The Night Falls

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I'm so fucking confused.

Different trains of thoughts wandered through my brain, going off in their separate tracks only seconds from bumping into each other. It all had to do with one person; Davina. I sat frozen in my seat as I tried processing what the hell had just happened. My fingers naturally grazed my lips, oddly missing the feeling of hers on mine.

I wasn't exactly sure what this all meant. I still wanted to be with Lana. But I couldn't shake how easily her lips were able to put me in a trace. It wasn't like the kiss a couple of months back when we desperately crawled at each other like wild animals. No, this one was softer. Like feelings lingered behind it.

Could Davina have feelings for me? Instantly, I shook my head and dismissed the insane idea. Maybe she drank alcohol before meeting me down here since it couldn't be the wine bottles because they were full before she ran out with them. I'm sure she's drowning herself in them now.

What am I doing? Trying to be the next Sherlock Holmes and decipher the hidden clues I've missed isn't my calling. I'm denser than a brick. I've spent the last forty minutes leaving everything spotless in the studio for tomorrow's shoot. Whatever awkwardness Davina was feeling had to go away by now, right?

I had to bring it up tonight. If I wait any longer, she's just going to want to push it under the rug like last time. Hopefully, she wasn't sloppy drunk. I don't want to worry about her vomiting in her sleep because she drank everything away. I gently smacked my head with my plastic glove; Davina deserves more faith. She really has grown over the weeks.

After blowing out the candles, I dropped my apron on the table and rushed out of the studio. As I tapped on the elevator button, I clicked on my home screen to see if I had gotten any notifications from Davina. Surprisingly, Lana had spent three messages, probably about our couple posts but I didn't have the energy to open them.

The elevator doors opened on the twentieth floor, and my heart rate quickened as I walked to Davina's room. Her door was at the end of the hallway, her closest neighbor on the opposite side of the floor; perks of being a celebrity. Using my knuckles, I knocked on her door and planted my ear against the frame to hear any noise.

To an outsider viewer, this might've seemed stalker-like, but Davina was the queen of ignoring me. Where the hell could she have gone? Concern nipped at my chest as I pushed on her contact and wished she would answer. I would've preferred if she drank in the comfort of her own room, but of course, Davina just loves to make me worried.

How was I supposed to go to bed without knowing she was okay? I wouldn't be able to sleep, regardless. A peaceful night was unheard of in Davina's world, but who needed sleep anyway? My finger scrolled down to Milo's contract, and I called him.

Two rings went by before he said, "Hello? Ambrose? I thought you and Davina were hanging out tonight?"

I cleared my throat. "Yeah, we were. Something happened...but I can't find her. Do you have any idea where she could be?"

Milo groaned. "There's at least twenty I can think of, but let me check the hotel's cameras. Sometimes she likes going on the roof when she wants to think."

Hopefully, she's there. Please D.

"Mystery solved, she's on the rooftop-."

"Perfect!" I cut him off. "I'm going to go talk to her."

"Wait, Ambr-."

"Thanks for the help, Milo. I'll call you tomorrow," I quickly stated, and hung up on him.

Stuffing my phone into my back pocket, I dashed to the elevator and clicked on the rooftop button. There's probably an astonishing view up here if Davina likes spending her time up here. Just like at the beach, her eyes couldn't leave the ocean and completely got lost in the beautiful aqua water.

The elevator dinged open and I saw the door leading to the rooftop slightly ajar. A burst of familiar laughter penetrated the silence, and I knew instantly it was Davina's. It was her genuine laugh, the one when she covered her mouth and tried to hide the pig snorts escaping from her throat.

It's honestly really adorable.

Thought my eyebrows furrowed when a windshield wiper type of laugh entered the picture. I glimpsed through the cracks to see two faint silhouettes. Davina sat on the floor, her legs twisted in positions that would normally hurt, but she was just silencing laughing.

"How the heck did I fall?" Davina forced through her giggles.

"That's what you get for taking my red light, green light, game too serious." Instantly, everything connected like a line of bolts and I knew it was Wesley.

Since when had they become friends? Wesley lowered his hand towards her, and Davina used it to pick herself up from the ground and stumbled into his chest. Really good friends, I guess? A foreign feeling grew in my chest as I observed on the sidelines Davina openly flirting. My gut twisted at their close proximity.

Davina tried walking, but she must've passed her alcohol intake since she misplaced her footing only for Wesley to catch her. "Stop moving, you're going to get yourself hurt." Davina's fingers roamed his face, pulling at his cheeks. "I'm regretting letting you drink the last two cans."

"Shhhh!" She placed her fingers on his lips. "Stop nagging me! I've spent eighty-five percent of my life drunk, don't you think I know how to handle myself."

He scoffed. "With the way you're walking, I doubt it."

