Take The Leap

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It's an adjective. Wait, or is it a noun? My grammar skills are shit. Always have been. Anyway, it should have its own set of rules. Bravery spoke tremendously about a person's character. It could easily influence your view of someone. Watching Davina face her biggest fear head-on really altered my perception of her.

Six months ago, I've meant an irritating celebrity who aggravated every single fiber in my being. A single conversation with her ruined my week, but lately, it hasn't felt like a burden to be around her. Fake dating her wasn't something I hated anymore. I actually enjoyed spending private moments with her to see the real Davina.

Like the one who cried in my chest for hours. It's Davina in her purest, vulnerable state and I craved to see that side of her. I didn't want to see her upset again, but I wanted the barricade she has around everyone to be lowered when I was with her.

Is that selfish?

She inspired me.

Davina made me rethink all the complicated relationships I had yet to tackle with my parents. All my life, I craved to have a real family. Could I really go on ignoring them even if they stayed sober for the rest of their lives? Was it too late to forgive my father for beating me all those years?

I really was an asshole.

I advocated for Davina to confront her father when I ran away the second I came in contact with mine. My finger hovered over my uncle Craig's number; my father's brother...someone who still believed there was good in him.

My pulse quickened as I pressed the call button. Three rings went by before his stocky voice came through the phone. "Hi, Ambrose! I almost thought you forgot about your little old uncle now that you're big and famous."

I chuckled, lightly. "No, I could never. I still owe you big time for taking me to carnival fifteen years ago."

"You still remember that?"

When I seven-year-old, I knew a lot about life. Things ordinary children wouldn't need to worry about. Like how much money bills cost, how to cook a mean batch of pasta, how to act around my father so he wouldn't take it out on me and when it wasn't safe for me to remain home.

Something about that day. I couldn't put my finger on it... Maybe it was the rain; My father detested getting his polished shoes wet. Maybe it was the lack of beer in the fridge when he came home. Or how he lost the manager position at his job from someone who he considered below him?

The aura around the house always shifted darker when he was in those moods. I locked myself in my bedroom, but that didn't mean he didn't hear the door slam shut. Another thing he hated. My hands concealed my ears, but the pounding was so intense. The tears exuded from my eyes as his punching got stronger, making the splits of wood dig into my back.

Everything happened so fast.

The beating was blocked out from my memories. It could be a coping mechanism because even after spending nights lying awake trying to recall what he did to me...Nothing came to mind. Next thing I knew, Uncle Craig had me in his pickup truck and brought me to the town's biggest carnival.

A reward.

For two broken fingers, a broken nose, ten stitches on my forehead, and a busted lip. Good thing it was summer break or my father would've been reported. Isn't that funny?

"It's impossible to forget."

He cleared his throat. "I'm heading into the factory. Is there an urgent thing you wanted to talk about? I can sneak into the bathroom. I'm sorry, I've been waiting for your call but I certainly didn't expect it while working."

I rubbed my tense temples. "Sorry, I forgot we're three hours behind. It's about my parents..."

The sound of shuffling and silence filled my ears. "Your parents told me about visiting you. Your Dad was really happy to just see you... I haven't seen him smile that bright in years."

I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans as I inhaled a long breath, hoping the anxiety fluttering inside my heart would die down. "Y-yeah. My managers bombarded me. I-I didn't know they were coming... I wasn't ready. But I think I'm ready now."

"Really?" His tone was laced with shock and excitement. "You don't know how happy this is going to make them! Do you want me to call them for you? Or give you the number? Whatever you want, Ambrose."

I chewed on my bottom lip. "I'll call them. I feel bad always having to put you in this predicament. Just text me their number, and enjoy your shift."

"No problem! This shit is boring, I rather be living the high life with all the celebrities like you! Don't forget if you meet Jennifer L-."

"Lawrence to ask for her autograph." I laughed. "Do you really think I forgot about your crush? If I can hook you up, Craig, I will."

I could imagine the grin gracing his lips. "That's a dream! But who would date a factory worker who struggles to survive on minimum wage?"

"I'm sure there's plenty. I'm going to start shooting, so talk to you soon, Uncle Craig," I said, hanging up the call abruptly, not giving him a chance to say goodbye.

