Green Monster Has Returned

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Content. Bliss. Euphoria.

In simple terms, those words were all synonyms of one word; Happiness. In my life, there we two things that brought unconditional happiness, Lana and school. Medical school brought out a different kind of passion. I've been lacking my whole life, and it was all because of Lana. In every way possible, she conveyed the pure sun, shining the darkest, ugliest parts of myself.

I liked to believe she's helping me turn into a better person.

But I'm still human and I made mistakes.

"Declan, we're going out to eat after class. Do you want to join or are you busy with your wife?" My classmate Zachary, sporting a comb-over with a fade, asked.

"I'll pass," I responded.

Another colleague laughed. "I knew it! His wife probably has a whole night planned for him."

A blonde-haired, spiked-up classmate chimed in. "Gosh, I envy you having such a cute wife and family already. The dating scene isn't friendly to us geeks."

Zachary sighed. "That's too bad. I wanted to have a drink with you and discuss molecular cell biology." We strolled through the courtyard, traveling to the other building in our field for our next session of classes. "Speaking of cellular biology..."

My attention diverted from the conversation to a pair traveling through the courtyard. Every fiber of my being surged with rage as they roamed around laughing, smiling, together. Lana might as well have yanked my heart out and stomped all over it. His arms were draped over her petite shoulders as if it was his way of claiming her.

Because I wasn't there to do anything about it.

Because he wouldn't mess with me after our fight at the party.

What was so great about him? Lana mentioned him frequently which my only logical response was to storm out of the room. It's disrespectful, and I regretted it every single time, but I abhorred having to listen to Lana praising him. Who the hell made him king? Who the hell gave him the right to make moves on my wife?

"You know what, I'm free tonight," I stated, cutting Zachary off on his tangents that could go on for an hour.

Biochemistry might've been my favorite course this semester. The subject focused on the process happening at a molecule level, like inside our cells. Our mission was to understand how the structure of a molecule related to its function, giving us an objectively better hypothesis on how they will react.

Maybe it's my favorite subject because I struggled to deal with my own emotions. Molecules were effortless. Human emotion was an entirely different ball game. My mission the past few days was to disperser the reasons behind my contemptuous actions and figure out how to change a reaction.

It might sound simple.

But it wasn't.

Not even close.

Suddenly, a deep voice shouted in the hallways. "Move!" Capturing everyone's attention from the professor at the center of the room, lecturing. With a crease between my eyebrows, I glanced over at the open door, feeling all my organs plunge to the ground at the sight of passed-out Lana in Dara's arms.

"Everyone move the fuck out of my way," he hollered.

Panic quivered through my body as I deliberated over staying for the last five minutes or sprinting after Lana. Regardless if I suffered through the last minutes, I wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything other than Lana's wellbeing. My indecisive ass made the decision for me, and I accidentally spent the last five minutes debating instead of taking action.

Once the professor stopped lecturing, I disregarded my school supplies, my phone, and my ID and went straight toward the nurse. Uneasiness spread through my body like wildfire, rousing the speed of my walking on this friendly, sunny day. There were presumably a dozen students who I rammed into, but I couldn't utter a word until I knew what was going on with Lana.

It wasn't until I stood in front of the doorway that the concern slipped away like dust and was replaced with revulsion. My nails dug into my palm as I made a tighter fist instead of giving in to my anger and punching this asshole in the face.

Dara was leaning inches away from Lana's face as if he was contemplating kissing her. My wife. The girl who drove me insane constantly, but I wouldn't do anything to change that. He seriously thought he was going to get the chance.


I cleared my throat. "What do you think you're doing?"

Dara halted at the sound of my voice, rotated instantly on the balls of his feet, his eyes the size of saucers.

"Oh, it's you again," I replied nonchalantly.

His lips stretched tight into a panic grin. "I haven't done anything. Are you kidding me?" His brown irises sank to Lana for a second. "With her? Never."

I played with the wedding ring on my finger, ignoring his pathetic lying attempt. "It didn't look that way to me. So she fainted, and you carried her here?" Dara nodded, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his baby blue scrubs, losing his edge as I walked past him towards Lana. "Thanks for doing that. For her. But I'm here now. Go back to your training."

Dara rolled his eyes. "I was going to go, anyway."

"Dara," I called out.

