Make It Up To Me

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Drinking was a bad idea. Yet I drowned two whiskeys before officially closing the lid on it. Celebrities gave each other looks when I passed them. Apparently, more people caught drift over our fight than I thought. All I wanted to was hid and stick my face into video games until my feelings were liberated.

For being a fake girlfriend, she brought the same amount of stress as an actual girlfriend would. It took weeks for Davina to open up, show a different side of herself, someone I enjoyed spending time with. It ached in my chest, knowing she hadn't felt the same I did. The famous quote words break your bones because I couldn't recover from this pain.

At least not tonight.

I'm a fucking idiot. Even if Davina said those dreadful things about me, I shouldn't have swooped down to the level and argued back. She flicked the match to start the fire, but I added the gasoline and kept going longer than it should. I could tell from her eyes, and the way her voice cracked, that I hurt her feelings tonight.

How the hell was I supposed to make it up to her?

Rubbing my face out of frustration, I dug into my pocket to pull out my cell phone. I wasn't foreign to romantic gestures, but what exactly were Davina and me? Friends? Strangers? The normal things I had done for Lana, like cooking snacks, buying flowers, showering with gifts, didn't seem worthy enough for this fight.

So I texted the group chat. Catalina and Meadow were already gossiping about the rumors of the massive fight. Once I confirmed the argument was true, all the girls said how could I've done this at a public event. They really were my family by seeing how harshly they scolded me, even without knowing the full story.

Catalina's advice was to plan a super-secret date as a surprise which wouldn't work in this case. Meadow suggested I perform a song, showcasing how much I care about her and our relationship. It was a lovely idea, but it seemed too personal for strangers. Lastly, Lana proposed a night full of Davina's favorite things.

I think that could be arranged.

Would she think I'm doing it out of my own guilt and not because I cherish her feelings? Davina does have a way of ruining or joking about my approaches to our relationship. But it almost felt like a coping mechanism, a protective blanket from her taking me seriously. Even if every fiber in my body was against subjecting to my pride, I threw it away to resolve our issue.

My train of thought disappeared when I felt fingertips trailing up against my back until my shoulder blades. Horror flashed in my eyes when Ryler stood on my left side, a terrifying smile plastered on her face.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!" Ryler stated, twirling her dyed Sapphire hair around her fingers.

"That's a first," I muttered, taking a sip of my water bottle.

Ryler blinked, making sure to bat her long eyelashes. "Told you, Davina is a tough girl to crack. She doesn't go searching for anyone, we always have to do the looking."

I pursed my lips. "If you see her, can you let her know I'm heading home and I'll speak to her tomorrow with a fresh mind... I think?" My question lingered for a few seconds as I jumped from the barstool and headed towards the exit.

"Wait!" Ryler shouted. "Davina wanted to meet you in one of the private rooms."

My eyes widened. "Really? What did she specifically say?"

Ryler's lips puckered up as if she had to think about it. "Can you please find Ambrose for me? I want to speak with him in private. Which I replied to by finding you."

My eyebrows pulled together. "Where does she want to talk?"

Ryler grinned, grabbing a hold of my wrist, and forced through the sweaty packs of celebrities. The paparazzi had been officially kicked out after the invasion of Davina and mine's private altercation. B-listers were free to snort, drink, inject, smoke, and anything else that kept their hearts desired.

The isolated hallway had several rooms with wide glass windows. One chamber had a stripper dancing in front of the frats boys I hung out with earlier. Another room caused the bile to rise in my throat when multiple couples made out with each other and grinded on the others. Lastly, was a room crammed to the brim with smoke and flashing lights drained through the dark atmosphere of the hallway.

Ryler stopped at an empty window, unlocking the door and scanning the area before motioning over to the couch. The suite was empty, only having a big screen tv, flashing lights, speakers, smoke machine, and a personal bar. Crimson wallpaper gave an unearth-like vibe. She poured two drinks and settled on the couch, kicking her legs onto the red sofa.

She glanced down at her cell phone. "She will be here in about five minutes or so... Do you want to chat while we wait?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to come up with apologies Davina would forgive. "Not really."

Ryler flicked her tongue against her top teeth, making an annoying vibration. "Come on! You don't expect me to sit all dolled up staring at the wall?"

