Adults Make Mistakes

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A conclusion reached after consideration of both sides of things. Sometimes we wandered life, not realizing we were making decisions. Like choosing a salad instead of the delicious burger from McDonald's. It's something extremely uncomplex, but it wasn't always like that. Whether we liked to believe we weren't making decisions that could change our life, we do.

After cooking Lana's favorite alphabet soup, she fell asleep on the couch, and finally stopped sobbing. It wasn't annoying, more like heartbreaking to watch her brilliance dim into another person. As I finished dumping the dishes into the sink, I shuffled towards Lana, making sure everything was okay.

Her lips were shaped into a pout, slightly open for her breathing to come through. Lana's hair draped over half of her face, covering the evidence of a broken heart. Her cheek burned pink, possibly from the heat or the sadness. She honestly looked beautiful, but in a different way from how Davina looked. Lana even drooled.

I laughed, rubbing my finger over her forehead. "What are you dreaming about, dummy? Something that has to do with Declan, right?" She's so fascinating, angelic, admirable. It's easy to fall in love with Lana. Super easy. Like she's a dangerous spell I should stay away from. "Let's take you to bed. Davina and I will take the couch."

As my arm went underneath her head, she snuggled closer into the crook of my neck, her breathing sending a ray of goosebumps on my skin. "D-Declan..." she whined, letting her head fall to the side.

My eyes widened.

The light from the hallway spilled in as the door cracked open, revealing a devastated Davina. One of her sleeves was covered in bloody color as if she dipped it in a bowl of red paint. Mascara streaks ran down her cheeks, leaving a permanent wake of pain on her face. It wasn't until our gaze continued and dropped to Lana that all emotion left those enchanting blue-green irises.

"I'm just going to bring her to the room," I whispered, scrambling to my room and accidentally hitting Lana's head on the doorframe. "Jesus, I'm sorry, Lana." Hopefully, I didn't give her a concussion, but I'll come back in a few minutes.

Lana moaned, shifting herself closer to my frame. "Where are you going? Stay with me, Ambrose." She opened those brown puppy doe-eyes that could cure the Devil. "I don't want to be alone."

I sighed, placing her onto the bed only for her to clutch my shoulders, bringing me with her. "Lana! Let go."

"Please Ambrose, I don't want to be alone... I-I can't be alone." Her lips quivered.

The organ underneath my ribcage turned to goo. "I'll be back in like five minutes. Okay? I won't leave you, Lana."

"Okay..." she muttered. "Hurry."

My heart pitter-pattered to the sound of my footsteps as I sauntered back into the room, catching Davina flinging her items in her bag. From the force of her throw, I caught the drift. My fiancé wasn't too happy with me. It's totally my fault I was an asshole for breaking my promise, but she's sure to understand once explained.

I scratched the back of my head. "How was it? Did you kick Wesley's sorry butt?" I joked. A small chuckle filled the silence of the room.

She swung around, her eyes cold and narrowed. "I lost."

Turmoil engulfed my body like an unwanted hug. "Fuck. I'm so sorry. I should've been there for you, but I'm here now, with arms ready to cure all sadness." Just as I was about to wrap my arms over her frame, she shrugged them away with distaste written on her face.

"Go hug Lana," she spat, venom dawdled on her words. 

I sent her an 'are you kidding me' glare. "Come on."

Her face scrunched with annoyance. "Come on, what?"

"Babe." I reached for her hand, only grazing my fingertips over hers before she yanked them away. "I'm sorry for breaking the promise. Any other day, I wouldn't miss it for the world, but Lana needed me."

Her blue eyes went dark, dropping to the floor. "Kay."

The brutal tension could be cut with a machete as we both stood quietly, which oddly spoke a million words than when we were actually speaking. Davina threw her hair into a ponytail, heaving a deep sigh before taking a beeline towards the door. Her vicious actions caused the door to slam, almost knocking one of my paintings down.

Instantly, I ran after her. "Where are you going?"

"Away from you," she deadpanned.

"Babe, just come back inside so we can talk this out," I insisted.

"Why should I? You seem to be doing fine alone with Lana before I got here, so?" she retorted, her back facing me.

Realization dawned on me. Davina's angry because I was alone with Lana in my apartment. Totally justified from my incident a couple of weeks back with Lana, but I didn't want her like that. She had nothing to worry about.

"So you're angry?"

She scoffed. "I'm not angry. I'm disappointed, but not surprised."

I shook my hair in a frustrated motion. "I'm sorry, Davina. It was an asshole move to leave you on an important night like this. I would've gone if Lana hadn't shown up. She needed me."

Pivoting on her foot, she marched towards me and ferociously banged her hands against my chest, shoving me into the hallway wall. "You're an asshole! Even as my fiance, all you talk about is Lana, Lana, Lana."

My eyes widened at her outburst. "Oh, come on! That's not true. You should've seen her when I got here. She was crying over her breakup with Declan and fainted at my doorstep. What did you want me to do? Leave her there? I was looking out for her."

"But what about me?" Her voice cracked, shattering her agitated demeanor. "You're making it seem like she's the only one who mattered. I need you tonight. You promised to be there for better or for worse, and in the end, I was alone. Then I come over because I was fucking worried sick to find out you were Lana?" She shook her head, her tongue poking through her cheek. "I'm your fiance, not her."