Davina's eyes widened and rushed over to the ledge of the rooftop. "I had a perfect idea! I'm going to jump from the ledge and you catch me! Okay? Wesley? Say okay!"

Wesley wrapped his arms around her before she could get on the ledge, his face colliding with her backside. Davina's giggles grew louder as she let loose of her body and fold back over his head.

"I'm flying!" Davina shouted.

He gently settled her on the floor. "Shit, I forgot about the gift I got you." Wesley reached for her wrist and took it in his hands. "I initially brought it on the night I planned to ask you to be my girlfriend, but this works too." He said as he fastened the clasp. He turned her wrist around and ran the pad of his thumb over the golden-colored infinity pendant.

"Infinity?" Her lips protruded. "Is that how long you wanted us to last."

Wesley rubbed the nape of his neck. "Ahh... yeah. But it can signify our friendship now. It was stupid of me to think you would return the same feeling."

A small snicker escaped her lips. "Wesley, Wesley, Wesley, why do you think I pushed you away?"

He shrugged. "Because you found someone better?"

Davina shook her head and giggled softly under her breath. "There was no one better than you... But I was afraid to admit it, so I pushed you away."

My stomach sunk. Davina deserved someone like Wesley; a man who worried about her, loved her, and made sure she was the happiest girl in the world. I should be enthusiastic about them getting together, but the idea twisted my gut in ways I couldn't understand.

Wesley arched a brow. "Even if this was true, it doesn't matter. I lost my chance with you. I can't compete with him, so why tell me now?"

She pursed her lips, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Stars! The chances are nonexistent, but one night we can see the same sky from different places in the world. Just for that second, that night. Our feelings were the sky, and for that single day we felt the exact same way about each other, but it's now passed."

Wesley nodded, resting on his palms and staring out at the night sky. "Now your sky is in someone else's yard while I'm left alone."

My stomach sunk again, but this time it felt even worse.

Someone else? So Davina has a crush on someone? Then why would she kiss me? Was she using me as her personal practice doll? It wouldn't be the first time. Lana had done the exact same thing. We dated to pass time. She just wanted someone to give her a good time as things with Declan got harder.

It took a few years, but I see it now. I doubt it was Lana's intention, but with how everything went down, it's impossible to ignore. Now, Davina was doing the same to me? I don't want to jump to conclusions before I get to speak with her.

"I don't want it to be in his yard," she muttered.

"Just use your analogy. Today, his sky might be in her yard, but tomorrow is a new day, and his sky can move into yours," Wesley stated. His cowboy boots were the only thing I could see.

Davina stretched her arms over her head. "His sky has been in her yard for years... It's impossible and I'm tired of thinking about it! I've dampened the mood enough for tonight! I want to jump from the ledge."

Wesley jumped to his legs. "No, no. Just seeing you walking around makes me nervous."

"Fine!" Davina yelled and jumped into the air. "The wall over there looks so lonely, so I'm going to become its best friend. Is that okay, Dad?" She didn't wait for a reply and began wandering towards the other side of the building. My heart plummeted when her foot slipped over a large rock, causing her to plunge to the ground, banging her head against it.

My protective instincts took over, and I rushed over next to Davina. There was a clean-cut above her eyebrow, blood oozing from it as her beautiful eyes remained closed. "D! D! D! Davina? Are you okay?"

Wesley crashed into my shoulder, his eyes sparkling with concern. "Davina? I'm sorry, I promised I would catch you, but I wasn't fast enough this time. Wake up, please." He placed two fingers on her neck and timed it using his watch.

"Her chest is still rising up and down," I said, bringing my ear to her lips and hearing the shallow breaths escaping from them.

"Yeah, if anything she probably got a concussion." Wesley sighed a breath of relief.

"What the fuck, dude?" I cursed.

Annoyed overthrew reasoning, and I wanted to yell at Wesley. For putting Davina in a situation where she could get injured. We couldn't control her, nor should we need to, but I didn't want to see her getting hurt at my expense. She wouldn't have run out if I didn't react so rigidly during the kiss.

Wesley grew flustered. "What can I say? I'm sorry. I've been keeping her from hurting herself, but I turn around for one second and she's on the floor. You act like I want this to happen."

Water washed over the annoyance fire brewing inside me. Little gleams of fireballs were still ignited, but fighting wouldn't help Davina and she was the one in distress. It wasn't his fault at all. No one could babysit her for twenty-four hours.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to act like an asshole. I'm just worried. She hit her head pretty fucking hard," I said, using my jacket as a towel to wipe away the blood coming from her forehead.

Suddenly, my eyes expanded when Davina jolted upward straight into my forehead, causing a sting of pain to shoot through me. "Owwww...." Davina groaned, gripping her head.

Ignoring the discomfort, I sighed in relief. "Thank god, D. You had us shitting bricks here." I gently pressed a kiss on her forehead, only to regret it instantly when she moaned.

