Two Types Of People

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Shame, embarrassed, or straight out mortified were words I rarely ever affiliated with. Yet, here I was, three hours after possibly the most embarrassing day of my life, feeling completely and utterly mortified.

"Please tell me this is a lie." My manager, Milo, held onto his stomach and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I wish I could, sir. The fella didn't seem too happy about it either," Hailey, my publicist agent, informed him like she was his personal typewriter.

I narrowed my eyes and wanted to toss anything at her, but refrained in fear that I would lose the only people who worked on my social image. For being my closest friend, Hailey spilled every single thing I did. I understood it was her job, but she acted all innocent whenever I went off on her, for her unreliable friendship.

Milo rubbed his hand over his face. "Davina, we had this conversation two months ago before we agreed to this contact. You promised you wouldn't put stunts like this anymore, yet you come to work drunk out of your mind on the first day. What do you have to say for yourself?"

My eyes instantly rolled back to another nation. A normal person would think Milo genuinely cared about my well-being, but he solely focused on making sure he was getting a paycheck at the end of the week. I never understood what he was worried about. I had enough money in my bank account to buy him million times over.

The entertainment industry was one of the most draining, exhausting, horrible things to be created on this earth. I couldn't leave my house without having the flashing of cameras blinding me. Then these irritating paparazzi had the audacity to file a lawsuit whenever I ran them over with my car when it was clearly their fault for overwhelming me with cameras.

I kicked my feet up on the glass table. "Well, I had a shitty day, so I went to drink then I found some friends and you know the rest from there."

Hailey deeply sighed. "Are you trying to ruin your innocent girl's next door image? Do you realize how much money we wasted on making sure these idiots keep their mouths shut about you? Do you even care about your career anymore?"

Ah, my innocent image.

Image or typecasting was something common in the industry. From the age of eight years old, I was portrayed as an honest, angelic child who radiated sunshine from a simple smile. At first, I didn't mind the way the media perceived me until things hit the fan and I grew up. Like a normal teenager, I wanted to go on adventures, get drunk, buy fake ids, have sleepovers with my friends.

However, the second I did something unusual, the media trashed me in seconds.

I hesitated for a moment before I proceeded to defend myself. "Of course I care, captain fucking obvious, but why do I have to be under house arrest in order to get a job? I'm twenty-five, I've been working day and night for years! Sue me if I want to get drunk every now and then."

"Don't act smart with us, Davina. We understand the temptation of going out but trashing hotel rooms, partying all night at nightclubs, and snorting cocaine off randos chest isn't normal," Milo protested.

"Ask the fellow twenty-year-olds in the entertainment industry," I scoffed.

"We're serious Davina. The director will not take any more outbursts from you. Forget two strikes, three strikes. You have no more strikes, it's now or never. If you ruin this opportunity to pick your career back up, then it's the final straw and we're dropping you as our client," Milo explained, this entire demeanor tense.

"Are you fucking serious?" I spat, "I've been your client since I was nine years old and you're just going to drop me like an odd raggedy toy?"

Milo wasn't wrong, and I hated it. Since my cocaine scandal two years, I struggled to get any acting jobs and had to resort to a sunblock commercial. It was the second most embarrassing thing I have ever done in my acting career. Besides every hiccup in my career thus far, Milo has stood by my side and now he was ditching me.

"Stop acting like a little brat. It's exhausting to act like your father when I'm supposed to be your manager. We gave you multiple chances to clean up your act, but nothing has worked. Maybe this will set a fire under your ass. Either you come to work, sober, and let us do our job or you're out. That's final."

I blinked, shut my mouth, closed it, and opened it again to reply, "Fine. I'll fix my act and go back to Miss goodie-too shoes that everyone loved and worshipped. Now, if the meeting is done, can you guys leave? I have a killer headache."

Hailey clicked her tongue. "Here, take these two pills and get yourself ready for your introduction video."

"Do I really have to film today?" I groaned.

"Don't push it," Hailey gritted her teeth.

I put my hands up in defense. "Alright, Jesus."

