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It played like a picnic on a sunny day; the seagulls cast into dark shadows against the pale blue sky, the honeycomb sun brightening everything in its way up. Soon, the clouds swarm in, taking over the golden hue and planning on wrecking the wonderful day with a rainstorm. We waited and waited, holding our meals to our chest and hoping the storm would transpire in a jiffy.

When days would go by with the storm at full speed.

That's how waiting to see my parents felt. Sleeping these days was nearly impossible; I couldn't last two hours without breaking into sweats. It's days like these when I remembered thoughts of my father still sent chills down my spine. All this time, I've been acting all tough like I could take him on as an opponent when really I whimpered at thought of being near him.

The morning after I found out, Milo sent three gift baskets as a way to gain my forgiveness, but I never really blamed him, to begin with. How was he supposed to know about my tragic past when I hadn't spoken to anyone about it?

Sometimes I liked thinking my life wasn't so fucked up, and I had a real family waiting for me at home. Maybe that's why I resisted telling anyone the truth so I could live in a fairytale for a bit longer. I'm starting to think maybe I was pathetic.

My phone vibrated against the countertop as I finished up my bowl of cereal before rehearsal. A hint of happiness shot through my veins when Lana's contact picture appeared on my phone. I checked my hair in the reflection before answering the call.

Lana's child-like smile shined through the phone. "Good morning! I wasn't sure if you were awake because of the time difference, but I still went ahead and tried."

I grinned at her introduction. "Good evening to you, it's nice to know that you haven't forgotten me."

She gasped, her hand hovered over her plump lips. "Ambrose, how could you say that? I will never forget you, even if you lived on the other side of the world! Besides, I had this feeling in my chest that something is wrong..." Her lips curled down into a frown. "Is everything okay? Are you and Davina fighting?"

Her concern brightened the cloud lingering over my head. "No, we're doing okay. But your Lana senses are right..." Unexpected pain sliced through my chest with enough force to steal my breath. "Davina's agents invited my parents over here without my consent."

She groaned, running her hand over her distressed face. "Oh gosh, how could they be so insensitive? I'm so sorry, I have no other words, though I am worried sick about having them around you."

"Thanks, Lana, but I doubt they would do anything with the audience around. They're crazy if they think we'll have any moment alone without someone monitoring us," I stated, flipping my spoon back and forth in the bowl.

"Did you tell Davina yet?" she asked. "I know I shouldn't be butting in, but I want to know you have some kind of moral support near you. I understand if you haven't. I only found out because I came to visit you that day."

With my eyes glued to the bowl, I answered, "I'm still embarrassed about you finding out like that... But I told Davina, I'm pretty sure she's beating herself up about it since I haven't really spoken to her."

There were two distinct reasons why I haven't been answering Davina's messages.

One... she was going to treat me like a charity case. Like a wounded boy who everyone had to be cautious around unless I'll break. But in reality, all I wanted to do was act like my two worlds weren't collied in fast speed chase and enjoy her aggressive comments.

Two-- Well, the kiss was fresh on my mind. My mind was fuzzy, my dazed thoughts replaying the kiss on a loop. All I knew, the wine didn't have an effect on me at all that night. I choose to kiss her of my own accord. I was dumbfounded by my own actions, and I couldn't wrap my head around what it all meant.

Nor did I have the time to.

Lana clicked her tongue. "Don't do that, don't shut her out. She's worried about you, just like most girlfriends would be. Coming from an overthinker, even if it wasn't your intention, you're making her feel like everything is her fault. As if she's done something wrong and you hate her because of it."

"You're an odd case, Lana." I tilted my head. "You thought that because Declan was always wishy-washy about his feelings for you. But Davina is different... she doesn't spend every waking moment obsessed with me."

She pursed her lips. "I'm quite offended, but I'm going to let it pass because you're going through something. But don't say I didn't tell you," she singsonged.

"I won't!" I mused, waving her off.

"Ugh, boys can be so oblivious sometimes." She rolled her eyes. "I should get going. I had a long day at school today, and I'm ready for a goodnight's sleep."

My eyebrows brunched up together in amusement. "Is it really boys or just Declan?"

She giggled. "I'm done with you attacking me! I don't spend my every waking moment thinking about Declan. I have other friends and hobbies, you know?"

My brows raised. "Oh really? What were you doing before you decided to call me?"

Lana blinked several times, pink blossom spreading on her cheeks. "I just so happened to be brainstorming ideas for Declan's breakfast tomorrow, but that has nothing to do with this argument! Now, goodnight and text me everything alright. I love you, Ambrose."

My heart beats out of control. "I will. Love you too."

The studio slowly crammed in with everyone's families and the additional winners of free tickets. My breathing ran steady as I glanced at the empty chairs in the front row with the 'Bright Family' inscribed on them. Hopefully, the wonders of the universe were on my side, and somehow the plane had a delayed long enough to keep my parents from missing this event.

That's all I needed.

If they weren't in the live audience, then I wouldn't have to see them afterward. They would've wasted a trip, and I wouldn't have to deal with anxiety bubbling within. For a clearer mind, I tidied up my kitchen and read the instructions for tonight's event.

"Hey, darling!" her velvet-like voice shouted, making my heart tremble in anticipation.

I swung around, and my gaze raked over her like a starving animal in the wild and she was the only source of food for miles. Davina sported a red lace bustier styled corset, her boobs pushed together and driving more attention towards them. To make matters worse, she wore another one of those short-as-fuck skirts that barely covered her ass; can't forget to mention her fishnets.