"Why is my head pounding?" Davina asked, her eyes in complete crinkle mode because of her drunkness.

"You tripped and hit your head on the floor. I think that's our cue to end this night off before it gets any worse," Wesley said, tucking his hand behind her head and helping Davina upward in a sitting position.

"Alright!" Davina shouted, spiritually as she accidentally swatted him in the face. "You're the boss! Could we drink another twelve-pack?"

Wesley's eyes widened. "No, no, no. I think it's time for you to go to bed. Let's go, I'll bring you downstairs."

Davina opened her arms like a little baby waiting to be carried. "Carry me! Carry me! Ugh, my head fucking hurts."

Wesley turned around to position himself in a way to pick up Davina, but I placed my arms between them. His dark eyebrows furrowed, and he shoved his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"I'll bring her upstairs," I said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm her boyfriend. I should probably stay the night just to keep tabs on her," I said, admiring the way Davina's face was squished up against Wesley's back. Her dyed locks were spilling over her face, but she looked childlike. Completely different from how my parents acted when under the influence.

Wesley nodded, moving over so I could take his place. "Hold on to her tight."

Davina's arms drifted over my chest until they connected around my neck and she pulled in closer. The aroma of alcohol reeked from her mouth as she lazily snored on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around the back of her legs, securely, her safety on my back as I got up from the floor.

"I wouldn't think of making her fall."

Wesley awkwardly coughed. "I'm taking that as an indirect attack at me."

A thought churned in my mind. "So since when have you become so buddy-buddy with Davina? I thought you hated our guts."

His wide eyes quickly narrowed, and he pulled his lips into a straight line. "I never hated her guts. I can't even if I wanted to. She seemed pretty upset when she came up here so I wanted to be there for her."

"It isn't your job to look after her." I snapped, a foreign feeling sinking in over discovering someone else was making her smile. "Sorry, I didn't expect the night to end like this. I shouldn't be blaming my anger on you."

Wesley rose a skeptical eyebrow. "Is it anger or jealousy?"

I swallowed as I contemplated his words. "Neither. I'm just speaking out of my ass."

His eyes narrowed for a second before he simply shrugged. "I'm heading down so you can bring Davina to her room. I think she's starting to drool on your shirt. Goodnight, Davina, talk to you tomorrow."

Davina softly moaned as she fitted her head comfortably in the crook of my neck. A cool residue went through my shirt, probably coming from Davina's mouth. Being a celebrity meant having to keep a perfect image; always posing correctly, can't make a wrong step like burping in public or snorting, making sure her clothes fit a certain standard.

Her celebrity roadblock came undone tonight,  with her wheezing snores and drool leaking from her mouth. It was moments like these I adored being around Davina. Well, in general, these days, being around her made days a lot better. Being drunk brought out a version of oneself hidden within; with my father, it was his violence, but with Davina; it was her softness and cuteness.

I'm slightly bothered she shared parts of herself with Wesley. Holy fuck. Aren't these the things clingy boyfriends would say? What's going on with me?

"I'm tired," she muttered against my skin, her hand losing their grip around my neck.

"Davina!" I used my strength to jump forward and propelled her body onto my back. "You're such a klutz. Just hold onto me for a few more minutes, okay?"

"Sure thing," she murmured, nearly choking me from her firm grip around my throat.

"Okay, maybe not that tight." I laughed as I walked towards the building's door.

"How do you want me to do it then?" Davina whined, her voice morphing into a light airy tone, which was pretty damn funny.

"Any way you want, just don't let me go, okay?"

"Kay Kay."

Davina must've fallen asleep again since her snores became louder as I got into the elevator. Since my arms were preoccupied, I used my foot to tap on the twentieth floor and thrust Davina into a better position on my back. The elevator kept digging as it went down to every level as the boring pop music came through the radio.

"Ambrose?" Davina whispered, feeling around my shoulders, and grasped a handful of my hair. "Oh, Wesley?"

My eyes expanded. "Ahhh.."

"I thought you were Ambrose. He always tends to come searching for me when I run away like a coward. Sorry, I thought you were him," she murmured, her voice hoarse. "Hey, Wesley, you said you're the king of broken hearts, but none of your advice is going to help me."

My stomach contorted at the serious tone this conversation was shifting to. I know the right thing would be to open my fat mouth, but it's like a witch cast a spell on me and I couldn't do anything but listen to her.

"Help me take away these feelings... so I can be strong... Because I'm hopeless." Her voice cracked, vulnerability shining through. "I...I can't stop myself from l-loving Ambrose."

This was where our relationship stirred the fine lines between being real or fake.

Welll.... What should we do now guys? Do you guys think Ambrose is going to stay something or stay silent?

Vote and comment unless you want Davina to cry🥺🥺love you guys!! Thank you for checking it out!

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