Dark Times With D

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I rolled my head around, trying to ease my tense muscles after suffering through another round of auditions. Even with the revelation of Ambrose's father's passing, the media hadn't stopped attacking him for his mistake. The backlash is piggybacking on me and I knew that's why Milo has been struggling to get me a role that mattered.

Today I audition for two supporting roles, three in assembly, and one lead role only to receive the same old 'we will call you once our decisions are made'. In all honesty, every other part lacked what Isabel's character had in her twelve-episode ordered season. According to the inner circles, Ryler had been cast for Isabel and had already begun filming episodes.

Maybe it was for the best...

I'm growing to love the idea of owning a restaurant with Ambrose.

Before leaving the casting waiting room, I skimmed through their variety of foods to take into the car with me. Donut? Yes. Crepes? Yes. Pancakes with a glob of whipped cream? Fuck yes. My plate was inches away from hitting the ground because of all the weight I stocked up. Even so, that didn't stop me from squirting whipped cream until the can was empty.

"Long time no see...D."

Shivers ran down my spine, causing me to lose focus and all mobility. My platter slipped from my fingertips, landing face down on the floor, taking a bit of my dignity. This can't be happening. My body grew rigid, hoping, praying the person in front of me isn't who I think it is. The blonde man kneeled, using his handful of napkins to whip away the whipped cream.

His gelled hair reminded me of all those times I combed my fingers through them. His muscles practically stretched out his button-up sweatshirt, and when he peeked up at me. I saw grey. Those greyish irises were so easy to get manipulated by, especially when you're a teenage girl.

"D? Do I scare you that badly?" Colton asked smugly.

Fuming with anger, I snagged a freshly open can and sprayed whipped cream all over his head. He was lucky it's only cream. I wanted to rearrange his balls so far that they would detach from his body, only leaving pain in its wake. The room might've been filled with actors, but that wasn't stopping me from exposing this imbecile.

"Shut up." I gritted through my teeth.

Colton tightly snatched my wrist, pushing his fingers into my skin, leaving his disgust mark like a permanent reminder. "D, why don't you be a doll and let go of the can?" He shifted closer, ducking down to my ear. "Before I make you regret doing this to me."

I scoffed. "What are you going to do? Hurt me? News flash that's all you have done during our relationship. So why don't you get the memo and fuc-."

One of his hands clutched the back of my head while the other muffled my words. "Don't fucking test me, D. I'm not in the mood for your shitty attitude today." His irises darkened as he slowly removed his hands.

"Do you think I care at all about your feelings? Fuck yo-." My eyes widened as his hand wrapped firmly around my neck and roughly slammed my head against the wall in a private room. Nerves roared through my veins at the comfort of other individuals disappearing, leaving me with my worst nightmare.

"Goddamn, D. You have such a sassy mouth!" Colton wickedly smirked, grazing his knuckle against my bottom lip. "Maybe it's time you use it for something good. My dick has been throbbing since I walked in and seen how tight your ass looked in that dress."

I laughed hysterically, causing a wrinkle to form on his forehead.

"What's so funny?"

My nails dug into his hands. "The fact that you think I'll put your wrinkly, small dick anywhere near my mouth. If you want someone to suck your cock, then maybe I should text Ryler... you know your fiancee?"

Dark chuckles bubbled from his throat. "That hadn't stopped you before... besides we both know how this works."

I tilted my head, acting innocent. "Really? I think my idea is wayyyy different from yours."

Colton moved a centimeter closer, pressing his small bulge against my thigh. "You pleasure me in exchange for keeping your dirty little secret."


He scoffed. "What do you mean, no? I'm not bluffing. I'll expose everything to the media, tarnish your reputation until everyone boos when you enter a room."

For years, I've been obliged to Colton because of my fascination with him. It took years to realize the love we shared wasn't true love, our relationship was incomparable to Ambrose's. Colton held my secret over my head for his own benefit while Ambrose accepted me with all my faults. I've spent years worried, depressed about what everyone would think once the truth came to light... if they would all hate me.

Like I hated myself.

But none of that shit matter anymore. Besides my sister, Ambrose was the only other person's opinion that mattered to me. If Ambrose could hear the story and still make me feel like I'm perfect, then I'm gratified. Regardless of everything, he treated me like his Queen and cared about me unconditionally, even knowing all my faults.