I'm starting to think she's doing this on fucking purpose for avoiding her calls and the conversation about what the kiss meant. Yeah, I just kissed you because it was spurge of the moment, but I liked it. And wouldn't mind trying it again.

Like that would work.

"Hey, honey. Did you forget we're cooking today? Wouldn't want you to stain your outfit," I said, carrying over the stacks of pots in the lower drawers.

Davina stuck her tongue out. "No, I'm fully aware. Why else do you think we have aprons for? Besides, maybe I wanted to fish for a compliment from my boyfriend." She smiled so hard her nose wrinkled as her head tilted towards the paparazzi behind us.

Realization dawned on me; she was only trying to impress the media. A sense of relief ran through me as I come to the conclusion Davina certainly didn't think of me as any more than a friend. And I couldn't agree more.

"You look insanely beautiful today, honey."

A light shade of pink filled her cheeks when I pressed my lips against them and acknowledged the flashes of white lights. She chewed on the inside of her cheek but didn't budge from her spot for several seconds.

"Thanks, that should keep them happy for a day," she whispered, her high-heeled boots clicking against the tiles as she followed me.

"No problem. Anything to keep the Davrose shippers alive and well," I joked, grabbing a towel from the wooden barrel. "Good thing you didn't wear this on the night with Angel."

Her eyebrows pinched together as her eyes glanced down at her outfit. "Oh? And why?"

My pulse thumped in my ears. "Because you're irresistible in that outfit."

She cleared her throat. "I wanted to talk about the other night, but before all that... I wanted to make sure you're doing okay... Are you?"

Guilt gnawed at me; maybe she was worried all weekend.

"The best I can be," I responded, glancing at the empty seats once more.

Her blue-hazel eyes gazed up at me with concern. "I want you to know I'm here for you. I know we fight a lot, but I don't want to see you hurting. Unless it's because of me," she joked, light heartening the mood.

"I'll take all your insults in ten thousand different languages over seeing them again," I replied.

My mother wasn't the problem. In her eyes, I was still her baby boy and she wouldn't lay a single finger on me. Horror seeped in whenever I thought about my father. The way his veins pulsated in his forehead whenever he got angry scared the living shit out of me.

He might've been half of my DNA.

He might've been called and labeled my father.

But in my eyes, he lost the title ever since I got this scar.

"Let me get them ready! I have a million stock up," she playfully countered, brushing a strand of my hair from my forehead.

"I'm all ears, honey. You know you drive me crazy with your words." I licked my lips.

A smirking grin curled up on her bold-red lips. "That's not the only thing that drives you crazy..." Her two fingers crawled their way up my clothed chest and made me forget about all my surroundings.

"Yeah, that mouth of yours does." Gently, I grasped her by the chin, angling her upward to meet my gaze and my finger slowly grazed on her lips.

An excited giggle tumbled from her lips as she went on her tippy-toes to reach my ear.

"You haven't even got the full effect of what I can do," she whispered in my ear and darkly laughed as she pulled away.

My skin had gone hot and sensitive, and my pulse thrummed with eagerness. The kiss definitely shifted something in the air between us, but as colleagues, we shouldn't pass any more than we already had.

"D, the kiss between us." My finger pointed between the both of us. "It wasn't anything romantic, right? We still don't really like each other, right?"

She blinked, her expression hidden like the masks she loved wearing. I tried examining for any proof of emotion in her eyes... Nothing. "Yeah, it was just a one-time thing," she laughed, amusement flashed in her eyes. "I was worried, too. I didn't want to get all awkward between us because we kissed."

I nodded. "Exactly. We're two people stuck in a relationship who just so happened to kiss each other. Besides, it was probably the wine I drank," I lied convincingly.

Her fist punched my shoulder, almost sending me to the other side. "Good! Sounds like music to my ears."


Her eyes peered at the audience and grabbed my hand before I could swing around. Her blue-hazel eyes surveyed mine with concern. "Ambrose... I think they're here."

My pulse matched the beating of my erratic heart. My entire world slowed down, my body anticipating the worse when I turned around. The two seats with my last name assigned to them had two bodies in them. And to my horror, they were my parents.

Mother had her platinum-blonde hair tied in a bun, bringing attention to her crow's feet and wrinkles more than usual. There was a red scarf cascaded around her shoulders wearing a blue plaid jacket with a white t-shirt underneath and leggings.

I was struck with a shock wave when I noticed how healthy she looked.

Her husband sat beside her, his round belly protruding through his shirt. His brown-haired beard had slowly turned gray and patchy, reaching to his neck. His hair brushed against the back of his neck with a sharp bow that conveyed a heavy silent glare.

He looked awful, but it was probably a side effect from drinking for so many years.

"I don't know if I can do this," I breathed, feeling gallons of anxiety stored in my gut.

Suddenly, my breathing went haywire; as if I was getting covered by tons of dirt and being buried alive. Seeing their eyes wander around, searching for me was like another pebble of dirt on top of me

She grabbed the side of my cheeks, her worried eyes darted between mine. "Say the word, and I'll get us out of here."

With trembling lips, I mumbled, "P-please get me out of here."

Poor Ambrose is going through a lot right now... thankfully we have our girl Davina to step in for us!! Love you guys and can't wait to read your comments

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