From the corner of my eye, I caught him craning his neck halfway while his body remained in the doorway. He's annoying and pathetic and didn't deserve my attention. So I concentrated on Lana instead, sitting beside her on the bed, pushing aside the baby hairs tumbling onto her forehead.

"I know you are aware that she and I are married," I stated, hovering my hand over her cheek, collecting the radiating heat coming from them. "Don't try... anything with Lana. You already got a glimpse of what I can do... Do you want more?"

"I woul-." He swallowed, loudly. "I just realized." His foot squeaked on the vinyl floor, stepping forward until our gaze met, challenging me. "I'd take better care of Lana than you. I'd love her more than you. With me, she will never have to second-guess my feelings for her."

I stifled a laugh. "Hmm... Is that right?"

"Keep up this asshole act and just wait. She's going to come running to me," Dara stated, his fiery irises expanding into a full-blown fire. "You might think Lana is stupid, but she will come to her senses. Then we will see who's having the last laugh."

A baby-like groan fell from Lana's lips as she swerved over to her shoulders, floundering around for a relaxed position. No matter what condition Lana was in, she was captivating, ravishing in her drooling glory. But for the first time in our marriage, I couldn't bring myself to look at her without feeling a rampage of irritation spread through my heart.

The reason remained unidentified.

Nursing school has been kicking my little tush. My passion for completing my dream was the only thing keeping me going. I wanted to make my mother proud. I wanted to make Declan proud. But for the most part, I wanted to make myself proud. However, my professors certainly weren't giving us a painless route like my high school teachers. I had essays up to my neck to write.

But whenever I began writing, I either got distracted by Declan or fell asleep thinking about Declan. Very two distinct differences. Dara has been my savior. He's made sure I kept up with my assignments and completed my exams when everyone else had already left. It's a completed one-eighty shift from Declan's encouragement, which was almost nonexistent.

Our main friend group consisted of Ismael, a vibrant soul who wasn't afraid to shine and strut in whatever he wanted. Jimena an exchange student from Colombia, determine to make a life for herself and even marry a fellow wealthy man. Good thing Declan was my husband or she would've climbed his post. Jimena's closest friend was Mao, which naturally brought her into our group fold, and it helped that we shared a common interest.


Last but not any less important was Dara, the boy I met four years ago at my first college party, in an attempt at forgetting Declan. His face grew with aggravation every time any of the girls mentioned my husband, which was quite frequent. However, these days, I tried steering the conversation away from Declan, away from my marriage, because it wasn't in a good place.

He's been cold.

More than usual.

It left me feeling lost and unappreciated.

"Hey!" Dara flicked my forehead.

I groaned, rubbing the wound. "Ow!"

"Can you stop daydreaming for five seconds and finish the reading for the day," Dara stated, returning to his pages of notes.

"This is the fifth time he's flicked you," Jimena said, a hint of irritation on her frowned lips. "Focus."

I pouted. "But... I could've sworn I was writing notes."

Ismael chuckled. "No, but you certainly talk a lot when you're zoned out. Declan! Declan! Oh, Declan."

My cheeks torched as if I was under a flame. "Don't worry! I'm paying attention now and will certainly finish reading about..." I swallowed the knot in my throat. "What was the assignment again?"

Jimena groaned. "That's it! I need a break."

Ismael stroked his chin as he flicked his pen back and forth on the wooden desk. "Why don't we go out? Bowling and a bit of drinking?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Yes or Yes?"

"Sounds good," Dara and Jimena replied.

Mao awkwardly pulled her hair into a ponytail with a sigh. "I would love to, but I'm working today. Go ahead, and have fun. I'll be having fun cutting up fish heads at my job."

Ismael shrugged. "What about you, Lana?"

My eyes widened. "Well, Declan and I were thinking about going to see a movie..." Everyone stared at me with gloom, and if it wasn't for my weak heart. I would turn them down. But sometimes a night out with friends was mandated. "Umm... I could always just ask him."

"Go ahead, he's over there." Ismael pointed to my husband, standing in the checkout section.

Shudders went down my spine. Why did the library have to be one of Declan's favorite buildings? His side profile had to be chiseled by a God, and it only expanded the anxiety in my chest. After five years of knowing my husband, he still drove my heart insane, as if I was permanently on a roller coaster.

"Okay... I'll be right back," I mumbled.

As always, Declan had his head crammed in a book, only glancing forward whenever the line progressed.

