Touching Is A Big No No

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Tidal wave.

The gravitation forces pushed this swallow wave of memories to consume me. That's how my mind felt when everything hit me all at once. Ambrose was Mr. sexy stranger man? After spending all night together, and snuck out before he woke up, I couldn't forget about him.

His lips left a permanent mark on me.

I spent the last two days searching for him, but he hadn't revisited the club. Surprisingly, we hadn't exchanged names, so stalking him on Instagram was a no-go. It took two months of fucking, partying, and getting arrested to finally forget about him.

Usually, the terrible memories would get blocked, but I fixated on them so much that only they remained while the goods tarnished in my brain. God, I even showed him my solar system tattoo, something most people don't even know about. It's something my sister, and I did together and I wasn't proud to flaunt it.

At least not anymore...

"Earth to Davina!" Lana shouted, seizing the glances from the surrounding customers. "Did I say something wrong? You have a really shocked look on your face."

I nodded, bringing everything back to focus. "No, you're fine. I was just shocked at the customer behind you peeing on the street."

Lana's nose wrinkled in disgust. "Wait, really?"

"Yeah," I blurted to keep her from catching onto my lie. "Hey, why don't we go pay for these hoodies and go get a little snack."

Lana's smile grew wider. "That's amazing! I've been craving something refreshing. Like maybe grapefruit? Do you think they have that around here?"

"I'm sur-."

My sentence was cut off by the sound of glass crashing onto the floor. The noise caused my body to cringe from the high-pitched frequency of the items breaking. We swung around to see a grey-haired lady, raising her chin, and her eyes popping at the sight of Lana.

"Did you just say... grapefruit?" The young woman asked, her tone laced with shock.

Lana hesitantly replied, "Y-yeah."

"You been feeling nauseous, right?" She asked, latching onto Lana's arms. "And you're craving something sour?" The woman placed her palm on Lana's head. "You have a slight fever? How about your period?"

For having grey hair the woman looked fairly young, her crow's feet smoothed from the use of botox. Her petite frame sported an old fashion gown covered in pink floral flowers. To top everything off she wore a brown sunhat on her head.

"Those questions are a bit personal... Who are you?" I asked, placing my hand over Lana to keep her away from this crazed woman.

"Don't worry, Dear! I'm Lana's mother-in-law," she revealed causing Lana to short-circuit.

Lana blinked, her mouth hanging open. "Mrs. Novak that's really you? When did you have time to dye your hair?"

Mrs. Novak chuckled, pulling the short wig off her head and exposing the bald cap on her head.

"Oh my god! You shaved your head?" Lana gasped, and I instantly facepalmed.

This girl had to be the most oblivious human being I've ever meant. Her mother-in-law giggled before taking her bald cap off and pulling her hair tie to drop her long black hair below her shoulders.

"No, silly. It's a part of my disguise. Anyway, forget all that! When was your last period?" Mrs. Novak badgered, shaking the poor girl.

Lana stared off into space with concentration written all over her face. "I think it's been coming a bit late..."

Mrs. Novak jumped in hurray, knocking even more glass onto the floor. "Oh, my freaking god! Lana, you're pregnant!"

"What?" Lana and I said in unison.

"I knew it. I knew it! Those are symptoms!" Mrs. Novak shook her daughter-in-law so hard she was probably seconds away from throwing up. "Wait, when was the last time you had relations with Declan?"

My nose wrinkled as her husband's mother tried getting information about their private relationship. Who would want to discuss details about their sex life with their significant other's parent? I struggled to even share personal moments with Ambrose to my therapist.

"Isn't that kind of private?" I interfered, observing pink blossom wash over Lana's cheeks.

Lana giggled nervously in response. "Well, I guess we could have..."

Mrs. Novak yelled in gee, and embarrassment rooted deeper into my skin. I fully understood Declan's comment from earlier today about dealing with these two. They literally mirrored each other and weren't afraid to shout their feelings to the world. Especially Mrs. Crazy pants over here.

"I've been waiting for this day since you guys got married! A little Lana or Declan is going to be running around soon!" she shrieked, her fingers frantically shaking. "It's a dream come true..."

While Mrs. Novak giggled hysterically, Lana's smile faltered as confusion clouded in her moss-colored eyes. It was definitely exciting for the couple if it was true. But I didn't completely trust Declan's mother's diagnosis without any concrete proof.

Sure it was possible that she was right but it wouldn't hurt to double-check right?

"This is exciting and all, but shouldn't Lana take a preg-."