After chugging down the two pills, I freshened up in my dressing room and redid my makeup from two nights ago. My head felt like it was getting slammed repeatedly by a hammer and I'm starting to worry two advils wouldn't be enough to cure this hangover. Maybe it was time to ask Siri about the special secret of curing a hangover.

My eyes glanced over at my dirty black dress drenched in throw-up, my mind played back the image of him. When I first met him, I was pretty wasted, but even after a glance that lasted a mere few seconds, I couldn't deny how attractive he was. Tall at around six foot four, light wavy hair that sat messily on top of his head, bright brown eyes which were cascaded by dark, thick brows, and a perfectly shaped stubbled were a few features that captured me.

I would've loved to actually get a good taste of him... Too bad I ruined it by emptying my meal from earlier on him. I don't even know his name, nor do I really care to learn it. He was either contestant on the show or a behind-the-scenes worker who was too below my hooking up level.

My mind was occupied with thoughts as I exited my dressing room and walked over to the break room. I'm thinking a good cold-turkey sandwich would help my grumbling stomach from aggravating my brain. My eyes were planted on my bag that I hadn't noticed anyone in my surroundings and very clumsily bumped into someone.

"Op," I breathed when my chest hit another and I quickly looked up to apologize. "My bad, I'm clumsier than a chicken with no legs..." I joked as my eyes widened and my mouth parted when I met an impressionable set of eyes.

"Holy Moley, are you really Davina Dialaurenties?" The stranger smiled, the biggest one I'd seen in days.

"Well, if the mirror didn't lie to me this morning, then I am," I joked.

"Good one." He snorted. "I'm Wesley. You have been my idol since I was ten. I've supported you since the Mission Chopped show you were on ten years ago."

Wesley was quite shorter than what I preferred standing at a strong five foot nine, had curly, fizzy, shiny black hair, wore glasses, and had the clearest skin I'd ever seen. I mostly went after MMA fighters or ripped athletics, but Wesley brought the inner nerd lover out from me.

My eyes widened in astonishment. "Woah, I'm truly grateful for your support."

Wesley nervously snorted and kept pushing his glasses back on the bridge of his nose. "This might be so weird, but I follow your update account and I was wondering when your next big comeback was going to be." Pig laughs escaped his lips. "It's crazy to think I'm going to be here and watch it with my own four eyes."

"Aren't you the sweetest thing?" I replied, smiling cheekily.

Wesley's ashy skin was tainted with a faint pink blush. "I cannot believe I'm standing next to you. I don't feel like I deserve it."

I liked Wesley.

I really liked Wesley.

Deep down in our souls, I think all humans have a certain kink, and I so happened to have a praising kink. Maybe because I've been a celebrity most of my life, but I loved seeing how so many people were willing to worship me. Whether they knew it or not, I had significant power over them and I wasn't afraid to use it to my own benefit.

"Don't be silly!" I exclaimed, running my finger playfully down his chest, causing Wesley's breathing to pick up a notch. "I might be a celebrity, but deep down I'm just an ordinary twenty-five-year-old."

Color drained from his face. "Oh, f-uck, I'm being one of those annoying fans. I got a little starstruck for a moment, but I'll swear to treat you like any other normal human being."

"What if I like the way you treat me?" I bit my lip. "Do you have anywhere to be right now?"

His eyes sparkled with curiosity, and amusement as he darted around the empty hallway. "I-I-I'm not scheduled to record until tomorrow, but aren't you supposed to film today?"

I pursed my lips. "True, but I'm sure with a little magic, I can get out of it for today. Besides I rather spend the evening getting to know you better," I teased, moistening my lips with my tongue.

He paused and his mind seemed to be elsewhere for a second before saying, "Holy gualomaoey."

Quickly, I glanced around the hallway and saw a door labeled closet meaning it was the perfect place to tease a freckled nerd. Without warning, I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the closet room. My face scrunched up when it collided with cleanx and bizarre bleach aromas. I would take this into my dressing room but knowing Milo, he would check up on me and catch me in action.

I couldn't have that.

So closet it was.

