around. Seeing this, Nita slipped back to her thin-lipped smile.

"Oh~?" She seemed a little amused. "Manning up, are you?"

Amara looked between them, slightly frightened by the intense face-off. When they continued glaring at each other, all she wanted to do was break it.

"Alexis told me!" she said loudly, making both Lennox and Nita look at her. She felt a little nervous now that she had grabbed their attention, but she pulled herself together and continued. "That person...who made Lennox freeze...was the person you loved the most!"

Lennox flinched a little when Amara cut right to the chase. But this was a touchy topic, and he didn't want to explore it. But now that Nita had gotten Amara to take the initiative, she had to handle this cautiously, in a way only she could.

"Good job, Amara," Nita said, ruffling her hair. She turned back to Lennox, resting her head on her arms. "So," she began conversationally. "Tell me, who is this person who made you freeze? The person you...'love the most'?"

He really didn't want to discuss this. He couldn't even bring himself to say her name. He got up, and started to make his way towards the door.

"Running away?" Nita asked, just as he rested his hand on the door handle, making him freeze. He stayed there in silence for a while, which was broken by Nita again.

"It was Leanne, wasn't it?"

Amara felt the atmosphere grow heavy. She looked between them, a little afraid. More silence passed. And, yet again, Nita broke it.

"I found your weakness, Lennox."

Lennox finally whipped around to look at her, and it brought a smile to Nita's face again.

"Remember when we sparred for the first time together?" she asked, turning to stare ahead of her. "You completely crushed me. Again and again."

Lennox pressed his lips together uncomfortably, staring down. He knew this already.

"And then I said that I could never beat you. That it would be pointless to keep fighting you and keep getting beaten." Nita continued speaking, hardly acknowledging his discomfort. "Do you remember what you told me after that? You said that I could beat you some time. That everyone and anyone can be beaten. Wasn't it because everybody had a weakness? So what did I have to do to beat you? Find your weakness." She turned back to him, catching his gaze. "Well, I found it."

There was a sharp intake of breath with this sentence. He could hardly hold her gaze anymore, and diverted his eyes from her. On the other hand, Nita turned completely so that her body faced his. 

"This," she said. "This is your weakness."

"Huh?" Lennox's voice came out hoarse and panicky.

"This is your weakness," Nita repeated. "Let's say...if Alexis were to be Converted." 

Lennox's heart seemed to skip a bit and his fist clenched, the fear of the thought overwhelming him. Nita noticed that he gave a reaction and continued.

"Or maybe, if Day were to be Converted-" -Lennox flinched again as if she had slapped him- "-or Owen, or Ken, or Suzanna, or maybe even Amara-"

Lennox had enough and grabbed her shoulders, making her stop.

"Please stop," he told her, surprising her. But it had only been a couple of seconds and she slid back into her somewhat evil smile.

"See? You're already beaten just by this much." Nita said matter-of-factly. "You yourself already know how weak you are. The more you love a person, the more afraid you are." Amara noticed that at this point Nita's expression had softened. It was more on the sad side now. "Lennox, you know well and good that this won't do."

Lennox nodded shakily.

Nita frowned. "You know, this is exactly why Day hates romance and things."

"Huh?" Lennox looked up at her.

"This is exactly what Day is afraid of." Nita said icily. "You brought his worst fear to life. All this time, he has been trying to lighten you up with Alexis, hoping you could move on, you know?"

Lennox looked down again. He had indirectly shaken Day up as well. Day was usually the most collected out of all of them, but he had his fears and concerns. However, he never shared them with him, out of respect of his own worries. 

"Well then, what are you afraid of?" 

Lennox didn't expect this question, so he didn't know how to answer. What was he afraid of?

"...various...things..." was all he came up with.

"Lennox," Nita said, patting the chair beside her, and Lennox sat down. "Is what happened to Leanne your fault?" Lennox was going to answer, but he was cut off. "If you come up with some rounded, long-ass reason, I'm gonna knock the pulp out of you. Is it directly your fault?"

Lennox thought for some time, then slowly shook his head.

"That was easy!" Nita exclaimed, surprising him. 

"Wh-what?" Lennox was confused.

"There's nothing for you to worry about, is there?" Nita asked. Her tone was matter-of-fact. 

Lennox gripped his hands. "But-"

"Oi! No long-ass reasons allowed!" Nita said sternly, crossing her arms. 

"Y-yes..." Lennox stammered, looking down again.

Nita smiled, but it finally a soft one, rather than the sly ones she had been giving all this time. She put her hands reassuringly on his shoulders. "Listen, I know that you may never find another person like Leanne. She really was one of a kind. I know you can't forget about her. And that's okay! You can miss her, and even continue to love her. But please, for the sake of everyone, try to move on, okay?" She cautiously patted his head, but he didn't protest. "She's gone for good now, Lennox, so rest easy."

