Chapter 8: Branches of hatred

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Hmmmmm, ngl but gotta say. My first story, which is a Y/N story, drinks dirt. Like I absolutely hate it. So ya.
Is it Rivendell or Rivendale idk anymore.
Buh bye.
|€| Xornoth's POV |€|

Light made its way into my eyes, disturbing my rest, for sakes. I reluctantly opened my eyes, more chaos. Time for a meeting, I slipped out of bed, walking over to Scott's wardrobe. I swung the door open, almost knocking it off its hinges. I looked through Scott's clothes, most being the Rivendale colours. Boring, boring, boring. Ah finally something normal. I took out the clothing I had just found, which wasn't the Rivendale colours. Yes, it looked like what Scott normally wears. But instead of gold just, there. There was more sliver, and colours consisted of Blacks, Whites, Blues and Purples. I put the only normal clothing on, so the next days. It's probably going to have to be Scott's clothes. Oh well. I exited through the window for who knows how many times now. And flew off to the meeting place. I landed at the door opening it. I walked through the door shutting it behind me. Sitting down in the chair Scott normal sits in, leaning backwards a bit.

" Alright so, only ten more rulers left to go... " Gem mumbled to herself quietly.

I sighed sinking into my chair more, crossing my arms. Five rulers barged through the door, taking their seats. A couple hours later, another five rulers entered. Finally, they took their seats and the meeting began.

" Alright then, what's this all about? I have things to do. " Joey said.
" Yeah yeah. How's the corruption going? It's been getting worse in Crystal Cliffs. " Gem said, I just want sleep, I hate this.
" Yeah, it seems to be taking down the paths. In my place at least. " Joel said.
Lizzie spoke up next. " Yeah, it's been wrapping around my towers so tightly they're cracking! "

Mumbles of agreement swept through the room. I still just want sleep.

" What about Rivendell? How's it going there? " Katherine said.
" Eh, relatively fine, seems it's not targeting my brothers empire. " I answered her question.
" Huh, seems like Scott isn't going after your empire. " Gem said.
" Well not yet, Scott's not fully corrupted yet. And it's his empire not mine. " I looked to Gem, who gave me a questioning look. But shrugged her shoulders in response.
" Any suspicions on the traitors? Or traitor. " Pearl quietly spoke, loud enough that everyone heard though.

That's when, it just, went down hill. Everyone began arguing.

" WHAT IN THE MOTHER LOVING OCEAN JOEL! " Lizzie screamed at Joel. I groaned, more chaos.

Aeor did this have to happen? Like holy oblivion this is chaotic. I said in my mind. I'm just gonna shut them up now.

" Everyone. " I began.
" Rulers. " I said louder. Hearing wing beats in the distance.
" FOR AEORS SAKE SHUT UP! SCOTT'S COMING YOUR BEING THAT LOUD! " I screamed, slamming my fists on the table.
" CAN YOU NOT HEAR HIM?! " I screamed again.
" Gods... " I slapped my hands on my face.

The wingbeats getting louder every second. Time to throw Scott into a wall again. My mind thought. I got out my- no, Scott's seat and exited the room. Shooting off into the air, meeting Scott halfway there. He looked the same as I observed him before.

" Why hello brother. " Scott snarled out.
" How lovely it is to see you brother. " I said. Lovely being sarcastic of course.
" Suppose we should attack now, so. " Corrupted Scott said.

And we began, and since his corruption wasn't very powerful. I over took him easily. Throwing him off into a nearby cliff. I landed on a tree close by Scott. Scott blinked a couple times, before his teal gaze landed on me.

" Uh, hey? " Scott said confused. I landed in front of him.
" Hey, "  I replied.
" Well, night night Scott. " I equipped his axe, holding it above my head.
" Yeah night I guess. " Scott said before I hit him over the head with the blunt side of the axe. I

unequipped the axe, flying back over to the meeting, entering the place again. Everyone arguing. I let out an agitated sigh.

" Alright, enough. " I said.
" I said. ENOUGH. " I opened my arms, making everyone fly into the wall.
" If we have any more of THIS I swear I won't help. Nor will the corruption stop. " I placed my arms back to my side. Leaving everyone in shock. 
" Let's do this, augh- dam it. Can't believe I'm saying this. Let's do this together. " I said.

Aughhhhh- I hate saying that- it is probably something Scott says. I wanted to gag. Genuinely, I hate this.

" Let's calm the hell down. And figure this out. " I said.
" Cant believe I'm saying this. But, Xornoth's right, if we want Scott uncorrupted. We have to work together. " Gem said.
" Finally someone with sense! " I muttered to myself.
" Let's calm down, and sit down. And let's figure this out. " Gem said. With a couple mumbles, everyone sat down again.
" Alright. Let's plan. " I said, more chaos. Less sleep.

Wooooooo ending time hurray!
Ending of the chapter not the book. So ye
December time everyone! Hurray! Cold time I love it. So, go snuggle up and do your things. So, buh bye!

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