The Part I Was Born For

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It's been years since I've felt a ray of sunshine. Literally and figurately. My heart inflated with so much happiness, I feared it would spill out onto the floor. I didn't even think my heart could contain this much enjoyment. But Ambrose had a way of making our time together as if I was in euphoria.

People probably thought I was a weirdo for smiling at my audition script as I waited for Milo. Not to toot my own horn, but I fucking rocked that shit. I spent the entire car drive memorizing lines since Ambrose made it impossible to run through them last night. Though I rather devote my time to snuggle him until my heart content.

Coffee was my best friend and the only way to make it through the audition.

I'm running entirely on caffeine and the kick of adrenaline I get every time I reread Ambrose's message from early this morning, which I've done more times than I could count.

Fuck you for looking so goddamn gorgeous while sleeping. Those producers aren't going to know what hit them when you walk in the room. You are perfect!

Sure, I've had fans comment things like that to me before, but they're talking about the facade I put on, not the real me. Maybe it's my fault for hiding behind a mask, but it was easier than facing the hate I would get if everyone knew the true me. In the public eye, I was never enough; if I lost too much weight or have gotten curvier with age, fans never failed to complain.

That text was twisting me up in ways I never would've imagined. I mean, I blew away the producers, yet the only thing in my brain was Ambrose. This wasn't healthy. I shouldn't be thinking about my boyfriend every second of the day. Doubt hid in the shadows.

Everything was too good to be true. It's hard to believe Ambrose had truly gotten over his decade-long crush on Lana. Deep down, I hope he was telling the truth and my worries were only that. But how am I supposed to know?

Falling in love was like bungee jumping. The workers(Universe) would secure our feet to a large elastic cord. The launching pad represented our jump into the relationship stage, slowly growing accustomed to the idea of each other and establishing a trust bond. Plunging to the ground was how being in love must've felt like.

Coils in your stomach. Shudder in your spine. Ecstasy from the thrill of the journey. Love was never just one emotion. It was a million combined. I wanted to experience it all with Ambrose... But I couldn't shake the feeling everything could collapse because of his expired love for her.

"Hey, Davina!" That irritating chipmunk voice grabbed my attention.

A fake grin stretched over my face. "Hi, Ryler. I would've never thought I'll run into you here. Rumors said that your acting days are far too long behind you. Especially after your little meltdown on Legacies."

Ryler kissed both my cheeks, only bringing a trail of bile up my throat. "Same could be said for you... Not a lot of producers want a cocaine addict as their lead."

My eyes narrowed into murderous silts. "Says the one who does it religiously."

She gasped a loud exasperated one as her eyes darted the vicinity. "Is it that obvious? My weight trainer has mentioned my spike in weight loss, but I feel hotter than ever. Oh!" Ryler hummed, tapping my shoulder. "Have you heard the amazing news?"

I blinked. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to tell me?"

Ryler lifted her petite hand, showcasing the gigantic fourteen-carat Gold Lux diamond ring on her finger. "Colton purposed! Our marriage is set for next winter. I always dreamed of being a winter bride."

A few months ago, just his name had a horrible effect on me. The frenzy effect lingered, but I couldn't care less what he did. If anything, Ryler got the shorter end of the stick since Colton was known as a serial cheater. I wouldn't be surprised if Ryler knew about all his side chicks but loved being adored by the media for being America's favorite couple.

"That's great to hear! My two least favorite people tying the knot a match made in heaven!" I swung around, making sure my curls swatted her in the face. "Make sure to wrap it though... wouldn't want you to catch herpes."

To my dismay, Ryler leaped in front of me as if we were playing leapfrog. "Hold it there, bestie! Maybe it's your turn to get tested since I've slept with Ambrose on my birthday. It must suck to have two boyfriends cheat on you with someone who's twenty times better."

Alarm flashed through me. But I had to appear confident, or this piranha would latch onto my weakness. Ryler talked a lot of shit so I took her statement with a grain of salt beside Ambrose and I wasn't really together. So he technically didn't do anything wrong. Expect for having an inadequate taste.

"If you really slept with him, then where is his birthmark located?" I asked a slight smirk clinging on my lips.

Ryler blinked, her tongue nervously snaking over her dry mouth. "U-h his left butt cheek?"

