Just My Luck

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In the upcoming days, Lana forwarded all the emails involving the information about the cooking competition of the Century. Seriously, that's literally the name, and it's kind of embarrassing.

All the competitors had two weeks to schedule their lives to accommodate a six-month traveling journey. Mr. Hart was proud one of his apprentices was about to make it big in life and planned to save my position in case I lost. The school cafeteria understood my situation and said they would try to keep a spot open from when I get back, but couldn't promise anything. Lastly, my boss at Jeffery's Chicken yelled, threw soda, and fired me before being an inconvenience to him.

I'm so glad I don't have to work there anymore.

For every episode and every round we surpassed, they rewarded us with ten thousand dollars each, with it increasing higher as the finale approaches. The winner got a five-year contract with a tv company to fund their own show, a three-hundred thousand bonus, and loads of appearances that are unknown for now. This could change anyone's life in seconds. Even ten thousand was enough to keep me from killing myself at three jobs.

Lana, Meadow, Catalina, and Greyson (my co-worker and my only highlights from Jeffery Chicken) were coming over to help load everything onto a moving truck. The company was providing all twenty competitors with a suite in every country we visit.

Paris was our first destination. We would spend two weeks working on the kinks and making sure all competitors were able to compete. Then the show would go on the road and begin filming. My stomach recoiled uneasily when I thought about how lonely it could get in a big city.

At least it wasn't my first time moving to another place without no one but myself. Having a small apartment had its benefits since I lacked a large variety of furniture. As a reward for my friends taking valuable time out from their days, I whipped up a dish of Mexican-inspired grilled onion and skirt steak tacos. I even added cheese on Lana's tacos because she loves any kind of cheese.

The pounding on my door caught my attention. Just from the knock, I could tell it was Meadow. She had a more aggressive way of knocking compared to the others; it's like the door was out to get her and she was shooting bullets at it.

"Ambrose, open the freaking door! It's hot out here," Meadow complained, pounding on the door.

My eyes instantly rolled back as I opened the door. "Jesus, you're about to break my door down."

Meadow laughed. "Not like you're going to be needing for the next few months. I'll repair it while you're out touring the country."

Meadow might've acted the same way she did three years ago, but her appearance was another story. Her signature long black hair was no more and replaced by a bright auburn color to match the little mermaid. She learned to take risks by chopping half of it off and sporting a Dora-inspired haircut.

"Are you the only one here?" I asked, folding the tortilla so it would fit into my mouth.

"Yeah, Cata texted and said she would be here in a moment," Meadow replied, picking out the pieces of steak in the tacos.

My eyebrows perked up. "What about Lana?"

"Lana said she's going to go visit Declan at NovakSoft for lunch and come over to help. Poor Declan was reeled back into working for the company. I think it might be taking a toll on Lana," Meadow explained, nonchalantly swiping through her phone.

"She never mentioned Declan retook his position at NovakSoft," I mumbled, a slight sting in my chest. It hurt knowing I could share anything with Lana, but she wouldn't reciprocate the same. 

"Wipe that look off your face." Meadow waved me off. "Lana didn't say anything. I confronted her after Nate told me about the situation. She seems to be putting up a front, but I think something is really bothering her lately."

Anger simmered in my gut. "If Declan is making her cry a teardrop, that's going to be the end of his pretty face."

"Okay, Kung Fu Panda," Meadow joked, putting her hands up as a defense.

"Ambrose! You gotta be more careful. Serial killers can get in if the door is wide open." Catalina strode through the room, her eyes widening at the sight of Meadow. "Looks like one is here already."

While Lana owned my heart forever and completely. My eyes weren't blind; Catalina had the hourglass figure people these days craved, probably rooted in her Hispanic roots. Catalina hasn't changed too much over the years besides her fashion becoming luxury brands, her Instagram followers booming, and her ridiculously long legs even toner.

"Bishhh!" Meadow pursed her lips while cracking her knuckles as a sign of vigor. "Don't start something you can't win, especially in those six-inch stellos. Also, did you forget we came here to pack Ambrose's things? Or do you plan to have a photoshoot?"

Catalina shrugged her shoulders. "Am I not allowed to look hot while doing manor labor?"

"Only you could make that work," Meadow cheekily stated.

Catalina tossed her duffle onto my squeaky cheap couch. She began to rummage through her bag, yanking out a pouch labeled 'makeup' on it. "I could easily help with that issue." Catalina wiggled her eyebrows as she waved her eyeliner around.

"I rather be the person behind the screen than in front," Meadow replied.

"Suit yourself." Catalina pouted, throwing her eyeliner back in the bag.

A knock caught all our attention, revealing my friend Greyson resting against the door. Greyson had sharp features, big green eyes, and dirty blonde hair he kept neatly trimmed. Our dynamic oddly worked though we had very opposing thoughts on each other's lively hoods. Unlike me, Greyson left home because he lacked the feeling of an adventure. He cut off his entire family and moved across the country.

