Fly On The Room

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My soul hurts.

My heart hurts.

Everything feels numb and heavy. Like someone dropped ten million tons of rock onto my chest.

According to Meadow's boyfriend, Lana and Declan had talked out their problems and were happier than any Disney princess. The surge of hope deflated like a helium balloon and I was falling back down to the pits of darkness. The pain only intensified when Lana uploaded a picture of them on their little date.

It was disgustingly cute.

Normally, I would do anything to get my mind off Lana, but Wesley ditched me for his girlfriend, so I had to fend for myself. He offered to stay, however, from the way his eyes light up when talking about her. I didn't have the heart to tell him to stay and hang out with me.

So instead, I fueled my anger into my video game and got banned from excessive cursing, which was bullshit if I had anything to say about it. The producers planned a party to celebrate the winner of the first round-- Wesley.

He blew all of us out of the water with his unique take on savory crepes. Sadly, Jessica was eliminated and was heading home tomorrow after the celebration. I thought it was a bit cruel of the producers to organize a party when another's dream came to an end, but all they had in their eyes was dollar signs.

I stood in front of the large glass window that had a magnificent view of Paris. The sun was setting, and the sky was a beautiful tone of orange and pink. I turned my attention to the shirtless idiot in front of me and was on the verge of sneezing because of how strong Wesley's cologne was.

"Do we have to go to the party?" I asked.

"Come on bro." Wesley appeared very close to a pout. "You complained all last night when I came back about wanting a distraction. This is perfect! Find a girl who will take your mind off Lana."

"Why mention her name?" I flatly told him.

Wesley looked at me in dismay. "What? Is she, Lord Voldemort?"

"She's in the pile of people we don't mention anymore," I responded.

"Bro," Wesley placed a hand on my shoulder. "You need to get laid.

I inwardly rolled my eyes and shrugged his hand off, "Look who's talking, Mr. Virgin nerd."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Wesley confidently rolled his shoulders back, "Davina and I are going strong."

Realization dawned on my features. "Holy shit... You lost your virginity to her? I thought you were saving it for someone special."

Suddenly, everything began to make sense. His eagerness to go hang out with her. The smile he wore when he sneaked back into our room. With his giggling attitude this entire morning, Wesley even offered to make crepes. Never in the past two months had he offered to cook anything that wasn't work-related.

"Davina is special! I'm planning to ask her to be my girlfriend, tonight," Wesley revealed with a twinkle in his eyes.

My eyebrows jumped. "Are you sure? Davina is labeled as more of a fling type of girl."

"Stop worrying about me and focus on yourself," Wesley casually said as he grabbed his shirt off the backrest of the sofa, "You're too... uptight and sad. Be a hopeless romantic for a change.

As he buttoned the shirt, he made his way towards me again. "I'm falling in love, man. Can you maybe be a bit more supportive? I would be if it was you and Lana."

"Fine," I gave in with an exasperated sigh, "I'll give you unconditional support if you don't mention Lana's name."

Welsey grinned as if he just won the lottery. "Deal! Now, should I flat out say I'm in love with her or start with the girlfriend thing then go from there?"

"Take it from a guy who confessed his love multiply times... Admitting you love her will just scare her off so try to ask her on a date but officially this time," I advised.

"Alright, cool," Wesley breathed.

His breathing picked up and sweat rolled down his forehead. He began fanning himself and paced back and forth in our living room. It brought heartfelt memories of my freshmen year when I realized I was in love with Lana. The first year of high school was one of the toughest moments to go through but Lana was always there for me.

Every day I would go to school starving, unable to afford lunch because my parents would choke me if I took any of their alcohol money. I think Lana caught onto my little problem and brought lunch for me until I started working sophomore year. When I was a freshman, I was left out of every single activity because of street credit I had yet to earn but Lana always invited me over to her table.

On the last week of summer, Lana invited me to the carnival along with Catalina and Meadow. Not going to lie, I thought it was a date until I arrived and saw her friends there. However, I spent all afternoon coming up with an elaborated speech on my feelings for her yet the second we were alone I confessed I was in love with her.

