Birthday Suit, Bathroom Accidents

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I hated hospitals. The memories of my sister's accident overwhelmed my thoughts as I sat in my room, waiting for discharge. I remember to the very last second our hands held onto each other until they dragged her into the surgery room. The flashing terrors of my hysteria crying as I tried clutching onto my sister so we wouldn't be separated.

"Everything is all good." Milo threw a thumbs up. "I'm glad you're okay, kiddo. Had me shitty bricks for a second."

I snickered. "Good. So you can finally stop chatting about your bowel movements to Hailey."

His cheeks flushed red. "She told you about that?"

My perfectly puckered eyebrow jumped up. "The walls by your office are paper thin. I learned a lot of your dirty secrets that way."

He nervously loosened his tie. "Maybe it would've been better if you died in the fire."

I gasped. "You're such an ass!"

A teasing grin stretched over his face. "I'm joking! My life wouldn't be as entertaining without you to manage." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gently sank his head on mine. "I've been with you since you were ten. I'll be damned if I don't get to see you until you're old and gray."

I patted his back with a lack of passion. "Well, you don't get to worry, I'm here to stay..."

His smile slipped. "So I heard from the casting director... Why didn't you show up this morning for the audition?"

I leaped from the bed. "I didn't feel like it..."


"What?" I groaned.

He combed his fingers through his gelled salt and pepper hair. "This is a tremendous opportunity for your career. A role like this will completely change your life and bring back the stardom you had in your teens. This is what you've been wanting since your public spiral and you act like it's nothing."

Frustration swelled in my chest. "I'm just nervous. Okay? I haven't auditioned for anything in years. Who knows if I still have the star quality these producers want? I don't even know if I want to be in the limelight anymore."

Milo scoffed. "You were made for the entertainment industry. I've known it since you strutted your way on the competition stage in your heels at age nine. Listen, you're an adult now and I can't control what you want to do, but I managed to use this little accident as an excuse for you missing the audition. They are willing to give you another shot and I think you should take it. Use it as a safety net."

I gnawed at my cheek. "I'll think about it..."

A mischievous smile pulled at his mouth. "Friday, nine-thirty. Sharp!"

"Yeah, yeah!"

Milo was right. This breakout role could restart my entire career and I could be respected in an industry that had given up on me. Confusion sliced my thoughts in half. In one end, I wanted to fight for this role and become those actors that won Oscars or Emmys. But shooting would take me away for months and I'm finally opening up to the idea of mending my relationship with my sister.

Why did this have to show up at the worst timing?

"Should we get a celebratory ice cream for you living another day?" Milo suggested, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Add bubble tea and you got yourself a deal!" I winked.

After an hour of driving around, encountering a Kung Fu Tea store, and spending another hour listening to Milo's marital problems, he finally dropped me off at our new hotel. All I wanted to do after undergoing a near-death experience was to sleep in my bed for hours. Who would've thought sleep was luxury.

People would've thought I've spent the night partying from how dozed off I got in the elevator. It was a struggle to keep my eyes open. The second I stormed into my hotel room, I stripped down to my birthday suit. There was no way in hell I could go to sleep with smoke smudges on my skin and the smell of the hospital on me.

Unleashing my hair from its ponytail, I stared at the tiled floor as my other hand turned the light on. I blinked rapidly, my gaze shifting from the floor to the individual sitting on the toilet. This was not happening right now.

"What the hell is going on?" My already racing heart was about to erupt. Body ready to bolt, my leg muscles tightened.

Ambrose was whiter than a sheet of paper, forcing a broad smile onto his mouth as he adjusted his hand over his junk, covering all the important bits. "I-I-I was waiting for you." His eyes dropped to the floor.

"Really? Because it looks like you're taking a shit in my bathroom."

My face, neck, and ears became impossibly hot, and my hands froze in place. I had to be dreaming! There was no way Ambrose was sitting on my toilet right now. The tension gripping my muscles surrendered its hold, and shaky laughter escaped my lips. I briefly closed my eyes before they sprung open and I rocketed forward to snatch a towel.

"I've been waiting for two hours. How was I supposed to know the second I go on the toilet, you would show up?" Ambrose rambled, his eyes slipping down to my chest for the slightest second before looking away.