If my parents weren't the manipulating people, they were, I would love to have them in my life. Yet Greyson couldn't care if he broke his parent's heart for a simple experience.

"Hey, bro." Greyson dabbed me up. "You never mentioned you were friends with KlassyCata."

Like a magician, Catalina put on her flirty act and waved her fingers in a sensual motion. "Hey, there."

Greyson's cheeks turned rosy pink. "H-hi." He gulped, shamelessly roaming his eyes over Catalina's frame. "I'm too anti-social to have a hot ass girl here with us," he whispered, his eyes widening in panic.

"Trust me." I dropped my hands on his shoulders. "Once you talk to her, all the charm goes away."

Catalina narrowed her eyes in my direction. "Haters gonna hate."

"Okay!" Meadow clapped her hands. "Let's start loading the sealed boxes in your trunk. I volunteered to help but I don't wanna spend my whole afternoon here."

"Alright, I guess Lana will help whenever she gets here," I said, stuffing another taco in my mouth.

Most of my apartment was littered with sealed cardboard boxes, with the only remaining items being my clothing. I even packed up my Xbox and PlayStation, so this week was going to be boring.

While Meadow, Catalina, and Greyson helped transport the boxes downstairs by my truck, I finished taping some of the open boxes before following them down there. My indigo truck was seconds away from breaking since I brought it off someone for less than one thousand dollars. Hopefully, it had enough energy to get over to the company headquarters.

Catalina scrunched up her nose as she tried opening the trunk. "Who died in this truck?"

"Cata, not everyone can afford a yearly Mercedes-Benz," Meadow countered, dropping the box on my dirty truck without a second thought.

Unease washed over Catalina's features. "Ambrose, I'll feel much better if I lend my father's truck to you."

"Don't worry." I smacked my beautiful truck with love. "Little Lana will get me anywhere."

Meadow gagged. "You did not name your car after Lana."

"I did, and I'm not embarrassed to admit it," I responded, smiling widely.

Yawning, I leaned against my truck and watched as my friends loaded the trunk. After a few minutes, I was about to help out when a set of headlights shined in my driveway. Sitting upright, a burst of unease unleashed in my stomach like a balloon suddenly losing its helium.

I knew that red van anywhere.

By the time she's shutting off the engine, I'm already jumping over to keep her from getting out.

With her head hung low, dark-blonde strands of hair dangle in her face as she slowly jumped down to her two feet. She doesn't see me or hear my steps while I walked a marathon to keep her away from here.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I demanded, stepping onto the dew-covered grass of the immaculate yard.

Her head jerked up, and her gaze found me. The look in her bloodshot eyes was haunted with guilt and shame, halting me in my tracks and nearly wiping away any anger I've held onto this whole time.

Wetting her lips, Mom took one staggering step towards me. "Amby?"

One word was all I needed to hear the slur in her voice.

My heart instantly started to race. We haven't spoken since my failed attempt at applying to college and even though I've felt guilty about the situation; I knew none of their abuse was my fault.

"What do you want?" My tone was stern and cold, but deep down, I had a soft spot for my mother.

My mother might've stood there and watched Dad beat me to a pulp, but it wasn't her fault. If only she had gotten clean like I asked her to, maybe she could've changed. But those lifestyles are challenging to change. She had to want it for herself and when I asked five years ago; she pushed me away.

Her eyes widened with mild shock. "I-I missed you, Amby."

My jaw clenched. "Did you tell Dad where I lived? How do you even know?"

She shifted back and forth on her two legs. "No, I haven't told him yet. Should I?"

"Hell no. I don't ever want to see his bastard face again," I scoffed, a burst of emotions seeping through my veins.

Mom groaned, blocking the lights from her eyes. "He's changed. I've changed. You've changed. Maybe it's time we reconcile as a family."

I had to resist rolling my eyes. "How can you say that with a straight face when you're flat-out drunk?"

Mom sighed. "I'm serious. Dad started going to anger management. He wants to get better for you, for me, for us. We have been attending AA meetings. My counselor suggested I come by and see you. I got so anxious that I relapsed."

I scoffed. "Are you blaming your relapse on me? I didn't ask you to come and see me."

She shook her head, sending a few more strands of golden hair to fall on her face. "I'm not. It was my fault, okay? But D-dad has been good. He's about a month clean. It's an uphill battle from here, but we desperately want to connect with you. You're my baby boy yet, I feel like we're total strangers," she croaked.

My face pinched together with fury. "And whose fault is that?" I sighed, running my fingers over my face. "Please, just leave. I'm tired of hearing the same bullshit lies. I-I-I don't want to get my hopes up again. We're better off strangers."

My heart shattered.

I truly valued family in a heartwarming light. Watching as all my friends' families loved them unconditionally, and were always there for them whenever they needed. I so desperately wanted that. But the chances of that happening were nearly impossible whether or not they got clean.

The damage was done.