I groaned. "D, what the fuck did you want me to do? Leave her limp body on the floor?"

"Yes!" Her eyes ignited with rage until they eased just a bit. "No, obviously not. But you're making it seem her feelings mattered more than mine. I thought since we're getting married, I would become more important to you, but I'm still second place to Lana."

My eyebrows contorted in confusion. "That's not true."

"Really?" Her mouth formed a straight line. "You have a funny way of showing it. What's next? On our wedding day, you're going to leave me at the altar because Lana had another fight with Declan."

"I wouldn't do that," I replied.

Davina stared up at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting part of the room, her lips smacking together constantly. "Ambrose, I'm going to ask you something and I need you to say the truth no matter what."

A crease deepened between my eyebrows. "Okay."

"Are you still in love with Lana?" Davina asked, her somber gaze pierced through mine, dissecting every gesture for an answer. She crept closer, her touch alerting goosebumps on my skin as her hand laid on my neck. "I love you. I will always love you. But I just want you to look me in the eye and tell me the truth."

My brain short-circuited like it's been jolted by a one-thousand-watt powered battery. It's a question I asked myself multiple times and couldn't come up with a concrete answer. I knew I wanted to marry Davina, but whenever I was around Lana, she was like a magnet. A spell an evil witch placed on me to hold on to her forever, and never get my happy ending.

But I don't know. The organ underneath my ribcage bounced off the walls when I was with Davina; it functioned because of her. However, I couldn't deny Lana had some kind of wicked hold on me. Was it romantic or platonic? That's the question that's been eating at both of us. 

"I-I'm." My voice got caught in my throat, hesitating to reply. A subtle twinge of confusion and sadness washed over her face. "N-not sure wh-aat I feel for her..." I whispered, feeling her touch slip faster than a pair of pants and her face collapsed.

Instinctually, my hand coddled her face, wanting to take away all sadness, but I'm the one bringing it. For the first time tonight, Davina melted into my hand, placing her over mine, and my ribcage fluttered. It wasn't romantic, more like heartbreaking as Davina's eyebrows pulled together, her lips trembling while the tears broke free.

It didn't take five seconds for mine to follow suit. Her features blurred as tears trickled from mine. Staying home and taking care of Lana was a decision I made, something I didn't expect to have grand consequences, but as the night dwindled on, I realized my mistake. Choosing Lana tonight was going to alter my path in a way I didn't want.

"Y-you never even told me you love me..." Davina gnawed at her bottom lip. "It's always bothered me because even when you weren't with Lana, you never failed to mention it. Yet, you haven't said it to me."

My actions ran through my mind like a revolving door. She's right. I never said the eight-letter word to her. It must've been subconscious because I felt way too fucking much for this girl to be a simple 'I like you'. But it's like I'm tongue-tied, unable to say the words in fear she would walk away.

It happened before.

What made this time so different?

"I-I." My mouth closed and opened reluctantly. "I wanted to be sure before I said it."

Just like that, she detached herself from me, leaving a few inches between us. "Bean sprout, it's sounds like there are a lot of important things in your life right now, but I might not be one of them. And I felt uncertainty about this relationship for a while, but I stood by because I love you..."

"What are you saying?" My heart pounded in my ears. It's a wonder I could hear the words coming out of her mouth.

Taking one step, Davina's lips brushed against my cheek, so feather-like it was almost to miss, but it provoked my nerves. She didn't have to say the words. From her actions, the way her lips idled on my cheek, it was her way of saying goodbye. Her finger trickled down my arm. Every airy touch was a dream until she shoved something in my pocket.

"Ambrose, I spent my entire life with guys who didn't deserve me. I'm not saying you're anything like them because you're almost too perfect to be real, but I have to look out for myself. I don't want to make you end your friendship with Lana because you lost a lot of people already this year." Davina wiped her red button nose. "But I don't want to feel like I'm in second place anymore. I don't want to have to live up to a girl you couldn't move on from. Maybe it's just not our time."

"D." My voice crumbled like a block of debris. "Please don't do this."

Her eyes widened at the sound of my broken voice. She fully broke down, covering her mouth to cover the loud sobs that departed from them, her shoulders shaking from intensity. It brought me back to the day she met with her father. I made her cry just like everyone else had.

You don't fucking deserve her, Ambrose.

"Ambrose..." she choked out. "I can't do this. I can't feel like this anymore. We need to break up." Her words rang in my ears, unable to coherent her sentence until she was in the elevator. My heart, arms, mind, and legs fought with each other, wanting to run after her and do anything to keep her with me.

But logic won. Davina was right. She didn't deserve to be in a relationship with a guy who couldn't figure out his feelings. People always said do the right thing, but it fucking hurt like a bitch. Every single organ of my body wanted to shut down, and collapse, go into a dreamlike state where Davina was still my fiance.

My hand dug into my pocket, getting poked by something pointy. A sharp burning traveled through my veins at the sight of her ring. Squatting down to the ground, I buried my face in my hands, hoping to hide the raw emotions ripping me apart.



Nice to know even as I got older, I never failed to fuck up and make the wrong.

Sorry for the late update guys!! I had extra shifts at work so I was so tired but I really wanted to upload so here!! How do you guys feel about the situation? What would you do if you were Ambrose Or Davina? 🤔 Are you sad?

Love you guys!! Hope you enjoy ❤️❤️❤️

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