Mouth unusually dry, I covered the embarrassing nip slip he just saw.

"I-I'm going to head out, now," I said, choking on my words. I mentally cringed.

I rushed out; the door slammed shut behind me.

"You have a nice ass by the way," he shouted, a fluttery feeling swung up in my belly.

Finally, alone, I gently banged my head against the door as my mind mulled over the past five minutes. Not only had Ambrose found out about my feelings, but now he's seen me naked! This was just fucking great! I couldn't catch a break! Why the hell was he waiting for me, anyway? There's nothing for us to discuss.

A knock on my door sent a bolt of irritation to my chest. "D? Can I come in?"

My jaw stiffened. "No."

Ambrose sighed. "Please... I don't want to face the door while we have this conversation."

I pressed the heel of my palms to my eyes. "I really don't feel like talking after flashing my body at you."

Laughter erupted from behind the door. "Why are you embarrassed? I was the one taking a shit."

My nose wrinkled. "Please, just go! We already said what we had to say in the morning."

Without warning, Ambrose burst through the unlocked door, his expression tight and stern. My heartbeat throbbed as I chewed the inside of my cheek. The only other time I've seen fire brewing off Ambrose was at the Halloween party, but I couldn't comprehend what he was so mad about.

My pulse thudded in my throat. "Do you want to embarrass me more than I already am? I know, you know, we both know what you're going to say, so just go. I'll be fine. I'm a big girl. This isn't my first ride on the unwanted train."

He stared at me like I'd grown a second head. It would've been great to have a second head so I could process my thoughts before projectile vomiting sentences. I would regret the second he left.

Ambrose's brows pulled in as he looked downward. "You're so fucking stubborn, you know that?"

"Piss off!"

A shape intake of breath came from Ambrose's lips. "No, because all morning I had to listen to your assumptions about me! Have you ever thought maybe to let Ambrose speak? Maybe he'll surprise me? I wanted to be a gentleman and respect your wishes, but I can't stand having you speak for me!"

My gut tightened. "Are you saying my assumptions are wrong? Because from my point of view, nothings changed and our whole fake relationship was based on winning her over or was it not?"

The floorboards creaked as he paced the length of my room. He wandered to the window and peered out at the streets, scratching his temple. "It was..."

I rubbed a hand over my face. "Alright then, so now that you made it clear... you can go."

"You didn't let me finish." Ambrose rubbed at an eyelid, leg bouncing.

The tension wrapped around my muscles released its grip.

"Go the fuck on, then!"

"It was in the beginning," he interlocked his hands behind his head, position highlighting his muscles. "I-I don't know... I don't know when the lines blurred between my feelings for her and you. Lana is an important person in my life and always will be, but I don't know if I still feel a romantic connection with her."

I looked up into his golden-brown eyes. They really were so sincere and kind. Somehow, looking at them, I got the feeling that maybe he felt something for me, and I couldn't allow that to happen. I didn't deserve him. A person like me didn't deserve love. No matter how badly I wanted it.

I opened my mouth to deny, deny, deny, but he held his hand up.

"However, there is one thing I do know... I'm crazy about you, D. I like you," he burst out.

"No, you don't." I pointed at him to emphasize my point.

I knew he didn't like me. He said he didn't! And I quote: To sum it up, you're just not my type, okay? You're ungrateful, rude, annoying, and bratty. Why are my hands getting sweaty?

He looked right at me and pinned me with those breathtaking golden swirls. "I do. D, I like you.

I like it when you smile so bright, your eyes crinkle.

I like it when you snort instead of the fake giggle you try to disguise it with.

I like that you go for what you want, even when it scares you to death."

My heart beat is thumping to the rhythms of the drums. "What?" I mumbled, a little dazed and confused and wondering if this was a fever dream moment or real life.

"I've liked you since our fight at the beach. Tried to convince myself otherwise since we are both just as stubborn about our feelings." he wandered over to my bed, taking the empty spot next to me. "It wasn't until you confessed to me that I started evaluating how I felt. I kissed you because I'm crazy about you. I didn't want to tell you like this... I had this grand scheme planned for tonight... but..."