So why couldn't others?

"Go ahead. I'm done with letting you control me," I seethed, pushing him into a desk. "So go ahead so I can finally get you out of my life for good and expose every single thing you have done to me!"

His jaw ticked. "You wouldn't."

I smirked wickedly. "Try me."

He rubbed his tensed jaw. "Not going to lie... I'm finding this even sexier than submissive Davina. I'll go, I have my audition anyway. But trust me... once Ambrose leaves you, I'll be right here to pick up the pieces." His hand pushed a strand behind my ear, causing my breath to hitch. "No one knows you better than me. Not even that dipshit you call a boyfriend."

"You might know how to manipulate me, but he knows how to love me," I defended, my knuckles turning pale from how tightly I was holding back.

A shock wave attacked my skin as Colton placed a small, delicate peck on my forehead like he used to when we were fourteen. The days when we were innocent children in love before things got so twisted.

"I always loved you, D. But you're right, I'm a user. It's in my blood." His lips mumbled against my forehead before he withdrew them and sauntered to the door.

I rushed straight to the door and gripped the handle, staring at my shoes in pure silence. Calm down, Davina. Don't cry. You were brave and fought against him. Be proud of yourself. But against my will, tears cascaded down my cheeks along with a trail of snot.

I've cried so many tears for Colton over the past years. I had no idea how I still had any left. But I do because they're falling down my cheek like rain. I couldn't even pinpoint there an exact reason why I was crying hysterically. Maybe it had to do with the innocent yet manipulated gesture of a kiss on my forehead, the only sweet thing he had done in our relationship. Or the reality of arguing back against a guy I spent years fearing, and he gave up just like that.

Why couldn't I do this years ago?

I jumped back with the sudden ringtone coming from my phone. With trembling hands, I pulled out my cell and sighed at Ambrose's facetime picture. It was outrageously evil how fucking sexy he looked in my contact photo, but I didn't want him seeing me breaking down like this. I just wanted to pretend the encounter with Colton hadn't happened and go on with my day. If Ambrose knew, it wouldn't let it go.

Once the call ended, I thought that would've been the end of it. Instead, my phone kept vibrating with messages from him. Then realization dawned on me. Ambrose mentioned in the morning that he would pick me up at my last audition to celebrate together. Shit. I'm emotionally unavailable right now.

Another call followed, and I gave in and answered.

"Hey, D? Is everything alright? I know you mention sometimes auditions go on a little longer than expected, but it's been almost an hour. Besides, I just missed your voice, and you..." he said, his voice so sweet.

Like candy.

I sniffled. "Umm."

"Are you crying?" Caution dawdled in his voice.

"No," I lied, but my sniffling was a dead giveaway.

"Where are you? I'm coming inside." The sound of the door slamming followed after.

I sighed. "Please don't. I'm fine, babe, seriously. I just need a minute to get myself collected, that's all."

Ambrose groaned. "D, can you be real with me for a second? I've spent the past six months with you. I can tell when you're lying. I'm coming in whether you like it or not because I'm not letting you cry alone."

Uncertainty ate my thoughts. "I-it's Colton... he's here. So please just stay outside."

In all honestly, I wanted Ambrose to stay out of it. Not because I didn't want his support but because this could be the final straw. Ambrose had enough on his plate with the assault case, and running into Colton could only lead to something worse. Colton would use the victim's agenda and drag Ambrose through the mud until there was nothing left.

I'm looking out for Ambrose.

Because I love him too fucking much to watch him throw everything away to defend me.

"That piece of shit," he muttered under his breath. "There's no way in hell I'm staying outside now. Where are you?"

My mind began to panic a little. "In the room by the food buffet."

He hung up after my response, which only caused concern to stream through my body like an engine. I leaped back with the sudden knock at the door. It's only been ten seconds since he hung up, so I know it's Ambrose. I unlocked it and opened it and I'm suddenly pressed against something soft.

Ambrose's arm wrapped tightly around me, desperately, and his lips were pressed against the side of my head. I squeezed my eyes shut and the tears gushed out like those jelly donuts when you squeezed it.

"D," he whispered, still holding me tightly. "Please tell me he didn't touch you. Please, so I could tear his head off his body if he did. Because no one is getting away with hurting you ever again."