Mom shot up like a bolt of lightning and grabbed my wrist. Her lawn green eyes lock on me, but it's like she isn't sure of what she's seeing. "This is my phone number if you ever change your mind." Her fingers hovered over my tensed face. "My beautiful baby boy. I'll be cheering for you on that competition show."

"Bye," I whispered, a part of me deep inside silently crying as I watched her get back in the car.

I shoved her phone number in my pocket and took a deep breath to gain composure. There wasn't time to weigh both options. Maybe after the competition, if they're still clean, I'll give them a chance. But only if I felt comfortable enough. It's my choice, it's in my hands.

As I swung around, the lead in my chest departed when I saw the girl of my dreams catching up with her friends. A daunting grimace stained her precious features, and her curtain bangs fell over her forehead.

"He refused to see you?" Meadow and Catalina exclaimed.

Lana nodded. "Yeah."

"That's bad," Meadow stated.

"You haven't registered your marriage, and he hasn't been home in three weeks and he refused to see you?" Catalina's mouth was agape. "What goes through this boy's head?"

Meadow's face pinched in concentration. "It doesn't sound work related to me. . . Could it be another woman?"

Lana's doe-eyes widened in panic as Catalina instantly consoled her. "Hold on, Meadow! Stop putting things in her head."

My fist clenched. "Is it true?"

"Ambrose?" Lana gasped.

"You haven't registered your marriage?" I tried searching for the answers through her facial expressions; she's open like a book. "What about Declan coming home? Has he really been leaving you alone? Is he making you miserable?"

Alarm washed over the girl's features when they took in my tense demeanor. Catalina threaded circles on my back in a way to ease the anger simmering around me. "Umm... look. I'm sure there are reasons. . ." I pushed her hands off and pulled the keys out for my car.

"Where are you going?" Meadow asked.

"Are you kidding?" I swung around, rage fueling my every move. "I'm going to teach him a lesson!" I angrily smacked the driver's door.

Lana leaped from her spot. "Hold on, Ambrose!" she shouted, but I could only focus on the screeching sound coming from my tires as I drove off.

Lightning flashed outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, reflecting off the polished marble floor. In the distance, the low rumble of thunder followed like an ominous warning. If I was Declan, I would be paying close attention to the weather because I was out to get him. I strode down the brightly lit hallway adorned with framed animations of NovakSoft's most popular games.

"Declan Novak!" I growled. "Where the hell are you?"

His workers cast a distressed glance in my direction as they stopped doing their work. My anger was frightening everyone, but all I could focus on was the red picture of Declan implanted in my brain.

"Come out, Declan! How much longer do I have to shout!"

A door slammed. "What's all this noise?"

My nose flared as I charged up to Declan and grabbed him by his tie. "You piece of ... What are you doing here?" I tightened my grip on his tie. "Why haven't you registered your marriage? Why aren't you going home? Why are you avoiding her?"

My blood boiled in my veins, heating my body like a volcano ready to burst. "Are you preparing to break up with her?" My anger spread further as Declan remained nonchalant as ever, avoiding my glance. "I've kept my mouth shut because you made her happy, but I warned you what would happen if you did something like this."

I frantically shook his shoulders. "I entrusted Lana to you. Or at least I thought so! Do what you want, but don't. You. Ever play with her heart!" The Volcano was exploding, and I craned my fist back to lay a big fat one on his face.

Before I could punch his cheek, he wrapped his palm over my fist, holding it back like it was dead weight. "This is between Lana and me." His stone, cold gaze pierced through mine. "Stay out of it."

I laughed like a madman. "What? How many times do you have to make her cry to feel better about yourself? Cut that shit out!" I smacked his shoulder repeatedly before getting resistant by two security guards.

"Let go of me!" I shouted, kicking, and punching, trying to fight my way out from their tenacious grip.

"Wait! Wait!" My savior Lana came running.

Finally, Declan's eyes softened. Who knew all we needed was Lana here to make this dumbass show any type of emotion. "Lana. . ." he breathed, his demeanor unease compared when he was going against me.

Her beautiful forest-colored eyes showcased worry when they met mine. "He's not at fault. You are! Three years later and you still don't think of me as your wife!" Her cheeks became a sink as her eyes unleashed gallons of tears. "I'm the only one who gets excited! I'm the only one trying to fix things. I'm the only one who feels insecure. . ." Lana's lips twitched as my heart broke watching her break down.

"This isn't a marriage!" she whimpered.

"Then leave," Declan spat, causing every fiber of animosity to sustain my body and I tried breaking through the guard's grip again. "It's not official yet anyway."

"How can you say that!" I sneered, trying to elbow either one of the guards in the gut.

Lana released a heartbreaking sob before running out of the office without another word.

"Hey! Lana!" I called out, finally getting the guard's arms off of me. "I guess she needs me. She's mine, now. Lana, wait!"

And asshole Declan returns.... He had one job! Seriously. Who thinks Ambrose is going to pick up the pieces or just leave?

Place your bets

Thank you for reading guys!! Can't wait to read all your comments and I love y'all ❤️❤️❤️

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