I laughed, full of amusement. "Dimbwrit. It's on his ball sack." Lies. A fat-out lie. Ambrose and I haven't passed the groping stage yet. But she didn't need to know that.

Her jaw grew tense, making a bluish-purple vein emerge on her forehead. "Ugh, fine. He didn't fall for my charm. He was too worried about your ass being alone with Colton. He acted as if Colton was going to murder you. Colton might be a lot of things, but he isn't a murder."

My hand patted against my chest right near my heart, protruding my bottom lip. "Nice to know they still love sparks there. Would be tragic to marry yourself off to someone who you didn't even care about..."

Ryler rolled her eyes. "Whatever! I'm being paid millions to televise this shit. Do you really think I care if Colton loves me or not? Money is more than enough for us."

I squeezed her shoulder. "For your sake, I hope your bitter bitch heart melts before it's too late. Money and fans aren't everything. I hope you remember that when everything comes crashing down..."

She pushed my arm off her shoulder. "Yeah! Yeah! Whatever, if I wanted advice, I would've scheduled another appointment with my therapist. Anyhow, I love catching up and all, but they're calling me in."

"I would wish you luck, but I rather not have to deal with you on a daily basis," I stated, twirling my long fingers as she walked away.

"Don't worry, you won't have to deal with me because I'm getting the part of Isabel." She flashed a wicked grin.

It took a second for her words to sink in. Because, of course, Ryler would somehow get her grimy hands on my information and try to steal this part right from under me. She knew Milo was busting his ass for months to get this big-shot opportunity. Jealous was like her own personal fragrance. Ryler was a terrible actress, so no knots formed in my stomach as I watched her walk in.

She was made for a reality show.

I was made for movies.

As Ryler entered the audition room, a smiling Milo made his way out and strutted his little happy dance in my direction.

"I'm guessing good news?" I asked, trying to keep the buzzing jitter bees on level one.

"You're a shoo-in for Isabel. Every single producer felt something when you delivered those lines. It didn't even feel like Davina was in. It was like Isabel was a real person. I'm still shocked you did that with little to no sleep." Milo scrunched up my hair. "I'm thinking of putting you and Ambrose on curfew."

I sighed, tilting my head. "Try it and I will make your life a living hell."

Milo sucked in a sharp breath as he stared at me, his grin dropping just an inch. "There is a small downside. Filming takes place in Bulgaria for about six months and it starts just a week after this competition ends."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't get it. I filmed Naughty Chronicles for over a year in Brazil. Long shoots aren't something new to me."

His hand hovered against my lower back as he swayed us closer to the door, away from other ears. "I've noticed you and Ambrose have grown quite friendly with each other... I'm guessing the PR relationship isn't for PR anymore." His eyebrows hiked as I interpreted his code words. "Ambrose is a step-up from your boyfriends in the past, but you aren't keen on long-distance relationships. Colton used to follow you everywhere. He was a leech, but Ambrose is different."

Shit. I never enjoyed the idea of being in a long-distance relationship. It's impossible to make our schedules work to even text, let alone facetime. Colton and I tried it for about a week before I flew him out, and he stayed for the duration of my filming. It might be a detrimental flaw, but I tend to grow clingy when I love someone.

It wasn't fair to Ambrose. We were both trying to find a place in this world. It would be selfish of me to ask him to pause all his aspirations just so I could go through with mine. My heart yearned enough to want to try it out if needed. Maybe there was nothing to worry about and I wouldn't even get the part.

Relationships demanded so much attention. This morning while auditioning, it was as if a storm had just finished and the sun peeked through. My lines came naturally like hiccups, and my confidence boasted into new ends. Becoming Isabel felt like sleeping, like second nature, and I loved having dialogue to bounce off someone. This role was important to me.

But so was Ambrose.

I didn't want to have to pick just one.

Wasn't I allowed to be greedy once in a while?

"Then I'll discuss it with him when the time comes. There's no need to stress over the unknown," I replied.

Milo's apple watch beeped on his wrist causing an irritated crease between his eyebrows. "Alright, head home with Jorden. I have a few other clients auditioning for smaller roles if my wife calls you."

Confusion washed over my face. "Umm..."

"Don't ask," Milo deadpanned, heaving a sigh as he walked back to the lobby.