His eyes went soft as he brushed back a strand of my hair that'd slipped from my ear, calloused touch sending, sparking every nerve ending. "Our fight this morning kind of soured my plan. I was going to stay silent until you cooled down, but almost losing you today. I was seconds away from diving into the fire to search for you. It put everything in sight. I got my priorities straight and you're on top of my list."

"What about those things you said about me being ungrateful, rude, and annoying?"

He looked away from me, gaze distant and unfocused. "Well, you're annoying, but all those things were bullshit. I'm sorry for saying that hurtful shit to you... I didn't mean any of it. I just wanted to push you away... I guess we were both scared to confess."

A giddy lightness filled me, but I swallowed and nodded to keep my relief from showing.

"How are two stubborn individuals supposed to make this work?" I giggled under my breath.

A genuine smile, one of those breathtaking stunners that reached his eyes, lit up his face. "I-I don't know... but I want to give it a try if you do? Let me spoil you. Can I be your boyfriend? Real this time? Please?"

My chest swelled, breath coming a little easier. "Begging? I didn't realize you were that desperate to be with me."

His pink lips curled into a knowing smirk. "Begging isn't beneath me. Especially if it wins over the girl of my dreams."

"So cheesy!" I happily rolled my eyes, blushing at his comment.

Ambrose inched closer. Our thighs were touching now, and either I'm hallucinating it, or I could actually see his pulse throbbing in the center of his throat. My body was engulfed with flames, and my hands were trembling not from nerves, but from anticipation.

It wasn't our first kiss. Not even our second, but it would be different this time. This kiss solidified our relationship. When I pictured his mouth pressed against mine, my heart races faster than a drum-and-bass track.

I'm wholly aware of the heat radiating from his jean-clad thigh, the faint scent of his woodsy aftershave, the slight curve of his lips. Arching a brow, he reached up and touched my cheek.

"Your eyes are bloodshot," I pointed out. "And your breath stinks!"

His breath hitched as his hand hovered over his mouth. "Sh-shut up!"

A bigger smile stretched over my lips. "Your lips are also chapped, so it's going to feel weird if we kiss..."

Ambrose sighed. "Epic fail..."

"If we kiss... it'll probably hurt a lot."

My eyes widened as Ambrose placed the quickest peck on my lips before removing them and looking off to the side. "Well... did it?"

"Yeah. A little. It's what I expected, like kissing the sand." I lied, convincingly enjoying the way his cheeks went red. "Rough and dry, but also burning hot. We can always try it again... if you want?"

He slowly brought his mouth to mine. The second our lips met, a sudden flush of warmth spread from my mouth to my tippy toes. It was only a lie that his breath stunk. He tasted like the peppermint gum he's been chewing and the minty flavor suffused my taste buds. My lips parted of their own accord, and Ambrose took full advantage by sliding his tongue inside.

When my tongue tangled with his, he made a low, growling noise in the back of his throat, and the erotic sound vibrated through my body. Immediately, as it grew even better and intense, Ambrose broke away.

Ambrose's golden swirls were molten. "Better?" There's a slight wobble in his voice.

"One more time."

His big hands cupped my cheek, and I leaned in for another kiss. And it's just as eerily unreal as the one from before. As his tongue slicked over mine, I stroked his cheek, and God, that's a huge mistake because the scratchy feel of his stubble on my palm heightened the pleasure already wreaking havoc on my body.

With an anguished moan, I angled my head to deepen the kiss, and my tongue eagerly explored his mouth. Eagerly was the wrong word. Hungrily fit better. Ambrose threaded his fingers through my hair and tugged me closer, one powerful arm twisting around my hip to keep me in place. My breasts were crushed against his rock-hard chest, and I could feel the wild hammering of his heart.

His excitement matched my own. The raw, husky groan he released tickled my lips and sent my pulse to skyrocket into a new level of pleasure. But just like before, he broke away, his breathing ragged, and his forehead connected against mine.

"I have a special gift for you tonight," Ambrose said, making my mind wander off into a dangerous dimension.

Ahhhh who's screaming with me?? Sorry for making you guys suffer for so long but Ambrose and specifically Davina are stubborn af!! Who's happy?!??

Hope you guys enjoy and can't wait to read your comments!! We're reaching 2nd half of the story :( but I'm excited hehe!!

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