My shoulders shrugged. "You're free to go. Like Davina, I would prefer if we speak in private."

She sent a dirty look in my direction. "Even after breaking up with her, you're so loyal. Where have you been all my life? If we met each other before, I would be making your life amazing with money and sex instead of all this bullshit fighting."

"What if I like this bullshit fighting?" I shot a raised eyebrow at her.

Ryler giggled, an airhead one as if she was trying to impress me. "Oh, so you like it kinky? I'm into all that BDSM shit if you want..."

My hand leaned over, placing it on her firey forehead to detect if she was suffering from a headache. "Are you okay?"

She squeezed a laugh out. "How can I be if you keep making gooey eyes at me?" The playful demeanor made my entire body claw into its cocoon. "Davina has ruined your sense of
harmless flirting."

From her unstoppable attempts, I could see she was spoiled rotten by everyone in her life. She was surrounded by yes friends who supported her every move, even if it was the worst fucking idea in the world. The expression in her eyes reflected a desperate need for satisfaction with me? Maybe I'm reading way too much into it.

"It doesn't feel right flirting when I'm waiting for my girlfriend to show up," I responded.

Ryler groaned, dropping her head on my shoulder, causing an uneasy swirl in my stomach like a batch of spoiled beans. "Ex-girlfriend. Isn't it better to have safety nets? Other options in case she doesn't take you back."

Oddly, Ryler triggered awkward memories of when Meadow in my freshman year of her uncomfortable acts of getting my attention. She never admitted her crush straight-up, but all the signs were there. Especially since a year after, she shunned me like the plague and began picking at my ego.

My gaze was disfigured from the alcohol, shattering a sense of alert alarms in my head. They went off whenever I thought something wasn't right or the situation was going away I wouldn't be pleased with.

I lifted my shoulders, shrugging her head off my frame. "Safety nets are nice and all, but they aren't needed in relationships. If you fully have faith in your significant other then they aren't needed."

Ryler's jaw slacked open. "Ahhh... a hopeless romantic. This is really a lost cause if you're in love with Davina. She doesn't mess with those emotions anymore, her heart hidden away in a firmly brick house. There's only one person who she will truly always love."

Irritation gnawed at me. Ryler acted as if she knew everything about Davina when in reality I knew more than she ever did. Psst, I already knew the name lingering on her tongue, but it wasn't true at all. Davina completely loathed the guy.

My eyebrows drew together. "Who? Colton?"

Her eyes widened in shock at my response.

I snickered a hasty laugh. "What? Did you think our relationship was only sex? We have a deep connection and sense of comfortability around each other." Or so I thought, but Davina thought the opposite the entire time.

She brushed off my comment. "Then you must not really know her at all... The second Colton shows up in her life, she will drop you like a used dildo."

Deep down, I knew I shouldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. But the thought of Davina going back to someone who treated her so lowly broke a piece of my heart. Yeah, that's the reason my chest throbbed at the thought.

My thoughts, body, and mouth froze when Ryler jumped on top of me. "Don't be so sad, babe. I can make you feel twenty times better than Davina ever had," she whispered, her hot breath resting on my ear.

I'm so stunned I didn't even realize what Ryler was doing until she began unbuttoning my shirt and pulling my jacket off. I glanced down; her legs spread wide, bent on each side of mine, connecting us in an intimate position.

I licked my lips and tried to breathe, warmth traveling across my face. But with the lights dim, I'm confident the darkness was hiding the red tint of my cheeks. Her lips ghosted up my neck to my jaw-line, blunt fingers hooking on my unbuttoned shirt. She nibbled at my sensitive skin with her teeth, sending a train reaction to my bulge.

"Aren't my kisses already twenty times better?" Ryler flirted, her eyes were hooded, dark.


This was wrong. So wrong. Goddammit, it! I hadn't released my stress in weeks, which only allow me to fall into this trap. If I had rubbed one out in the shower, then I would be able to push her off so easily. Pleasure crept into my veins as she traced circles down my chest and placed small pecks.

No matter how great this felt, I couldn't do this. Not when Davina and I were feuding like this. I couldn't allow her a reason to close herself off to me. So I embraced the blue balls and pushed Ryler off, causing an irritated groan to leave her lips.

