~Day 3 || Pixane || Season 3~

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Zane's POV
"Are we compatible now?"I asked as I looked at Pixal's beautiful face. She was smiling brightly at me.

I opened my arms for her and she ran into them. I embraced her tightly, but she pulled away a little, so we can look at each other's faces. She had a small smile on.

"You look....different."she told me and put a hand on my cheek. I put mine on top of hers and held it.

"But I am here."I told her. She nodded and hugged me again.

"Yeah, I am here too."a deep voice said, then I felt all my systems turning off. Just before I fell unconscious, I saw Pixal falling to the ground.

"Pixal..."I managed to say, the. Everything went black.


I opened my eyes and shook my head. I am in some room. It's dark and I fell something around my wrists. I hugged a little, but I almost can't move.

"Who's there?"a voice said. A female robot.

"Pixal?"I asked.

"Zane?"she asked."Where are we, Zane?"Pixal said, I can detect fear in her voice.

"I will get us out of here, don't worry."I told her. I put on my night seeing and looked down at the cuffs. I activated a cutter and started cutting my cuffs.

After a while, I cut them and ran to Pixal. She was looking at me too, so I assume she also had her night seeing on.

I kneeled down next to her and started cutting her cuffs too.

After she was free, we got up and I unlocked the door with another instrument.

I poked my head out and looked around. There was no one.

I took Pixal's hand in mine and we ran out. We heard hissing but ignored it and continued to run.

"What's that Zane?"Pixal asked.

"I don't know, just keep running."I told her and she nodded.

We came to a death end. I touched the wall to check if I can kick it down, but felt that it was kinda squishy.

"What in the First Spinjitzu Master is that?"I asked. Pixal came next to me and scanned the walls.

"They are scales."she said.

"That's very true."a voice, which I recognized from when we passed out, said from behind. We turned around and saw a man with a mustache and man bun. His hands behind his back.

"Who are you and what do you want from us?"I asked him, stepping in front of Pixal.

"My name is Claus. We want you to participate in Master Chen's Tournament of Elements."'Claus' said.

"And what's the point of this Tournament of Elements? And who else is going to participate?"I asked.

"The other participants will be other Elemental Masters."Claus answered."The point is, the winner takes all."he added.

"What does that mean?"Pixal asked from behind me.

"Now, don't you have a lot of questions."Claus said and snapped his fingers. Hands caught me and Pixal from behind and I felt my systems fall down once again.


I woke up strapped to a chair. I moved my head and looked around. I was in a room again. I tried moving my arm, but it didn't work. I can't feel anything, like it's blocked.

A light in front of me turned on and I saw Pixal on the other side of a mirror, looking scared.

"Pixal!"I yelled, but no reaction from her.

"She can't hear you,"Clause's voice said and I turned my head back to see him standing next to me."She can't see you either. It's a one-way glass."he explained.

"What are you going to do to her?"I asked.

"Don't worry. You will be alright."Clause said, not looking away from Pixal.

"What do you-"I was cut off by a door opening. I looked towards Pixal and saw her looking towards two man. The stood on both of her sides and grabbed her arms, then started pulling in opposite sides. Pixal screamed.

"PIXAL!"I yelled and tried to move again, but nothing.

"ZANE! HELP ME PLEASE!"she screamed and cried.

"Stop It! She didn't do anything to you!"I yelled at Clause.

"Doesn't matter."he said. I turned around and saw that they have removed her arms and legs and went for her head.

"NO!"I yelled, but they removed her head and her bright green eyes turned off to dull and empty black ones."Pixal...I croaked out.

I was led out of the room and back to a cell. There, I was cuffed again and Clause stood in front of me. We stayed in silence.

Another man with snake crown came in the cell. He was holding a stick with gems in it.

"Who are you?"I asked, angry.

"You won't need that information, Zane."he said and pointed the stick at me.

I felt pain everywhere and almost screamed. I saw something white coming out from me. I felt my powers leaving me.

"Clausie, you can wipe him now."the funny guy said when he was ready with me. I heard Clause chanting something and dark magic surrounded his hands. He looked up and threw it at me.

I started seeing all my memories at one. My father, my friends, Pixal, and suddenly, they all started disappearing. I didn't remember what they were.

The last thing I saw before I fell unconscious was Pixal's beautiful face, smiling at me.

Word count-918

And day three is done! It was weird, I know, but I really didn't know what to write for this one, because in my One-Shots book I wrote one chapter with why happened with them before they were kidnapped. I hope you liked it, though AND I made it longer this time, yay!
See ya tomorrow peps❤️.

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