Certainly wasn't my best day, but she still wanted me in her life after that.

So I understood the jitters and butterflies in his stomach.

I glanced at my watch. "I think Jerry is about to pick us up."

"You're right." Wesley nodded. "Do you think we can stop to buy flowers?"

"Oh god," I mumbled irritably before we made our way out.

The drive wasn't too long, about twenty minutes before we pulled up outside a large Tuscan-style home, painted in a light beige color with dark black window panes and doors. As Jerry pulled up, I glanced in distaste at the many drunken idiots scattered on the front lawn with red plastic cups in their hands, acting like dumbos.

With peps to Wesley's steps, I could tell he was already shaking in his boots while all I wanted to do was get away from the drunken crowd and grab some water. As we made our way inside, I didn't miss the few flirtatious stares from drunken girls but I played it nonchalantly and didn't pay them any attention.

I wasn't ready for anything.

I doubt I'll ever be.

As we stood in the entrance hall, I couldn't hide my distaste when the smell of cheap liquor and a slight stretch of body odor hit my nose. Loud music that appeared to be coming from the backyard throbbed in my ears and mixed with loud shouting.

Not my favorite scene.

Never was.

A wide grin gave spread on Wesley's lips. "I might throw up before I get the chance to talk to her."

A drunken girl with dark hair and blue highlights bumped past me and nearly spilled her drink over my clothes, I clenched my jaw and suppressed the urge to curse.

"Sorry." she giggled, and I recognized her familiar tone.

"Davina!" Wesley shouted, latching onto her arm before she could get away.

Davina wore an irritated expression when his arm was around her and harshly pushed him off of her. She scanned the area before pointing over to the opposite of the room and shouting, "Hey, Chewy!"

Wesley's eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, Davina, I wanted to talk to you."

He ran after the stumbling girl and I was alone to fend for myself. I took gradual strides towards the living room space and it was also packed with people. My eyes took in the fairly large billiard table, far off on another corner a bunch of people crowded the couches, and on the opposite end was a table set up where a lot of people were playing beer pong.

My phone vibrated in my jeans, and when I pulled out, my heart skipped a million beats. Lana's contact picture appeared on my phone with an eager message coming after. I panicked and tried finding a private area where it was quiet but in a house party, that was basically impossible.

I dodged many drunken fools on my way to the staircase where I hoped there would be an area with more privacy. I passed a bunch of giggling, drunken girls as I roamed the hallways and when I glanced their way, they were staring at me.

I paid them no attention but it seemed they couldn't take a hint when one of them snatched my hand. With a raised brow, I glimpsed at her small hand on my wrist before I gradually allowed my eyes to take in her appearance.

She was an attractive girl, around the height of five-foot-two, with short maroon-colored hair and warm brown eyes. She didn't hide checking me out and even though she was bold and tried to make a move, I didn't quite like the idea of her gripping my hand just like that.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked nonchalantly.

She took a step closer and her friend giggled, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ears as her eyes fell rolled upwards from my legs to my face.

"I don't know." She drawled and slowly trailed her finger up my hand, "But I think I can help you with something."

She appeared to be around the age of twenty-one, by the way, her words slurred I could tell she was pretty wasted. She was confident, I gave her that but I wasn't keen on hooking up with a drunken adult whom I just met.

I tried to be as polite as possible and pulled my hand out of her grasp, I placed both hands in my pockets and took a step away from her.

"Thanks, but... I have a girlfriend," I subtly turned her down.

Subtlety didn't work because she didn't take a hint, instead, she stepped closer and battered her lashes at me.

"Are you sure? She's not even here. It's not like I'm going to tell her anything," she flirted.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, I hated when girls lowered to that level just to get a little attention. I understood that people made moves on someone they were attracted to but there was a way to do it other than insinuating they only wanted sex. It's one of the reasons why I couldn't stand being in Davina's presence.

I cleared my throat. "I have to go call my girlfriend. Now, if you'll excuse me."