"Hey, Declan... Um, well, do you mind if I cancel tonight and go out with my friends? They want to relax after of week of finals and projects."

"Friends?" he repeated.

"Yeah, Ismael, Jimena, and Dar-."

"Whatever," Declan replied coldly, and slammed his book shut, abandoning the line.

My eyebrows drew together in puzzlement. "Huh?"

"You don't have to bother me about every single thing," he spewed like venom. "Can't you make a decision for yourself?"

Panic rushed in my chest as students' eyes roamed in our direction. "But I was just..." I simply wanted to consider your feelings too, Declan. Misery trickled down my veins like a melting ice cream cone. Two times, Declan has embarrassed me in school, and I wasn't going to stand for it anymore. "Fine, I get it! I'll do whatever I want from now on."

"Great," he simply replied.

With fury consuming my every stop, I stood by my worried friends and crammed all my materials into my bookbag. "Let's go have some fun!"

Dara smiled. "That's what I'm talking about!"

Since Jimena, Ismael, and Dara refused to be on my team, they wavered their luck on whoever got the shortest piece of paper. The universe must've had a curse on Dara since he's my partner again for the fifth time this week. He groaned at first, while the other cheered and ran around in a circle, holding hands.

"Loser buys drinks and dinner, btw," Ismael added with a wink.

Dara shoved his hands in his hair, messing up the neat style. As I form of comfort, I rubbed his back and stumbled back when his face jolted upward.

"Don't worry, Dara. If we lose, I'll pay for everything. It isn't your fault that you are stuck with a loser like me," I counseled, waving my wallet in his face.

"Don't say that." Dara's face tightened. "You aren't a loser. I'm acting upset, so those two think they're going to win when, in reality, it's going to be me and you."

My heart leaped in excitement. "Really? You think we have a shot?"

"I know, we do." Dara smiled, pinching my cheek between his knuckles. "We can even pinky promise on it."

We linked our pinkies until our thumbs kissed a signature for the promise. When I was having relationship troubles, there was nothing better than fooling around with a group of friends. They took away the ache for a few hours, but when I got home today, it would be just Declan and me.

Jimena started the round, knocking down six pins with her bowling ball. Ismael helped afterward, striking the remaining pins to get a perfect score. Dara stretched his neck before latching onto a bowling ball and hitting every pin.

"That's amazing!" I shouted, clapping my hands frantically.

He rushed over with a sly grin on his face and held his hands up for a high five. When our hands touched, his fingers dawdled longer than usual, gripping onto mine until it became painfully obvious.

"Whatever." Ismael rolled his eyes. "He might be amazing, but he still has Lana as his partner. Don't forget, losers treat."

Anxiety and excitement bubbled up in my gut. "I got this!"

How the hell did Jimena's miniature arms carry this freaking bowling ball? My arms were reaching my knees because of how heavy this ball was. And I was supposed to chuck this thing? Sorry to say this, Dara, but it looked like we're going to be paying for dinner tonight. I sauntered closer to row like a penguin, struggling to keep the ball from plunging to the ground.

If I acted confident, I would be sure to do great. "Don't worry, Dara! I got this! Leave it to me!"

As I stretched my hand back, the ball fell from my grasp, almost landing on my feet. "Watch out!" Dara hollered. His eyes widened in horror, causing a ray of laughter to trickle from my throat.

"I was just joking... I'm going to try for real this time," I laughed shakily.

This time, I tried a different strategy. I closed my eyes, bent forward, and shoved the ball forward down the lane. With one eye open, I observed the ball sinking into the black doom, and wasn't even an inch close enough to hit one pin.

"That's funny." I skipped back towards the group. "I wonder why it didn't go in."

Dara pushed his sleeves up, displaying the slight outline of his biceps as he clenched his arms over my shoulders. "You're trying too hard. Relax your shoulders." He suggested, giving mine a miniature squeeze.

I exhaled a breath. "Yes, sir!"

He brought us over to the ball rack, selecting the pink-polka-dot ball I used before. "First, insert your fingers." Dara sank his fingers into the holes. "Take the arm back and relax. Let the ball just hang and swing." He demonstrated exactly how he said it. "Easy, right?"

I blinked, with my eyes agape in an 'o' shape. "Yes!"

"Okay, try it."

Dara passed over the bowling ball, and I carried it as if it was my baby, getting ready to thrust towards the pins.