Before walking out of the studio, I pulled my ball cap down low and sunglasses over my eyes. I wouldn't want anyone getting any ideas and snapping pictures of me. My entire life was already broadcasted on every headline. I didn't want a potential role to be spoiled.

The moment I stepped out the door, the scorching sun scorched my skin, but that wasn't the reason why I blushed like a red fucking tomato. My heart was full to the point of bursting into the blood and organs that created it.

Ambrose ran a hand through his hair as he sexily leaned his back on Mercedes-Benz. In one hand, he held a gigantic bouquet, almost covering his handsome face. Rosy pink and white balloons formed an arch over his head as our drivers held onto the edge to keep it from flying away.

Before I could blink, Ambrose tugged me into his arms and hugged the breath out of my lungs. I threw my arms around his neck, then burst out laughing when he lifted me right off my feet and spun me around so many times I got dizzy.

Our enthusiastic display drew several curious stares, but I don't care. They could snap as many photos as they wanted if it meant I could stay in Ambrose's arms longer. His joy was contagious. When he finally settled me down, I snatched the bouquet from his hand.

"You're seriously ridiculous! This is literally out of a book," I said, not even fighting the urge to smile.

The smile on Ambrose's mouth was tender. "What? What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't spoil you after a huge accomplishment?"

He locked his arms around me, so I couldn't get away and attacked my face with a million of kiss that made me tingle all the way through my fingertips.

I shriek, desperately trying to wriggle away. "Getting your first girlfriend has seriously burned some of your brain cells. I haven't even gotten the part yet. I just auditioned."

Laughing, Ambrose loosened his grip, pulling back just enough to look into my eyes. "You're perfect. If those idiots don't see that, then they're fucking blind. No one can act better than you. I mean, you had me thinking you hated me all this time."

I scoffed. "Oh, that wasn't acting but whatever floats your boat."

He brushed his lips against the spot on my neck, right behind my ear. "You're talking to lying detector. I can see right through you."

My head spun. I'm having a hard time thinking clearly with his lips on that spot. "O-oh, I give up! Now, stop nibbling on sensitive skin before I torture you in the backseat."

His eyebrows jumped in amusement. "That doesn't sound like a bad proposition, so what would you do?"

"I'll bend it over slowly cuz I know how you like it when my ass presses against your bulge." A flutter of nerves battered the inside of my chest as I teased him. "Maybe I'll go on my knees and tease you until you're on yours."

Ambrose's gaze wavered as he cleared his throat. "Maybe it's time we enter the car."

I grinned as I watched Ambrose adjust his pants. "If you like daddy, I'll adjust it with my tongue."

He threw his head back as he settled into the vehicle. "Goddamn, you're going to be the death of me."

My hand tiptoed on his clothed leg, creeping closer to his dick. "I tend to have that effect on people."

Ambrose gripped my hand, halting its movement. "As much as I'm loving this right now, I rather be intimate in our hotel room. Alone."

I licked my lips. "Why? Isn't it more exciting to know we could get caught?"

His hand cupped my cheek, turning my face to meet his. "Because I wouldn't want another soul to see what's under those clothes. If you hadn't noticed, I'm a bit possessive about what's mine, and you're all mine. Besides, I wouldn't want you holding back when I make you orgasm. I want to hear every single sound that comes out of you."

Pulse radiated through my core. "Gosh, I'm so annoyed that I'm on my period right now."

Ambrose smirked. "Isn't the anticipation a part of intrigue?"

Fuck. I'm going to have the dirtiest dreams tonight. Why did girls have to be extra horny during their period? This had to be our punishment for Eve surrendering to the snake and munching on that stupid apple.

"Do you need anything?" Ambrose's eye gleamed with concern. "Chocolates? Heating pads? Stuffed animals? Cuddles from your boyfriend?"

A lopsided grin stretched across my flushed face. "I don't need anything but I will take you up on your cuddles."

Ambrose scooted closer, our thighs touching, and my heart palpitating when he laced our fingers. "Then I'll snuggle you until you get sick of me."

The scary part was I don't know if that was even possible...

For all you thirsty readers I have a little secret coming up soon that has to do with the word smut 😉! Lol I'm a bit nervous to upload it but super excited too!!

But I left you with a little tease

Love you guys❤️💜❤️Don't forget to vote or Davina and Ambrose will get in a big fight 🥺

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