"Really?" She grabbed my arm this time and I was growing impatient, she looked up at me and pouted, "Not even a blowie or handjob?"

I cannot stand drunks!

I gently pulled my arm away and put a good distance between us, I could see the look of rejection in her eyes. She kept mumbling disgusting comments but I was focused on finding an empty area. The first door I opened had a couple in the middle of taking their clothes off, they were so engrossed in their bodies that they hadn't heard the door open.

The second room had one idiot vomiting while the other's face turned a vibrant green at the sight of his orange throw-up. My stomach got queasy at the sight and I quickly slammed the door shut.

Third time a charm and I opened the door on an empty bathroom, the smell of detergent and peace. A sigh of relief left my lungs as I closed the door and leaned against the frame. At the speed of light, I redialed Lana's number and broke into a sweat. My heart pounded, and my hand began to feel clammy against my bouncing knee.

A whirlwind storm developed in my belly when her vibrant smile emerged on my screen. I take a moment to take her in, her green hues mixed with moss, the slope of her nose, the way her eyelashes fluttered, the curled strands of chestnut framing her face.

"Hey, Ambrose! I'm so so so sorry for breaking the pact we made! I hope you can forgive me." Lana pouted in the most cutest humane way possible.

"Well, when you stare at a guy like that how can they stay upset," I coolly replied, while my heart was doing the exact opposite.

"It's easier than you think just ask Declan," Lana joked, shifting the camera off from her and onto her husband reading a book beside her.

Declan narrowed his eyes. "You're making it seem like I'm an ass." My heart was stomped on as I watched him place a peck on her rosy cheek. "No one can resist those adorable eyes."

I gagged. "I could've gone my entire life without seeing Declan act all romantic."

"Sorry." Lana laughed. "I'll just go into another room where we can be alone."

The lighting and background changed when Lana moved onto the kitchen with a clear white and black tide scheme. "It's been almost a week since I called and I wanted to catch up on everything!" Lana squealed.

"Nothing much."

Lana gasped. "Nothing?! How can it be nothing when you're cooking in another country with famous judges tasting your food."

"We haven't been allowed to sightsee believe it or not but I've made a good friend here to keep me company," I explained.

"Is it that Wesley guy? I watched most of the cast introduction videos and thought he was the cutest fuzzball in the world," Lana rambled, her eyes sparkling the way stars did at midnight of the night when I stared out my window. "But what about girls? It's Paris the city of love there has to be someone who caught your eye!"

"I have a feeling that spot is already taken." I chuckled as I stared deeply through the lens.

"Ambrose..." Lana sighed, "I'm sorry for bringing you into our drama. Now, that I think about everything with a clean mind, I think I'm holding you back from moving on."

My heart free-fall down the pits of hell. "No, no. That's nonsense, I've been hoping Declan and you would make up... because... I-I..." My mind went blank and the only thought I could utter was, "Have a girlfriend."

If it was even possible Lana's face smile shined brighter. "Oh my god, really!? Is it one of the cast members? Are you happy? Does she laugh at your jokes? I always do that whenever Declan decides he's a comedian. Ahhhhh! I just cannot wait to meet her."


I fucked up.

It was the only way to keep Lana from shutting me out. My motivation to move on from Lana wasn't any of her faults. I was the one living in good old times when I had a chance with the girl of my dreams. Three years later and it still sucked to admit there are 0.5 possibilities Lana would look in my direction.

"Maybe you won't be able to meet her..."

"Aww, but why?" Lana frowned.

But girlfriend? Really Ambrose? That was the best thing I could think of. How am I supposed to get a fake girlfriend before next week when I can't imagine myself with anyone but Lana. She's not going to let this go, she's going to keep badgering until they meet.

Goddammit, I really fucked up.

"She might be too busy?" I stated but it came out more like a question.

Lana narrowed her eyes. "I'm suspecting a liar and that liar is you."

"No, I'm not lying. It's just..." Goddammit, brain think. "We just started dating so... it might be... too soon... too weird to introduce her to everyone."