My eyes widened. "Oh, right!"

Taking Dara's advice to heart, I craned my arm back, letting it hang for just a second and throw! My fingers tingled as I watched the ball slowly creep closer and closer to the pins, knocking two down.

"I hit some!" I cheered, jumping up and down with my hands in the air.

With a glimmer in his eyes, Dara met my hands in the air, interlocking them so we were holding hands. I think it was his attempt at getting me to calm down. His eyebrows jumped to his hairline as my hysteria shined through and I kept jumping.

"That's good!" His arms slithered around my shoulders, using his weight to keep me from jumping. "Aim for that pin. Think of something annoying and hurl the ball at it. It's exhilarating."



Images of Declan being a jerk to me swamped my mind like an unexpected rainstorm. Like today in the library or yesterday during dinner when he left halfway through. Suddenly, I went on airplane mode, walking towards the ball rack, and collected my precious ball.

"I just wanted to have a good night with you!" I screamed into oblivion as I thrust the ball, hitting every single pin.

Who could've guessed? Declan Novak was my source of power.

For every round after that, I yelled, different reasons why Declan was annoying me to the core. I was having so much fun; I hadn't noticed we were almost done with the first game and we were winning. Jimena whined for a ten-minute break since her arm ached, and the boys went to buy us some drinks.

"You're on a roll, Lana," Jimena said, sinking into the chair.

I smiled. "I told you, I got this."

Dara's lean, athletic arm blocked my view of the bowling lane until my eyes slithered to his hand, holding a drink. "Here."

"Thank you! I didn't realize how thirsty I got," I said, basically inhaling the drink.

He licked his lips as I wiped my chin with my hand. "You sounded pretty frustrated."

My head tilted in its own accord, and I focused on the small whirlpool in my soda. Naturally, I smacked my lips together, trying anything to avoid the way this discussion was directing in.

"Having problems with Declan?" Dara asked, taking a sip from his can with a discreet arched eyebrow.

"I wouldn't say that..." My leg automatically bounced up and down underneath the table. It isn't until I felt a hand grab my leg that I witnessed his piercing gaze. "Well... maybe? Declan is so busy nowadays. I hardly see him at home, but when I do see him... It could all be in my head, but he's kind of distant." The Declan topic instantly brought a prominent, fat grimace to my face.

He squinted his eyes before grabbing my face ever so gently and tilting it up so that he could read through my soul. "Your problem is... you try too hard with him. Declan isn't worth all this stress. Loosen your shoulders. Relax."

A slight smile tiptoed to my lips. A really small one.

Dara groaned, throwing his head. "You're utterly hopeless. I'll be your better half today, okay?" He flashed his knockout smile, displaying his bright white teeth with a hint of pink gums.

"I don't need your sympathy, Dara," I stated, flicking his shoulder.

"Can't you just accept a nice gesture?" Dara asked, flicking my shoulder in retaliation.

As Dara promised, we ended up as a victory and were able to eat plenty without hurting our own pockets. Obviously, Dara and I didn't take advantage of the win, but we loved shoving down their faces that we were the winners.

"Why don't we try karaoke?" Ismael asked, his eyes conveying a pleading emotion.

"That's a perfect idea!" Jimena joined in, jumping onto Ismael's back. "We're sure to win in karaoke. They can't sing to save a child."

My eyes glimpsed at my watch. "I'd better get going."

Dara swung around. "Are you abandoning us?"

"It's probably better if I go ta-."

Mid-sentence, two brawny arms towed at my shoulders so tightly that I wouldn't be able to extract myself unless I chainsawed his arm off. "I'm not letting you go home so easily. No skipping out halfway."

Using my elbow, I tried digging it into his ribcage in hopes that his grip loosened. Instead, it grew twenty times stronger. "Hey! I need to go home and finish the homework! Remember?"

Dara squeezed my cheek. "No. You need a break sometimes."

Jimena shrieked. "Oh my gosh, it's Declan!"

Declan stood beside his group of classmates, modeling a pair of rundown ripped black jeans and a light blue button-down shirt with a gray vest layered over it. Even in the midst of our argument, he looked as handsome as ever. Slowly, Dara's arm fell from my shoulders, and I dashed along towards my husband.

"What are you doing here, Declan?" I asked, my heart fluttering at his attractiveness.

He scanned at the pavement as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world. "Dinner. With the medical school guys."

