Chapter 12: A spy in our mists

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So, yeah. Hi, 200 reads. Yay
I don't sound happy. But I am, I'm just think. But like- thanks! Like holy-
Anyhow, on we ago!

|€| Shrub's POV |€|

We all were sat at the table, the meeting was beginning, I shifted in my seat, I was very nervous, very nervous. Katherine placed her hand on the arm rest of my chair and gave me a reassuring look. I nodded, still nervous. I shifted again. The meeting began.

" So, were all here? " Gem said.
" I believe " Fwhip said.
" What about Xornoth? " Joey said.
" We don't need Rivendale to do this. We can do this just us " Lizzie said.
" I think we do need him- " I said.
" We're fine without him " Joel snapped.
" I think not. We need Xornoth. " Gem replied.

Holy- she really angry somehow- seriously. Like jeez she was glaring at almost everyone. Everyone stared at her, perplexed.

" Well, stop staring at me, " Gem spoke.
" Hold on... what? Where's the real Gem gone? " Joel said, looking at Gem suspiciously.
" Xornoth knows Scott more than us, for sakes he's his brother! " Gem slammed her fists on the table.
" Oh my Aeor you guys are dumb " She said slapping her hands on her face.
" Well someone cares about me " Came a voice from the doorway.

Everyone's head spun to it. There stood Xornoth, just standing there. The only difference right now, he was wearing Rivendale clothes. Dressed like Scott. Was what you could say.

" Ah, you made it, " Gem said, Xornoth nodded.
" Well, Xornorh, why don't we just- leave. " Gem said.
" Yeah yeah, do you wanna teleport? " Xornoth said holding his hand up.
" Anyone else coming? " Gem said, everyone was still.
" No? " Gem said.
" I'll come! " I blurted out.
" I'll go too! " Katherine said.
" Anyone else? " Xornoth said in a bored tone.
" Yeah, it's boring enough today. " Jimmy said,

Xornoth nodded. No one else moved.

" Alright, come here " Xornorth waves us over.
" One more or? " Gem said.
" Alright, I'll go " Joey said. Xornoth nodded, and waved him over.
" Alright. No more people, yeah? I don't care we gone! " Xornoth snapped his fingers, we teleported to Rivendale.
" Welcome to thy corrupted empire! I guess- " Xornoth said.

He was really becoming Scott. A switch of personalities, hurray. Xornoth still has- his flare, I guess. Anyhow. Xornoth stepped out of the way, showing us the endless vines that corrupted the paths buildings and plants. I was used to crimson red vines that shone like blood. But no, it has turned, the tables have spun. We wondered for awhile. Exploring every slit and crack in walls and floors. But most things were corrupted. As we made way past the Aeor statute. I noticed something. We lost the green in our group.

" Hey- where's Jimmy? " I said pausing. The cod father was gone.
" Wha? He is- oh erm " Gem stuttered.
" He was here, " Katherine finished for her.
" Uhhhhh- well great, looks like Jimmys gonna be the new Joey of the corrupted " Xornoth said.
" Hey! Don't blame me. " Joey said.
" You literally called me your husband so many times mate. Oh god dam it Scott- " I chuckled a bit, that 'mate' sounded like Scott's accent, of what only could be presumed, Elvish.
" I think we should find Jimmy then- " I said.

Everyone nodded, separating. I took off somewhere, exploring for awhile. Passing the Aeor statue again and again and again. Until I bumped into Katherine.

" Oh Shrub! Hi there! You found him yet? " She said.
" Nah, nothing so far. " I sighed, Gem approached.
" Nothing, " She said.

Xornoth and Joey were last, Xornoth let out I sigh as he reached us.

" I wish someone else would've taken him, also nothing. " Xornoth said.
" Great. " Gem mumbled.
" Hey guys! " A familiar voice boomed from behind us.

Jimmy came trotting up. Covered in snow.

" Are you ok? " Gem said. Right as Jimmy went to answer Xornoth said.
" He doesn't look frozen so yeah, I presume he's fine. " Jimmy rolled his eyes and dug through his pockets, finding something, he pulled it out so we could see.
" Look! It's a book of truths! It's in Elvish so yeah. " He said with a chuckle. I looked to Xornoth, who sighed.
" What chapter do you want. " He said. All eyes snapped onto him.
" I don't know- there's this one which the title is English- can you do that? " Jimmy said.
" Yeah yeah give. " Xornoth said snatching the book out of Jimmys hands.

Twins blaze in a heat of rage
One twists and the other lays
Two birds bound by blood
One was corrupt
The other is above still
One says there's another
Neither does the other
A new spawn shall join the dark
And twist fate only with a heart
Hands ablaze she sets off
To find the un and kill them off
Corrupted and not switch there roles
Rather by accident or a crystals glow
Dragons foretold
Corruption shall spread
Once again
Will there be dread
Twins clash
The un fails.
But try again and success in unveiled

Xornoth closed the book book, passing it back to Jimmy.

" Wow- that was weird " Joey said.
" Uh apparently there's someone after me so- I don't like that " Xornoth said.
" What? What do you mean? " Gem said puzzled.
" Well, un is uncorrupt, cough cough me. And the corrupt is Scott aka the dragon. Now there's another, who's trying to kill me. " He continued.
" And, Scott's crystal necklace? A crystals glow? That is awfully similar. " We nodded.
" Yeah, we should go, bring the book Jimmy. " He nodded patting his pocket.
" Off we go, to the meeting room. " Xornoth snapped his fingers and teleported us there.

Time to crash their party meeting thing.

|€| ????'s POV |€|

" So, what now? "-???
" The stupid cod boy left before you know, we could get him. "-!!!

He walked back and forth.

" He got the book too "-'''
" Yes, they've probably read it or going to tell the others. So..... "-!!!
" So? "-???
" You can go crash the party "-!!!
" That sounds perfect "-'''''

".                           ."
",                       ,"
"-      -"

" Good to know, good to know hm? "-!!!!!
" Indeed "-????

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