Mrs. Novak placed her pointer finger over my lips like a silent command to be quiet. "I've had two children. I know about these things! Where is Declan at a time like this? Oh my lord, I have to tell Papi and your dad! I'm going to tweet to the entire world!"

"Maybe calm down a bit?" I asked, making a small motion with my fingers.

However, she ignored my comment and went off her merry way with a cell phone in her hand. At this point, the entire world would know about Lana's pregnancy before Declan would.

Guilt gnawed at me. If Ambrose learned about this possibility, he was going to be devasted. His chance with Lana grew slimmer with a baby involved. Babies didn't solve everything, if Lana and Declan had issues, they would only intensify. But I honestly thought her connection with Declan would reach another level.

An unbreakable bond.

"Wow..." Lana glanced down at her stomach with loving eyes. "Declan and mine's baby? How big do you think it is? Hopefully, it has Declan's looks and smarts, I tend to be lacking in those departments."

Her eyes the softest brown infused with green, glimmered with fondness. She caressed her small belly, her smile only grower brighter by the second. Mrs. Novak managed to convince her in seconds and I didn't have the heart to break it to her. Would it be bad if I kept the pregnancy test idea to myself?

"Don't be silly you're way cuter than Declan." My lips curled into a smile. "Congratulations, Lana! You guys will be amazing parents."

Realization dawned on her. All the optimism on her face was wiped away and replaced with an anxious look. She chewed at her fingernails, pacing around the store until she lined up by the checkout.

"How are we going to do this? Declan and I are still working on our degrees. Do you think Declan would be upset? What happens if we aren't ready?" Lana ranted, her breathing coming out rapidly.

I pulled Lana's soft hands into mine. "Just breathe. I'm sure everything will work out but you have to keep yourself from stressing out." Especially if she actually was pregnant. "If Declan gets upset that's on him, making a child is a two-way street."

Lana slowly nodded, her cheeks turning green. "I think I'm going to be sick." she threw her selections in my arms and dashed to the nearest bathrooms.

"My arms are fucking aching!" I complained, dragging the dozen of bags onto my forearms.

Since it's my birthday, I decided to treat myself to anything I wanted in the mall. Though I always told everyone to never buy me presents, I couldn't help but secretly wish they would betray my command. I brought gifts for myself, Milo, Haily, and Ambrose. Mainly because I had to keep the act of us being boyfriend and girlfriend.

Being the responsible adult I was, I stopped Lana from purchasing the entire baby clothing store and instead talked her into spoiling her husband. Meadow didn't lie when she said Lana's favorite topic was her husband because she couldn't stop talking about him.

"I'll text Ambrose for his plan tonight so we can go together," Lana said, struggling to take the phone from her pocket.

"I wouldn't want to intrude. Besides I have an appointment with a steak and Netflix tonight," I replied smiling at the thought of my perfect evening.

"Don't be silly!" Lana nudged my shoulder. "I love spending time with you! Besides, how can we keep your boyfriend away all weekend, I'll die if I had to go a weekend with Declan."

My eyebrows knitted together at her strange comment. Even if Ambrose and I were a real couple, I don't think I could spend every waking moment with him. I couldn't judge their relationship though; not with my track record.

"I'm sure Ambrose has more fun with you guys than me," I stated without thinking.

Lana flashed me her pearly white teeth. "Biggest lie of a century! Ambrose is freaking crazy about you!"

I bit my lip feeling heat crept up my cheeks. An odd sensation, something I wasn't familiar with anymore grew in my chest. Everything he probably told them was lies; there's no way the things he said were the truth. But curiosity killed the cat, right?

"W-what does he say about me?" I asked, my voice morphing into those high-pitched ones whenever girls talked to their crushes.

Lana hesitated for a moment before opening her mouth to say, "He rants about how much he cares about you but also annoys him sometimes. Don't take it the wrong way, Declan says that about me too. Ambrose said you're a part of his second family which isn't easy to enter by the way. I think he really loves you."

My heart filled with delight. But the little voice in my head reminded me this was all a facade. Whether I felt something for him was still a question, but I knew his feelings weren't in question. The happiness didn't fade. It was sweet to believe these statements about myself. Even for a second.

"I'm happy to join the family; I really don't mesh well with people but you guys are an expectation. And I just wanted to make sure Ambrose had support out here since all you guys were far away."

Lana gasped. "My father just texted congratulations on your pregnancy praying for a baby boy. He isn't the only one either, Declan's little brother and father sent a message. How did they find out?"