Lana tapped her cheek with her lips pursed. "Mmm, Alright I get it. Sometimes I get nervous when Declan introduces me to his friends especially with the whole wife thing."

I sighed, happily. "Yeah, but I'm happy and doing great, don't worry about me."

Suddenly, excruciating pain shot through my back when the door banged against it. Wow, Ambrose maybe you should've locked the door in a house party. With a deep groan, I turned around to see drunken Davina stumbling into the bathroom.

"Gosh, I'm about to pee my pants," she slurred.

"This bathroom is taken," I responded, harshly.

Davina scanned the room and said, "By who? All I see is a talking ghost."

"Wow, how mature," I mimicked.

Davina rolled her eyes before whacking me in the face with her arms and spilling her alcohol all over me. The stench was overpowering which blocked how painful it was receiving a smack from this girl. For payback, I stuck my foot out in her pathway but I realized I was sinking down to her level and removed my foot.

Expect somehow my foot and her foot collied and caused Davina to flail her hands in the air. Before I could react, she latched onto my shoulders and sent us flying downwards to the carpet. One our way down, my phone fumbled out of my hand and I was left with agonizing pain coming from my head.

"That was fun!" Davina giggled.

I closed my eyes in frustration and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Yeah, maybe for you."

Her hands roamed my frame as she tried picking herself up. My heart picked up a notch when I took in our comprised position, her cleavage spilling from her top, the heat coming off her palms that were resting on my chest.

"Gosh, it's so annoying how sexy you are." Davina batted her lashes and widened her royal blue doe-eyes.

"Huh?" She silenced me with a finger against my lips.

She grabbed my hands and slid them down to her ass. My breaths grew heavy as she leaned up against my ear. "Why don't we start what we couldn't finish last time..."

This was every teen boy's wet dream.

Davina moved her lips south and trailed wet, sloppy kisses down my neck, and her smile was felt against my skin when my head leaned back in submission. Maybe I should follow Wesley's footsteps and get laid because my horniess was through the roof but certainly not with his girlfriend.

When she got to the crook of my neck, she sucked hard on my flesh, and subconsciously a groan slipped out while I kneaded her ass.

"I think I-I better go... Bye Ambrose," Lana said, breaking my train of dirty thoughts.

A nanosecond later, I grabbed her shoulders and ripped us apart. She looked at me with confusion and was about to open her mouth to say something when I cut her off.

"Shit! Lana wait." I scanned furiously on the ground for my cell phone.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You're Wesley's girl, how can you go around kissing other guys?" I snapped sternly.

She groaned in annoyance but reluctantly got off of me.

"It looked like you enjoyed it. We aren't together. What drug are you on?" Davina scoffed.

"Did you guys talk?"

"Yup," Davina popped the 'p' with an attitude.

My eyebrows knitted together. "So didn't he ask you to be his girlfriend?"

Davina rolled her eyes. "Your point?"

"Your answer was..." I drawled out.

"Do I need to spell it out to you? I said no. N.O. He's too clingy for my taste." Davina flashed a look of repulsion.

This woman had to be denser than a brick wall. An urge of guilt slipped in when I remember I encouraged him to discuss his feelings with her. How could she feel great about herself knowing she crushed a guy who genuinely cared about her?

Wesley must be a wreck right now.

"You're such a brat," I mumbled as I got up from the floor.

"You got a lot of nerve! I'm not a brat? You the one with a big annoying mouth!" Davina shouted intensely.

"You dumped a guy right after taking his virginity that doesn't exactly paint you as a saint."

"I didn't force him to have sex with me. Why am I being blamed for his decisions all I did was dump the loser. I didn't know it was a crime," Davina muttered under her breath.

"It's fucked up," I bit back and stormed out of the bathroom.

"News flash, it's not the first time someone lost their virginity and got dumped!" Davina screamed at the top of her lungs.

Well......... that was interesting lol! Shit has definitely gone down between the entire gang. How do you guys feel about it?

Who also thinks Ambrose was an idiot for lying to Lana about a girlfriend?

Love you guys and can't wait to read your thoughts!!

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