Friendly Game of Twenty Questions

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Why was this happening to me?

The universe was out to get me. Or was it Davina? To think I'm going to subject myself to being in a relationship with this girl... Honestly, I don't know how the producers were going to give us a romance edit when all the footage of us resulted in a fight.

My heart currently was going through a shredder as I messaged Lana that I couldn't make it to movie night. The studio was so filthy that I doubted I would be leaving anytime soon, especially when I'm stuck with a whiny brat. I wouldn't be shocked if I ended up cleaning everything on my own while Davina texted on her cell phone.

I let out an exhausted sigh as I dropped the mopping equipment. "Why did I have to be abused by a female barbarian?"

Davina scrunched up her face, her thick hair falling over her shoulders. "Hey! What do you mean, female barbarian?"

I shook my head and let out an exasperated chuckle. "You dropped a bucket load of flour on my head, then proceeded to pelt me with eggs, remember?" 

"Well, I apologized, didn't I?" Davina pressed her lips into a thin line, her apologetic sea-blue eyes staring up at me. "All I did was hit you a little... so why don't you just let it go?"

I was mindblown.

"What do you mean, a little?" I mocked, squinting my eyes and pursing my lips in deep annoyance. "I was this close to blacking out, you know!"

Davina blinked at me, cocking up an eyebrow. "Oh, did you? You must have low blood pressure, then! I'm apologizing if you haven't noticed, so why don't you fucking give it a rest already? You're such a baby!"

"That's how you apologize?" I shot her a glare.

She tossed me an unimpressed glare, coiling her fingers around a basket. "Whatever. Just stay on your side of the room. Don't come over here, got it? Your unmanliness will rub off on me."

I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes darkening. "That's my line! I rather not be in the same perimeter as you."

She blinked, then let out a quiet chuckle. "I can't stand guys who keep bitching about what's over and done with. I'd hate for anyone to think I was friends with a petty guy like that."

"I hate to break it to you but our relationship is due to go public soon."

Davina rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

Dammit, what's this girl's problem? My fingers ruffled through my hair so harshly I felt like I pulled out all my strands. I've never seen such a vicious, annoying girl. I thought Meadow was the worst of the worst with her troublesome attitude, but I had been proven wrong.

For starters, I snatched a sponge from the bucket and commenced scrubbing the sauce-covered floor. The fragrance from the soap wafted into my nose, triggering a bouquet to appear in my head. Three deep scrubs later and the floors were on the way to look clear and white again.

Once I got up, my eyes flickered over to Davina struggling to reach the top shelf and knocking all the pans onto herself.

"Shit," she cursed as she rubbed her shoulder.

I cocked up an eyebrow, oddly amused at her dilemma. "Would you like some help?"

Davina closed her eyes for a second, turning towards me eerily slowly. "Hey, you promised not to talk to me, remember?"

I scoffed at her comment. "Like we can get our work done without us talking. Besides, I just wanted to be a gentleman."

Davina rolled her eyes. "That didn't work the first time," she stated flatly, swinging around in my direction. "Jesus."


She placed the pan in her hand on the countertop and wandered over to me. She pressed her finger against my forehead with knitted eyebrows, causing a weak groan to depart from my lips.

"You must've hit that drawer real good," she mumbled, as her fingers clasped my jaw to take a better look.

With a confused face, I looked at my reflection in one of the pots and saw dried blood dripping just above my nose. Because of CT's outburst, I subconsciously blocked out the pain and by the time everything settled, it disappeared.

"No wonder why it hurt like a bitch," I said, trying to scratch off the dry blood.

Davina slapped my hand. "Don't. We should probably disinfect it."

My cloud of confusion grew larger as Davina yanked me over to the health kit in the corner of the room. Once retrieving the kit, she dragged a barstool over and patted it so I could sit in it. This girl shouted at me, cursed at me, attacked me with ingredients, yet she went out of her way to help with my head.


Davina's lips formed an 'o' shape as she blew on the cotton ball. "This might hurt a bit."

I suck in a sharp breath and watched as she delicately tapped my forehead with the cotton ball. Shivers went down my spine at our close proximity. She almost looked cute.

At least when she's quiet.

"So, I wa-." I cut her off.

With an amused cocked eyebrow, I smirked, "I thought you didn't want to speak to me anymore."

Her face paled. "Stop being such a smart ass. I just wanted to talk about the Halloween party but never mind."

I snorted. "I'm joking, geez. Go on."

Davina rolled her eyes. "Anyhow, I wanted to talk about our Halloween costumes. I was thinking sexy cop and outrageously ugly prisoner."

My lips kicked up into a lopsided grin. "Let me guess, I'm the outrageously ugly prisoner."

She laughed. "Bingo! Nameo! Got it right on the money. I'm always known for my provocative costumes. Last year I was Yuno Gasai. Bruh, my pictures were everywhere! I trended for days, those were the fun ones."

The viral photo of Davina popped into my mind. Before she threw up into my mouth, I followed her on social media and considered her sexy as fuck. My face grew warm as I thought about the picture still being saved on my phone. It would only stroke her ego if I mentioned having stored the photo myself; so I kept quiet.