Her gaze dropped. "Are my kisses not good enough?"

"They're fine, but I can't do this to Davina," I replied, buttoning my shirt back up.

Suddenly, she went down on her knees and pressed a kiss on my thick bulge. Why did it have to betray me right this second? "I see. You aren't into foreplay, that's fine. I've been dying to get my mouth around your cock since I met you."

An uneasy smile stretched across my face. "That's not what I'm saying at all..."

A low moan sneaked out my teeth when she cupped my arousal, massaging him through my jeans."I'm going to make you feel so good. Fuck you so good that Davina will be the last person you think of."

My head fell back, chest lifting and plummeting. My horniness was taking full control, blinding any logical thoughts from getting through. Snap out of it, Ambrose!

She flicked open the button at the top of my fly and lowered the zipper carefully, gasping at the size of my cock confided in briefs. My knuckles were white on the grips of the chair, but I stopped breathing altogether as she drew down the waistband of my briefs and glanced at my erection up close.

"Close your eyes, and rest, baby. I'm sure Davina is doing the same with Colton," Ryler muttered, licking her lips.

Colton? And Davina? Together right now?

Alarm shot through me.

I gripped her wrist, causing a whimper to tumble from her lips. "What did you just say?"

Her eyes widened. "T-that Davina and Colton are probably fucking right now. I hate to break it to you, but they are still very much in love with each other."

Anger simmered in my gut like a torched meal. Ryler had to know the history between those two, yet she tried distracting me. What had Davina done to deserve her best friend going behind her back like this? Nothing. That's what.

"Where is she?" I seethed.

She stammered, "I-I don't know."

"You better tell me or for fuck sakes I go to the public and expose you. I have nothing to lose."

"Fine. She's in the kitchen." Her lips sank to a straight line.

"Get your fucking hands off me." I quickly fasten my pants and shrugged her off. "If I find Davina hurt or..." My mouth tightened at just the thought of Colton forcing himself on her. "I will make fucking sure you pay."

Ryler screamed. "She's just a fake bitch! Why do you care about her so much!"

Worry is fear. Two things really similar in context but also had two distinctly different ways of functioning. My chest tightened, and my legs dashed through the hallways, pushing everyone out of my way. I didn't have time for manners, but I felt guilty for shoving them.

There had to be a dozen of hallways before I found the right one. The kitchen door was sealed shut by a mop. Ryler must've been Colton's partner in crime since there was no way Colton could've locked himself in there. Fire build up in my stomach, and my hands balled into fists, turning pale white.

Anger fueled my kick, pounding the door right open. The explosion within me grew bigger when I saw his massive silhouette hovering over Davina's shivering body. She's taller than most average girls resting at five-seven, but his frame on her made her seem so small.

Red was all I saw.

Explosion unleashed in my fingertips as I landed a punch across his back, shoving him right off. Davina's blue-green eyes widened, so pure, scared, and hopeful flashed in them when I leaned down. I pushed all the lobster's head away from her, hoping her pulse and breathing would resume their normal pace.

My hands went underneath her neck and limbs, carrying her up and out of the room. Away from this bastard, doing god knows what. He deserved to burn in hell for making her relive this haunting nightmare. Even in my secure arms, her body shivered slightly as she peeked at the groaning boy.

"Don't worry, I'm here," I whispered, her eyes fluttering over mine.

Colton scoffed. "Take her skanky ass! Just wait until you find out the truth about what she did!"

"Shut up!" I sneered, my eyes sending daggers to him.

Colton grinned, blood marked on his pearly whites. "Do you even know about her sister? I doubt she had the decency to mention it to you. Go ahead, ask and find out all dirty secrets your girlfriend hides."

My eyes narrowed into murderous slits as I craned forward and stormed out of the room. Her heartbeat settled down when we were out of his presence, and so had my anger. Something good came out of this.

Davina hated Colton more than me.

Because she stayed peacefully in my arms.

Making my heart skip just a bit faster...

A round of applause for Ambrose punching Colton in the face! He deserves even worse lol! Do you guys believe what Colton said👀👀?

Thank you guys for reading and commenting on my story! Every comment means the world to me!!

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