I stared at her deadpanned. "It was obviously Declan's mother."

"Gosh, I hope it doesn't reach Declan, yet. I wanted to discuss it with him tomorrow in private." A worried look cast on her face.

"Let's just get drunk tonight and forget all our worries." I laughed, throwing my hands into the air. Lana raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Or maybe not? I forgot about the baby for a second."

"I'll just drown myself in sweets though it probably isn't too healthy for the baby. But Ambrose texted me this warehouse location where we are hanging out tonight. Should we head out now?" Lana asked, her eyes blinking cutely.

"Yeah, I guess the steak and Netflix can wait for another night..." I drawled out, acting as if it was a big deal.

Unintentionally, I dozed off while Lana followed the GPS to the location. When my eyes fluttered open, the most gentle hue of gold, almost earthen and muted, was the humble star of the scene. The sea was like a rippling blanket of brochure-blue. I'm starting to think Lana took a wrong turn because we were parked in front of a beach.

"Are we lost?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"No, this is the location. Let's go change into our bathing suits before meeting up with them," Lana said, handing over a victoria secret bag with our bikinis in it.

After wandering around the area for a bathroom, I changed into an emerald green tie-dye bikini, leaving little to the imagination. While Lana wore the brightest pink bikini with a flowing skirt to cover her ass. It brought out her pureness while mine brought out my whoreness.

Lana led the way, our toes meshing in the golden sand almost scorching to death from the intense sun. My eyes traveled the beach to a man with broad shoulders down to his strong calves. My heart pounded in my chest when I saw him turn around with his curly brown locks.

When I forced my eyes off his body, I glanced around the empty beach to see it filled with tables, chairs, wooden planks, snacks, balloons, and fireworks. My eyes widened at the gigantic sign hanging on the table-- 'Happy Birthday Davina!'

Appreciation. It's a feeling when other people in the world cared about you. In my relationship with Colton, he always made me the smaller person. As I think back to the memories, I realized he never appreciated me. My friends, my family, no one did.

But these people who I've known less than a year treated me better over people I knew for years.

Shock coarsed through me.

"H-how did he know?" I asked, feeling a sense of appreciation.

"See he cares about you, silly! I'm so glad the secret is out, I almost spoiled it at least ten times during our day at the mall." Lana shrieked with joy as she dashed to her husband frying hamburgers.

"Hey, guys!" I yelled, folding my hands over my face to form a little horn.

"Surprise!" Meadow and Catalina shouted, exploding a confetti cannon in my face. The rainbow colors released to my chest and the beige particles of sand on the floor. I swear a piece had to get in my mouth.

"Guys don't bombard the birthday girl." Ambrose chuckled, draping his arms around my shoulders. The sensation of his skin on mine brought the hairs on the back of my neck to sweep up.

"We are just showering her with love!" Catalina explained, tugging another string to release another confetti cannon. However, it ended up all in Meadow's face. She brushed the scraps off her face and glared at her bestie with a murderous stare.

"Happy birthday barbarian," Ambrose teased, sticking his tongue out.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for that reminder. But seriously who told you about my birthday?"

Ambrose dug into his pocket, pulling out a small rectangular box with yellow wrapping paper over it. Milo's signature was all over it with the little Panda sticker he placed on it instead of a bow.

"I should've known," I mumbled, taking the gift from his hand.

"Sorry if it's too much. I thought since you took me here after seeing my parents it would have a sweet meaning behind it but mainly I didn't want you to spend the day alone," Ambrose explained, his cheek morphing into a rosy pink.

I pinched his cheek. "I didn't know my boyfriend cared this much!"

He groaned, moving his face away from my crab fingers. "Seriously, I'm talking friend to friend," he whispered. "I wanted to make this day special."

"Don't get your panties in a twist." I tapped his shoulder. "A little cake would've been fine but I'm definitely craving a burger right now." My feet were already on their way for that delicious, juicy, beef.

"Wait, honey!" Ambrose clutched my shoulder. "I made peanut butter cupcakes for everyone. They're just about cool enough for frosting... Would you like to help?"

I shrugged. "Sure, why not."

I followed Ambrose to the table. My eyes trailing down his back thinking about leaving marks on it when he's fu-. What the hell am I thinking about? Any sanity I had left has ascended to another universe. Ambrose focused his attention on the cupcakes in the plain container while I worked on the chocolate peanut butter frosting.