"Yeah, I don't usually do Halloween parties. Not because I don't like them, I'm just always busy working," I mentioned.

Davina laughed, side-eyeing me. "Working? Really. How much more boring can you get?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Not everyone can live as privileged as you."

She nodded, taking in my sudden change in tone. "I see. It's a touchy subject. We all got one of those."

I cocked my head to the side. "Even you?"

She let out an amused laugh. "I'm the only exception."

"You know, we're going to have to pretend to be dating in front of my friends in two days. Scratch that... the whole world, yet we know nothing about each other," I said, straightening out my shoulders.

"What is this? Twenty questions? That wasn't fun in junior high and it isn't fun now," she stated, pulling out a bandaid from the kit.

"I'm just trying to make it as believable as I can, but fine." I rolled my eyes.

The world could get fooled easily. With the scripted notes and edited videos, as long as love twinkled in our eyes, everyone would fall for it. I'm sure her diehard fans would send death threats if I answered a simple question as to her favorite color wrong. Concern spouted like a flower in the ground from the fact that my friends weren't be so easily deceived.

After the excitement of their little Amby having a girlfriend sunk through, I'm sure they would pick up on any of the little slips up. Especially Declan. That boy was partially a wizard and I wouldn't be surprised if he's the first one who caught onto it. Maybe if I blackmail him into keeping silent, I'll be saved.

But I had no leverage over him.

"My favorite color is purple," she muttered.

"Now, was that so hard? Mine is blue," I admitted.

Davina's lip kicked up into an annoying grin. "Okay, so now that we're best friends, can we talk about something more interesting?"

My eyebrows knitted together. "We're still playing twenty questions."

Her eyes flickered with delight. "Fine. But it's my turn to ask... So what's the big deal with Miss Sunshine? Why do you love her so much? Why are you still wasting time barking up that taken tree?"

I cocked my head to the side, grinning. "You know it's only supposed to be one question, right?"

She playfully smacked my shoulder. "Just answer one of the three."

"Alright," I chuckled. "I've been in love with Lana since ninth grade. A lot of people always asked how could you love someone when you were so young... But you just know. When I was younger, I didn't have a lot of people who cared about me, but she did. At first, her brightness was too much for me and I wanted to ignore her... but Lana always had a way to capture your attention. If she wanted something, she was determined to get it."

My grin grew bigger with every word. "Actually, she promised in ninth grade if we weren't married by twenty-five that we would date each other. I doubt she remembered. She has the mind of a goldfish. You will understand once you have a real conversation with her at the Halloween party. If she can melt her husband's heart, I'm sure she can do the same to a bitter brat like you."

"Maybe I'm just hoping that if I hold on to her promise, it might actually come true. I know you hate me for that, though. Gosh, I am pathetic."

Her eyes squeezed into tiny crescent moons. The apple of her cheeks perked up as her teeth were on full display. Her face was light pink. She's blushing; a kind of blushing that showed the soul, a sort of compliment to the eyes and the delicate sweetness within. For a split second, I felt like I saw the Davina that was hidden away.

To be honest, it scared the shit out of me.

The way she smiled made my cheeks turn fifty shades of red.

"Mmm... what I hate is the kind of guy who keeps brooding over past mistakes and other things he can't possibly change. But I can't say I hate romantic stories like yours." She looked so feminine compared to the female barbarian she was from earlier. "But feelings are yucky." And just like that, her smile was replaced with a look of disgust.

I chuckled. "Great. I thought I lost the Queen of Anti-romantic for a second."

Davina straightened out her shoulders, a proud smile on her face. "Don't worry, I'm here and hanging strong, but seriously, it was a cute story. However, I do still think you're pathetic for going after a married woman. Who are you, Nate Archbiel?"

"I'm not going after her..." I stated, crossing my arms defensively. "Persay... I just want Lana to see for herself what she's missing out on. I don't plan on trying anything like kissing. Declan and I have a mutant understanding."

She blinked, her eyes scanning my face, almost as if she's waiting for me to answer. "Which is?"

"That I won't take her away unless he fucks up. And he will, I know he will. Technically, he already did before I came here, but they made up," I responded.

"You know, for being her best friend, it's kinda harsh to wish the poor girl's marriage to end in divorce." Davina let out an incredulous chuckle.

"I don't wish for it to end in divorce," I insisted, my blood thrumming with irritation. "I just know I can treat her so much better than he ever could."

"Oh my god, your desperation is exhausting!"

I suck in a sharp breath and stood up. "Whatever, I'm done playing twenty questions."

Before I could walk over to the mop buckets, she shouted, "Wait!"

I swung back around. "Hmm?"

"I do appreciate you helping me repair my career so... it's only fair if I pay you back by making Lana crazy, stupid, jealous. So what's your big plan?" she asked, her eyes glimmering with anticipation.


Looks like even for a few minutes they could pretend to be friends👀👀! Anyone else thought it was nice of Davina to clean Ambrose's wound?

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait for you guys to read more!

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