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Published works under Pop Fiction

Published works under VIVA-PSICOM

1. What is your favorite setting for a story?

I love writing stories using the school setting since most of my readers are students. But lately, yung mga stories na na sinusulat ko ay more on working na ang mga characters.

2. What is your favorite characteristic in a female character?

Independent, strong, badass :)

3. What is your favorite characteristic in a male character?

Cold and shy.

4. If you could only have one book to read for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

Harry Potter :)

5. If you could be any character in literature, who would you want to be?

It'll be nice to be Hermione Granger

6. If you could have dinner with any writer, living or dead, who would it be?

J.K Rowling

7. Where would you take them to dinner and what would you order?

We'll stay in a coffee shop. The one where JK Rowling wrote the first draft of Harry Potter in a tissue paper.

8. If you could write from anywhere, where would the most ideal spot be?

I can concentrate well whenever I write in a coffee shop.

9. Who is your favorite character in literature?

Luna Lovegood (from Harry Potter)

10. What is your favorite name for a female and male character?

 I don't have any particular favorite.  

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