"Cool," I replied.


Awkwardness shielded us like a weighted cloak. "Guess what? We just went bowling."

His golden irises met mine in what seemed like ages, making flutters burst in my gut. "Bowling?"

I smiled so brightly. "Yes! I did great for my first time! I thought of you and threw strike after strike! I wished you could've seen how amazing I was!" Inhaling Declan's woodsy scent, I tilted my head into his arm and hugged it securely with mine.

"Declan, we'll be late. Let's go," His classmate hollered.

He aggressively yanked his arm from my hold, slightly snapping me back with his elbow. This one action stunned me to the core since he's never done that before, even when we weren't together. No matter how much he complained, he never pushed me away from him; but there was a first for everything.

"I have to go."

With his back facing me, my face morphed into one of a little sadness. My heart felt like it was being stomped, ripped, scratched apart bit by bit. If it wasn't for the fact that my friends stood behind me, I would've broken down into tears.

"Hey!" a fired-up Dara roared. "If you have time to drink with them, you should make time to spend with your wife."

My breath lodged in my throat. "Wait a minute..."

"I know you're trying to impress Lana, but I'm sick of your lecturing," Declan fired back, stony.

I stood in between the pair, slanting more towards Dara. "What's wrong with you, Declan? Dara doesn't deserve to be disrespected. He was just thinking of me. He knew I was... feeling down."

"Then why don't you go home with Dara? Since he's so worried about you," Declan taunted, his glare burning a hole in my head.

Stupid tears flooded my eyes. "How could you say that? Why w-woul-. You're so freaking stupid." I looked at my friends and nibbled on my wobbly lip. "I can't do this right now..." I mumbled, wiping away the streaming tears as I ran past sidewalk and sidewalk until my feet ached like no tomorrow,

Tears fell down my cheeks as I sagged onto the bench, staring at the white radiant moon. An activity Declan and I treasured and spent nights doing until we arrived at this exact point. Where a single conversation only led to an argument. The fact that those words left Declan's mouth wrecked my glass-like soul.

I waited five years for him.

I love him.

I just want to be with him.

But it's starting to feel like I'm the only one trying in this relationship, that I'm the only one who cared.

Were three years all it took for Declan to grow sick of me? Has the relationship I fought for years finally reached its end? My surroundings got blurrier by the second as tears gushed onto my jeans, leaving wet splotches.


Hope penetrated my skin. "Dec-." Until I glimpsed a guy who wasn't my husband. The only guy I wanted to come after me.

Of course, he didn't.

He exhaled a deep breath. "It's not Declan."

Quickly, I used my palm to erase the evidence of my sadness. "Sorry, Dara. That must've been unpleasant to watch go down." I stepped from the bench, hugging myself to get a feeling of comfort. "All because of Declan and me... It doesn't even concern you... I'm sorry for dragging you into it."

My heart sped up as his hand lingered on my skin, so close. His newly tattooed hand came up and tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear. "It does concern me." There must be something in my water because of the way my body responded.

Confusion, mainly. Because no other guy had touched me this way except for Declan. It's like a hazard warning going off my head, but I froze, unable to move, to breathe.

He gripped my chin, pulling my face so that I'm looking directly at him. "Don't say that it doesn't. You deserve better than him. You should..." His thumb brushed the continuous tears that ran down my cheeks. "Leave him. Don't go home and come to my house." His voice turned slightly desperate.

Instantly, I bursted into laughter as a coping mechanism for how intense the discussion shifted to. "You must be kidding, Dara!" I playfully elbowed his shoulder. "Don't play jokes like that, Mr. Joke Master. I almost had a heart attack."

My laughter dialed down as I embraced the pavement, swinging my foot back and forth.

Dara cleared his throat. "Let's go... I'll walk you home."

I nodded. "Thank you."

Whether Dara was kidding or not remained unknown, but I feared I was going to be stuck in a pickle for the weeks to come.

Ahhh a Declan and Lana centered chapter!! Did anyone miss our babies Ambrose and Davina during this? Also, how stupid is Declan for being such an ass to Lana? She's too sweet for this...

How's Dara? What's your thoughts?

Thank you guys for reading my story! I'm so grateful for reaching almost 20K! I never expected Ambrose to gain this much love! We're nearing the final arc soon so buckle down guys! Love you❤️❤️❤️

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