In seconds, my phone pinged with their phone number but now that I had it, the anxiety grew steeper. Maybe I'm over my head. Life was good without them. And they're doing great without me. Maybe I was the problem.

Davina and I didn't have anything scheduled today besides shooting an episode for next week. Usually, during shoots, it gets so fucking sweltering like a sauna, but in the past days, I've felt a cold creeping up so I smoldered my body in three sweatshirts. Probably had to do with staying out for hours, hugging Davina, in the rain.

Sue me for being a gentleman and giving her my jacket.

When entering, the hordes of cameramen rushed around the stage, setting their cameras up in perfect angles and making sure the mics caught everything we had to say. The kitchen was steel and boring today, not offering up any clues about our challenge.

All my attention went to Davina. She was filming a TikTok with Lexi (our co-worker) dancing to Lil Nas X's newest song and shook her ass in the camera. Davina recoiled back to her favorite color, black,  which oddly looked so sexy on her.

The black cloth material clung to her hourglass silhouette, curving on the sweet, round edges of her ass, and landed just about her knee. The dress spread to her neck, leaving a nice, innocent cut just above her intoxicating cleavage. Heart-shaped chains rested on her neckline and waistline. There was no way I couldn't take a moment to admire the work of art that was Davina.

Her ass made my life heaven and hell.

Besides her gothic choice of apparel, her make-up was bright and her smile radiated luminous for the first time since I've seen her.

"Darling! You ruined my video! Now, everyone is going to be staring at you instead of me," Davina said, her lips protruding into a pout.

I laughed, placing a hand on her shoulder and creeping over to re-watch her video. "I doubt anyone will pay any attention to me with you in the frame."

Her cheeks flushed pink. "Umm... I'm going to post it. It's funny reading cringy teen boy's comments about wanting to fuck me."

My eyebrows quirked up. "You're seriously an oddball."

"Hey!" She smacked my chest playfully. "I don't judge you for your weird antics like clicking on Lana's notification the second she posts it."

Davina made it really easy to smile around her. "I didn't realize I do that. It's like second nature to me at this point."

My attention shifted as my eyes lowered when she swung around, and her ass filled out the dress perfectly. My zipper was my biggest enemy, confining things. Shaking my head, I tried eliminating any sexual thoughts before I had a bigger problem and camera around to capture it.

"Here." Davina extended her hand with a little plain bag hanging from it.

With furrowed brows, I glanced into the sack and my arm sank a little as I took it from her. There was an array of medicines, throat lozenges, herbal teas, tissues, ramen soup, a pack of jelly donuts, and a teddy bear.

"What's this?"

Her mouth dropped. "Oh, so no thank you, Davina. I appreciate you taking the time to care about my health and buying me this."

I rolled my eyes at her mocking. "Thank you, honey. But why did you go out of your way to buy this?"

Rosy pink bloomed over her cheeks, blending in with her blush. "Well, we stayed out for a long time in the rain, and you gave me your coat... I couldn't help but notice how you kept sniffling and sneezing yesterday so I wanted to help."

Shock coarse through me. Davina went out of her way to make this creative get-well-soon bag without an ulterior motive. She's seriously acting like an oddball. On the balcony, she said she was going to return to her old self, the one that despised me. But she isn't acting like the Davina I knew months back.

Yesterday, she brought me a dozen of jelly donuts, and honestly, I'm a bit sick of eating them but I didn't have the heart to tell her. Especially not after seeing her pearly whites as I took a bite of the strawberry jelly goo.

"Thank you. Really. But I'm supposed to spoil you. A boyfriend always buys presents for his girlfriend," I said, placing the gift on the countertop.

Her eyebrows knotted together. "Shouldn't it go both ways? A boyfriend deserves to be just as spoiled as the girlfriend is. A relationship is fifty-fifty so both have to put their efforts to show each other how much they care about the other."

I nodded. "Valid points. So what does Davina want? Shoes? A golden necklace? A charm for your little Pandora bracelet?"

She snorted, tossing me a smirk. "Doesn't matter... I don't really like materialistic things that have no sentimental meaning. I'm cheesy like that."