"It's fine. I'm fine."

He pulled back to look down at me and when he saw my tears; he brought his hands up to my cheeks. "D, I told you it's okay to let yourself go around me. You keep trying to hide underneath that mask, but I see the pain in your eyes."

My lips quivered. "It was nothing. He just threw me at the wall, choking me. Then kissed my forehead."

Ambrose's brown irises darkened with rage. "I'm going to fucking kill him."

He released me and walked to the door, but I caught his arm before he could open the door. My finger would cut open if I tried grazing it across his tensed jaw. If it wasn't for the fact I was holding his arm, he would've pulled away violently. But he's holding back because he doesn't want to hurt me.

Like Colton had minutes earlier.

"He's not worth it."

His forehead wrinkled. "He doesn't deserve to get praised by people when he treats you like this behind closed doors. He deserves to burn in hell and I'll be glad to put him there."

"Ambrose, please," I begged.

Distress washed over his handsome features. "Why are you defending him?"

I cringed. "I'm not-t. This is between me and Colton. So why are you intervening? It has nothing to do with you, so just let it go, okay? Can you do that for me?"

Ambrose glanced up with a stony expression. "How can you say that? It has everything to do with me. I have to be here and watch you cry over some piece of shit and I'm just supposed to be okay with it? If you're there, then I'm automatically involved. I'm in this one-hundred percent, so I'm sorry I can't stay out of it. I care about you too much to do that."

My expression softened. "I get that, I really do, but Ambrose... you have to look after yourself. If you attack Colton, he has nothing to lose. The media are at his feet and will twist the situation for you in his favor. What will the judges think if you have to take it to the court? They're going to give you the max. I don't want that for you."

He flashed a guilty stare. "All those things are irrelevant to me when it comes to you. I only care about you. I only want what's best for you."

I rolled my eyes in an exasperated way. "That's where you're wrong. You devoted everything to Lana and look where that got you, you lost passion for everything but her. Ambrose, my life shouldn't be your main focus, it's not healthy. I'm not saying you can't defend me, but you have to realize if these situations are worth the risk. Colton isn't."

Ambrose coughed in a sheepish manner. "Okay... I see your point about dedicating myself to the person I care about... but D, do you understand how horrible I feel unable to do anything? I feel like I'm being stabbed repeatedly in my chest."

I took a step forward. "But you aren't doing nothing. You're comforting me when I need it the most, and that's the best thing you could ever offer."

He took the next step, bringing us one step closer. "You're incredible Davina Dialaurentis."

I shrugged. "So I had heard."

Ambrose playfully rolled his eyes. "But if I see him in a five-yard radius around you, then I can't promise I'll hold back then."

I pursed my lips. "You won't have to worry about that. I don't think he's going to bother me anytime soon."

He raised an eyebrow. "Do I want to know what you did?"

"That's a story for another time." I stuck my tongue out.

"Should we leave this room before people start thinking we're having sex in here?" Ambrose laughed.

"That's probably a great idea. I wouldn't want the producer to get an even worse image of me. It'll be a miracle if I even land a single part this year unless it's for a shitty budget Christmas romcom. But I don't want to swoop low enough to audition for those. Besides, that's Ryler's territory. Her horrible acting really plays off the fake Christmas spirits in the movies. If anything, I could go back to doing commercials. They pay pretty well. But I'm also not too sure if it's a go-."

Warm lips slammed against mine.

The kiss obliterated all my not-so-coherent thoughts. My body flooded with warmth as it arched up into Ambrose's broad chest, fingers aching with the need to move, to touch. The concept of pulling away hadn't dared past my mind.

His tongue pressed to the seam of my lips. I gasped. The kiss wasn't slow and sweet-- it was deep and demanding. Somehow, my hands paraded their way up to his body, fingers tangled in rough locks of hair. His hands were hot on my hips, awakening every nerve ending.

We broke apart. The taste of bubblegum and Ambrose lingered on my lips.

"Gosh, you're irresistible when you're rambling." He smiled, his hands still hot on my waist, mine still tangled in his hair.

Could the world get any brighter when you're in love?

Ahhh so proud of Davina here! Colton doesn't have anymore power over Davina! I'm so happy of how strong she's become!!💜💜 can't wait to hear your thoughts!!

Love you guys and can't wait to read your comments!!

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