To most people, this line would have been poorly phrased, cold and harsh even, but it was strangely soothing for him. It was because he knew what Nita meant by it. He understood what she wanted to convey to him. He nodded slowly.

Amara could only watch in awe as the whole thing unfolded before her. All of these people, they really were amazing in their own way. However, all she could do this whole time was stand and watch. She looked down. Had she even become any stronger?

"You don't need to push yourself, though." Nita said, back to her usual self. She stood up and stretched a little. Then she asked, "Do you know where Alexis and Day are now?"

Lennox's head snapped upwards, so did Amara's. "Where?"

Nita smiled a little. Their names could always get a reaction out of him.

"They went after that guy. Ryder." Nita bent down to pick up a discarded sheet, doing the cleaning up Alexis always did. "Well, more like Alexis went after him and Day chased her."

Lennox got to his feet, but he felt wobbly and dizzy.

"Hey, hey, hey," Nita said quickly, going over to his side. "Don't worry, I've got it covered." She helped Lennox back into his seat. "Jeez, trust the people around you a little more. You've got reliable people all around you."

"Mm..." Lennox nodded a little, but he still felt on edge. He distinctly caught Amara's eye, and gave her a small smile. Then he closed his eyes, trying to get the dizziness to stop. Suddenly the door flew open, and he found himself on his feet again.

Alexis and Day were panting in the doorway, the latter looking more worn out than the former. They both caught their breath, allowing time for Lennox, Amara and Nita to take in the small cuts on their faces and limbs.

"What happened?" Nita asked, and Day looked up.

"What happened here?" Day asked in turn.

"Oh, I gave Lennox a pep talk." Nita shrugged nonchalantly.

Amara looked horrified. That was a pep talk?

"Pep talks are scary," Amara muttered, quivering.

"Nita's pep talk?" Day whistled. "How are you still alive?"

"Hush," Nita knocked his head.

"Ow! I'm tired, you know!" Day yelled, rubbing his head. He caught Amara's eye. "Sorry you had to see a pep talk by this young lady," he said apologetically. "Nobody can give a pep talk like she can. She's secretly a demon... Owowowowowowowowow!"

Nita was grinding her fists into the sides of Day's skull. 

"Stop! Stop!" Day yelled. "I repent!"

"Don't ruin my image." Nita said.

"It's already plenty ruined." Day mumbled.

Lennox smiled slightly. Now that he thought about it, it was probably thanks to Nita's pep talks that she was able to earn the respect of people. She could really get into your head and either mess it up or fix it up, depending on what she intended to do. That was probably how she found out Day's fears, when he wasn't willing to tell anyone.

His eyes shifted to Alexis, who was still panting a little. He shot her a questioning look, which she easily deciphered.

"I...found some stuff out..." she mumbled.

Lennox couldn't help but smile. Of course she did. He had reliable people all around him.

At long last, he couldn't hold up anymore, and his knees gave way.

"Oi!" Nita yelled, and in no time, she caught him before he hit the floor. She let outt a sigh. "Okay, then. Make way."

She hoisted him onto her back, and proceeded to drag him out of the room. Day and Alexis stepped aside to give her room, and once she passed, Day slammed the door shut. He and Alexis proceeded to collapse on the chairs Lennox and Nita had vacated.

Amara looked fearfully from the door to the two of them. Why were the acting so calm when, clearly, Lennox had just collapsed?

"Um..." she began, but Day and Alexis immediately understood.

"Oh, don't worry about that." Day said, waving his hand dismissively. "That's a regular occuring."

"Hm?" Amara stepped closer to them, confused. Alexis drew out the chair beside her and beckoned her over. Amara made her way to the seat and sat down tentatively, fidgeting.

"Well, that guy's mental composition is pretty weak, see?" Day explained as Alexis filled up on water. "Like, you know how when you hit...a wall, say, and keep hitting and hitting, it becomes weaker and weaker, and eventually breaks, right? That's a bit what his mind is like."

"...broken?" Amara cocked her head.

"No, no," Day said, shaking his head. "Actually, he's amazing."

"How?" Amara asked.

"Could you choose when you want to pass out?" Day asked, grinning.


"Yeah." Day nodded. "Most people would pass out on the spot, right? But the wall that Lennox's mind is decides by itself when it wants to break. So you keep hitting and hitting, but not until Lennox decides that he can relax now, the wall won't break."

Amara blinked. "How is that even possible?"

Day shrugged, but he there was a smile on his lips. "Who knows?"

" he has to pass out?" Amara asked quietly.

Now finally Alexis spoke. "Everybody needs a break Amara. And for him, that's the only one he can get."

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