10 Vocs everyday

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1) Subtle (a) not obvious or easy to notice: khó thấy,tinh vi

2) Condiment (n) a substance such as salt,pepper that is used to give flavour to food=spices: gia vị

3) Marinate (v) to add a mixture of oil,wine,herbs etc to food before cooking it:ướp,tẩm(thức ăn)

4) Rehearse (v) to practise a speec,a play..,in order to prepare for a performance:tập dợt trước

5) Bleach (n) a strong chemical used for cleaning things or removing colour from things:chất tẩy rửa

6) Strap (n) a strip (mảnh) of leather, cloth, or other materials that used to fasten sth or keep sth in place, or carry sth or hold onto sth : dây đai

(v) to fasten sb/sth in the place using a strap : buộc, trói chặt bằng dây

7) Stagger (v) to walk with weak, unsteady steps as if you are injuried : đi lảo đảo, bước đi loạng choạng

8) Fracture (n) a break in a bone or other hard materials : sự gãy, nứt

9) Fragment (n) a small part of sth that has broken : mảnh vỡ

10) Deteriorate (a) to become worse : làm cho xấu hơn


1) Gash (n) a long deep cut in surface of sth, especially a person's skin : vết cắt dài và sâu

2) Sting ray (n) a large wide flat sea fish that has a long tail with sharp sting in that can cause serious wounds : cá đuối gai độc

3) Crawl (v) to move forward on tour hands and knees with your body close to the ground : bò, trườn

4) Maggot (n) a creature like a small short worm that is the young form of a fly and is found in decaying meat or other food ( used as bait (mồi) on a hook (móc câu) to catch fish) : con giòi

5) Poke (v) to push pointed objects into sth : đâm, chỉa

6) Synthetic (a) artificial; made by combining chemical substances rather than being produced naturally by plants or animals=man made: tổng hợp,nhân tạo

7) Bounce (v) if sth bounces or you bounce it, it moves quickly away from a surface it has just hit or you make it do this:nảy lên,bật lên

8) Spin (v) to turn round and round quickly; to make sth do this: quay tròn,xoay tròn

9) Dimension (n) a measurement in space, for example the height, width or length of sth:kích cỡ,kích thước

10) Prominence (n) the state of being important, well known or noticeable:tình trạng nhô lên,nổi bật

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