Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes and rolled over to see Ethan looking at me, smiling. I smiled back at him and ran my fingers slowly through his hair.

"Happy birthday, love." He said casually. I frowned. My birthday is in 5 months.

"'s not my birthday." I laughed lightly and he shook his head.

"I know, but today we're celebrating all of our birthdays and anniversaries that we won't celebrate together." He explained and I let out an 'oh' admiring my boyfriend for his smart idea.

"Alright then... happy birthday and happy anniversary." I smiled. "What are we doing today?"

"Well, since it's our birthday and anniversary, I suppose we should have a party. Maybe deco-" he was interrupted by the doorbell. "Oh the cake is here." He got up the bed and went to open the door. I looked at him and the number 7 painted on the door. He was really going to change that everyday. A few minutes later, he came back with a big chocolate cake in his hands.

"You really bought a cake." I said with an involuntary smile. He nodded proudly.

"Oh I really did. And it's your favorite, look." He showed me the strawberries covered in chocolate that were on top of the cake. My mouth watered as I stared at the delicious chocolate madness in front of me. "Alright stop looking at the cake, it's making me jealous."

When I finished getting ready for the day, I got to the living room where Ethan had a problematic situation, and ended up tying himself up with a string. I laughed at the sight of him trying to get rid of the string, and I didn't even want to ask how it happened.

"Do you need help there, E?" I chuckled and he nodded. I grabbed some scissors and cut the string.

"Well this was the ribbon for the opening ceremony, so I guess the party has already started!" He exclaimed and we started decorating the whole house with things that Ethan had bought. The kitchen smelled like cake and ice cream, and we also added some cupcakes in some places to make it look better. The living room had a banner saying 'Happy Birthday' and another one saying 'Happy Anniversary.' The whole house was full of balloons and colorful streamers. It was crazy.

"Ethan, do you understand that you bought a big cake for only two people?" I laughed. We decided not to invite anyone, since our friends lived very far. The problem was that we had a messy house full of all kinds of party decorations, and only the two of us to celebrate.

"It's gonna be fun! We'll be eating cake every single day until you leave!" He said sarcastically. He didn't hate sweet things, but he didn't love them either. We both knew that he would be able to eat more than two pieces of cake in a week.

"Until I leave..." I said remembering that this was all going to be over, we wouldn't see each other everyday and we wouldn't do crazy stuff all day. I was going to be studying, focusing on something else, while Ethan probably finished his online course and got a job. These were the best days of our lives. We were going to decide what to do in the future, and we wouldn't spend those special moments together. A tear rolled down my cheek just from thinking about it.

"Today is party day, honey, please don't cry..." He said trying to cheer me up again, but he failed. I continued sobbing, until he hugged me. Every time he hugged me, my problems disappeared. Everything became better. Those big and strong arms, warming me up and making me feel safe. After some minutes, my cries quieted down.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm just going to miss you so much." I sniffled, and noticed that Ethan's eyes were watery as well. I kissed his cheek and he hugged me tighter.

"Well, this is not how the party was supposed to start." He said and we laughed lightly. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes and then we decided to eat some vegetarian pizza that we had ordered.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I asked, hopeful that Ethan would finally tell me.

"You'll have to find out..." he smirked.

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