I gasped sarcastically, covering my mouth. "Really? So you would be happy with a box of tissues."

Her head tilted to the side. "If it has a sentimental value... maybe? Valentine's day is coming up. We should probably just beat Milo to the date he will have planned."

"Private or in front of everyone?"

She cleared her throat. "I'm thinking private night for two cordial friends? We can spam the internet with photos. I'm sure they would love that."

I grinned. "I'll cook you a gourmet Ambrose meal for being fearless the other day. Just a reminder the only other person I cooked for was Lana."

"Wow, Ambrose!" she stated, putting a firm hand on my chest as she gently pushed me back towards the counter. "I didn't realize our friendship was taking such an intimate turn. It took almost six months to reach royal status faster than what I calculated."

A husky laugh came from my throat. "Do you understand how nerve-wracking it is to cook for a Chef I admired for years? I don't want to fuck it up."

Her face broke into a smile. "I might be a tough critique, but I'll go easy on you since you're my boyfriend. Now, don't worry about any gifts or anything. Milo has that department all covered so just act surprised and loving in the pictures."

I forgot this wasn't Davina's first rodeo in a PR relationship. But even if the romantic part of our relationship was a facade, we're built on a secured friendship. So why couldn't we purchase friendly gifts for each other? Maybe as a thank you, I'll spend tonight and tomorrow hunting around for the perfect present for her.

"It's easy to act like I'm in love with you in the picture," I teased, pinching the apple of her cheeks.

Her face scrunched up against my squeeze. "You're so cheesy! Save that shit for when Lana comes back."

"Filming is starting in five minutes, guys. Everyone stand by their assigned kitchen and await further instructions. Repeat filming is starting in five minutes," the director announced, using his air horn.

My eyes wandered around the room, landing on Milo in his expensive Dior tuxedo. He gestured a kissing motion and pointed at Davina, then his gaze darted over to the camera filming the cast for special behind-the-scenes features on youtube.

I chewed the inside of my cheek and tilted my head to the side as I stared at her. My pulse kicked up at the thought of kissing her; I didn't want to force one on her after everything we've been through the past weeks. Yes, it was stated in our contract, but I couldn't shake the thought that a kiss could be a catalyst.

For what?

I'm not sure.

"Why are you staring at me like that? It's making me feel slightly uncomfortable."

My eyes flashed over at Milo again, moving his hands in a way of saying to hurry up and smooch her before filming started. Taking a deep breath, I wrapped my arm around her upper back, nearing her neck to pull her closer, and placed a peck on the crown of her head.

I slightly laughed as I took in her flustered state. "Woah there! Don't be getting all red like that or I might think you have a little crush on me."

Her blue-green eyes expanded. "Yeah, wouldn't that just be horrible?"

"Two minutes remaining! Everyone in their places, please. Repeat two minutes left until filming begins," the director stated, causing the cameramen to scatter around the studio and get into their places.

"Are we still catching the movie tonight?" I asked, removing my arm from around her.

"Yeah, don't have anything better to do," she responded, poking her tongue out.

A smirk invaded my face. "Gee, thanks for making me feel important." I swung around to make my way to the kitchen.

"Wait, Ambrose!" Davina called out.

I craned my neck to face her. "Yeah?"

Her fingers fidgeted around with the hoop garter on her waist. "Would it really be horrible?"

My eyebrows scrunched up. "What are you talking about?"

She shook her head and forced a closed-lip grin on her face. "Nevermind... I'm speaking out of my own ass."

"Alright, weirdo..." I teased, making my way over to the kitchen.

Our shoot went faster than expected. Maybe because my thoughts debated over resurrecting the relationship between my parents or finally closing the chapter for good. Even with only two days as an example, Davina seemed more at peace with herself after speaking with her father.

We both had a lot to work on in terms of forgiving people or ourselves from the past while Davina had gone leaps above. I couldn't help but feel like I'm staying stagnant in life by ignoring this issue.

So when filming was done.

I was going to take the leap.

And call my parents.

So who's agreeing with the way Ambrose is thinking? Is it right for him to give them a chance?

Love you guys! Can't wait to read your comments!!

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