Fifth year- Part 2

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27th September 1975:

"Lily, please listen to me," Sev implores, chasing after me as I run down the quiet corridors. 

I am crying, but I don't want Sev to see that. He has never seen me cry before, not even when I got the huge cut on my knee that bled for days. 

"Lily, please," Sev says, catching up to me and grabbing my wrist. 

I wrench it from his grasp, and turn to face him. He takes a step back, evidently shocked by the hatred in my eyes. I don't know why I am so angry. Maybe it is an accumulation of the discomfort I've started to feel around him as his fascination with the dark arts increases.

"What?" I say aggressively. "Are you going to apologise?"

He seems scared by my cutting tone. "I- I just... yes Lily, I'm sorry," he says, his shoulders sagging. "I didn't mean to say that, it just-" 

I don't let him finish. "Slipped out?" I say patronisingly. "Save your breath, Severus."

He recoils, hurt. I have never called him Severus before. I almost feel bad. Almost.

"Do you still intend to join the Death Eaters?" I ask quietly. 

Sev says nothing. 

I nod to myself and turn away. 

"Lily wait," Sev says pleadingly. "I never meant to call you Mudblood, it just-"

I hold up a hand. "It's too late. I've made excuses for you for years. None of my friends can understand why I even talk to you. You and your precious little Death Eater friends... You've chosen your way, I've chosen mine."

I don't look at him as I walk away this time. 


12th October 1975:

"How's life without Snivellus?" James taunts, and I don't have to see his face to know that he is smirking arrogantly. 

I don't look up from my book as I answer. "Get lost Potter," I snap, really not in the mood to deal with his idiocy today.

"I'm offended Evans," he says with mock hurt in his tone as he plonks down next to me on the plush red sofa.

I roll my eyes and snap my book shut, turning to face him. He is closer than I thought. "Do you want something Potter," I say cuttingly. "Or are you just here to be a bloody nuisance as always?"

James seems startled, and opens and closes his mouth a few times.

I nod, and sweep my books into my arms as I get up. "That's what I thought," I say, smirking slightly. "Oh and Potter?" I say innocently.

He is still staring at me, gobsmacked. 

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies."

And with that, I walk briskly away, feeling his eyes still on me.

A/N: Hi! Sorry this update is late, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also, I think gobsmacked is a British term, so I'm not sure if you're familiar with it at all?

Lots of love

Saf xx

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