I turned on the hand mixer and beat the butter, confectioners' sugar, cocoa powder, cream until it was fluffy. My hands searched around for a piping bag on the table to only feel a warm, sweaty palm underneath mine. The burning touch brought my emotions into a tornado. Spiraling around, and caused me to get flustered over his casual thing.

My eyes widened, and I quickly removed my hand. "Hey, you! What the hell? Would you mind not touching me all of a sudden?"

Ambrose scratched the nape of his neck, confusion written on his face. "But you were the one who..."

I angrily cut him off. "I was only trying to search for the piping bag! It's your fault for putting your hand there."

He gulped. "Well, that's true, but... did I really do something that bad?"

I sighed, pissed off at his nonchalant behavior. "Just be careful next time."

Ambrose slowly nodded. "Sure I will, but... never mind."

We returned to our jobs, the only sound coming from the hand mixer and our buddies conversing around us. Everything was peaceful, the flustering feeling disappeared until our hands collied again.

Bringing everything back to light.

I dropped the mixer and released an irritated groan. "I'm heading to the bathroom."

What's with me, today? Why was I getting so rattled just because our hands touched? It wasn't the first nor second time we held hand but today it felt peculiar. All I knew was whenever they touched, the world stop spinning and all I could focus on was my heart beat accelerating.

I hid in the bathroom for at least half an hour before coming out to see the cupcakes fully covered. I wandered over to Catalina and Meadow who were playing volleyball in the sand, both their bodies covered in it. They must've gambled something for the winner of this game or they wouldn't be going this hard.

"Dinner is served!" Lana announced, carrying a tray of hamburgers, hot dogs, corn, and steak on it.

I slowly made my way over to the table and they must have seen my figure approaching because they all broke conversation and looked up at me. I might've been the center of the party but believe it or not, I didn't like everyone staring at me.

Ambrose's eyes lit up upon meeting mine and a self-righteous smirk spread out on his face. I shot him a nasty glare before grabbing a plate from the table. After cramming my plate, I searched for a seat so I could start pigging away at my food when I paused. There were no other seats left at the table.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"I guess no seat for the birthday girl," I sarcastically laughed, shooting a spiteful look at my boyfriend.

"Relax honey, just sit on my lap," Ambrose said with a hearty chuckle as he leaned back on his chair and patted his lap.

I looked him up and down before letting out a loud snort. "Yeah, I rather eat pigs' feet or get sand up my ass."

Ambrose's coughed, his eyes darting at the other's bewildered face over my outburst. Was it normal for a couple to share a seat? Am I the only human being in the world who felt discomfort over having to sit on their fake boyfriend's lap?

"I'm kidding! I just rather sit on my own seat," I said.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Ambrose roll his eyes before leaning forward in his chair. My soul left my body as I felt his hands snake around my waist. I let out a piglet squeal of surprise as he dragged me to his lap. As soon as I was seated, he let out a content and happy sigh.

"You're really enjoying this aren't you?" I gritted through my teeth as I desperately tried to scramble off his lap as my cheeks burned hot with embarrassment.

He chuckled and tightened his arms around my waist and pulled me even deeper into his lap. How am I supposed to focus on my yummy burger with him underneath me?

"Is this torture?" I whispered as I slumped back against his chest in defeat.

Ambrose laughed. "How on earth am I torturing you? I'm allowing your big butt to share my seat so you can eat your dinner instead of staring at it," he said with amusement laced in his tone.

A second after the words left my mouth, I felt his fingertips lightly caressing the skin at the back of my neck, causing an electrifying feeling to shoot through every cell of my body. Soon, I felt him gently collect all of the voluminous hair before softly draping them over one shoulder.

The wind on my exposed neck only lasted for a second before it was replaced by heated skin as he moved his head to rest in the crook of my neck. I had no idea how he managed to make sure a small action was so overpowering stimulating but hell did it feel amazing.

The only brain cell that seemed to still be active was screaming at me to say something, move. But if the English language hadn't just recently been deleted then maybe I could utter a sentence. If his arms weren't still around my waist, I probably would have melted into a puddle.

My cheeks burned hotly, feeling the little nibble Ambrose left on my ear.

Everything was getting too much...

So I did the only thing I could do and shouted, "I have to use the bathroom!"

Feelings are really on the horizon now 👀👀. Poor Davina doesn't know how to handle this situation... what do you guys think?

Can't wait to read your thoughts! Thank you for every single vote it helps push this book on wattpad algorithm!! I truly appreciate it ! Love you guys!!!

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