I looked up at his gaze and said softly, "Hopefully, you don't mind me dragging you in here. . ." I paused and winked, "I wanted some privacy away from the cameras."

He arched a brow. "Privacy for what?"

I rolled my eyes at his lack of common sense. "Do I really have to spell it out for you?"

I paused, leaning my head against the doorframe, and watched as Wesley raked a hand through his hair, leaving it all sexy and tousled. His cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were glassy with confusion.

"I-I never been kissed before," he blurted out.

My lips curved into an amused smirk. "Really? Maybe we shouldn't go any further than... I don't want to steal your first kiss in a stinky closet."

He remained quiet for a long moment. His eyes left mine and moved down to the dip of my tank top before it met mine again.

"This is childish," he said in an almost whisper, "but it's been a dream of mine to kiss you."

He stepped closer to me and I stepped backward until I was against the door. He caged me in and placed each hand on the table beside me. Because of the dim lighting, I almost missed the sight of his cheeks turning bright pink again.

I innocently batted my eyelashes. "Little Weasley is taking charge now, huh?"

He moved his face closer to mine, his gaze simultaneously moving from my eyes to my lips. He stopped when his lips were just a breath away from mine. Wesley was so close that I could feel his breathing from his parted lips over mine. The area between my thighs was squirming from how hot Weasley shifted in a matter of seconds.

Both of us remained quiet, and just as I was about to close the distance between us, he caught me off guard by grabbing my waist and pulling me against him. A gasp escaped my lips when my body smashed against his. Weasley was so close that our body heat tangled together and suddenly the temperature in the room picked up a little.

His nose was against mine and the heat from his hand on my waist made my skin prickle. Wesley lifted his free hand and brought it to my face. I watched silently as he removed a strand of hair from my eyes and tucked it behind my ears. He then moved his hand lower and, with the pad of his thumb, he caressed the corner of my lips.

My eyes were about to shut and I didn't know what possessed me when I moved an inch closer and was ready to brush my lips over his and before anything could happen a knock on the door broke the moment, resulting in us abruptly pulling apart.

Whoever was behind that door was seriously going to get tortured in my dreams. With a roll of my eyes, I slowly opened the door and poked my head out.

Hailey stood there, grinning and waving her pathetic little fingers. "Hello Princess, you were due on set fifteen minutes ago. Also, there are cameras all around these hallways, so don't act like you're outsmarting us."

I clicked my tongue. "I thought I wasn't supposed to get in trouble. There was never anything about hooking up with people."

Hailey sighed. "You're technically right. . . But your track record with relationships isn't something to be proud of besides he's your co-worker. We cannot afford to have another scandal going around."

My managers are always exaggerating. I've only had three public relationships, and only two of them ended in train wrecks. My second long-term boyfriend, Chet had a lot of issues with how I carried myself as a person. He always was so possessive and wouldn't let me go anywhere without telling him, so I did the only thing that made sense.

I cheated on him.

In a public nightclub.

Let's just say... I definitely lost a good amount of fans during that stage of my life.

"It's strictly casually. Calm your tits." I waved her off. "I'll be there in five minutes."

"Five minutes or we are dragging you by your hair," Hailey sternly responded.

"I got it."

Turning around, I saw Wesley casually staring up at the blank ceiling with his lips puckered up. It was a mystery how he changed from a confident man to an inexperienced man in seconds. Oddly, his hands were covering his zipper, meaning he probably got a boner from an almost kiss.

Just imagine when it's the real thing.

"Raincheck?" I winked.

Wesley rubbed his fingers through his curls. "Sure. When? I'm free tonight. And tomorrow and the day after that or in an hou-," I shut him up by placing my finger over his lips.

"Tonight. I'll text you a place where we can meet up," I replied.

"I'll be waiting," Wesley snickered, pushing his round glasses up his nose.

Why wouldn't he be?

I'm fucking Davina Dialaurenties.

So what's your thoughts about Davina now that you been in her head for a bit? She's definitely a force to be reckoned with!!

Poor little Wesley tho... ;)

Can't wait to hear your thoughts and love you guys!!!

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