Chapter 39: Round two,

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|¥| Xornoth's POV |¥|

I sat under a tree, aimlessly staring at the ground, Scott was laying down unmoving to my right, everyone else talking amongst themselves. I sighed an closed my eyes, but then I heard shuffling, I looked Scott, he had moved? Suddenly he was leaning on me, my eyes got heavy.

What. Is. Happening.

Eventually my eyes shut, letting darkness envelop me.

I opened my eyes to a snowy field, confused, I began walking around. I seen a glimpse of a light behind me, I turned to look. Aeor was standing behind me.

" Xornoth. " He spoke.
" Uhm- Hi? " I replied.
" Yes, hi, it seems as if fate has changed paths. " The god said.
" W- what? " I asked puzzled.
"  Xeor seems to have taken control of the dragon, who's then corrupt your brother. " Aeor said.
" And I need a champion. " he continued.
" Wh- wait- I'm your champion now!? " I exclaimed.
" Yes, here. You'll need this. " Aeor said.

He spawned a sword, it hovered in his hand. Blue runes turned purple, and a gold hilt had sliver lining now. The rune blade.

" Good luck, you know what you need to do. " Aeor said disappearing.

I opened my eyes, I was on the floor? And across the clearing, as everything came back to me, Gem tackled me.

" Ow. " I said blandly.
" Oh!- sorry Xornoth! Wait why're your horns having gold lining? " Gem said.
" Me and Scott swapped. " I said, once again blandly.
" What?- " Gem asked confused.
" Me and Scott switched gods I guess-? " I questioned.
" Yeah, long story short the dragon is Xeor, Scott's corrupted by dragon so yeah, now I'm Aeor's champion so woohoo. " I said, the woohoo sarcastic.
" Oh- well dam it! There goes Scott again-! When did you have a gold and silver hilted sword? " She asked.
" Aeor. " I shrugged.
" Oh... I guess that makes sense- because Scott just disappeared. " Gem said.
" Huh, " I said.
" Oh yeah and- " Gem was cut off by hysterical laughter.
" Welp! " I quietly exclaimed.

Everyone spun to the figure in the sky, and hovering there, blocking the moon.

Was my lovely corrupt brother.

His teal hair darkened by the corruption.

His eyes once again purple, his 7'2 dragon form was back.

He landed in the centre of the clearing.

He flicked his wrist, sending everyone else but me into the trees.

" Shall dance we brother? " Scott hissed?

I equipped the Rivendell sword, twirling it in my hand.

" Let's dance." I replied strengthening my stance.


Anyhow one more chapter! Here we go! Book two's coming! :D

I hope you've enjoyed the first book, here comes the end in the next chapter.

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