Sunstreak x Clearsight One-Shot

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Clearsight POV

Clearsight was on Pantala, and she couldn't have been happier. Except if Darkstalker was there. She still missed him, but she didn't like how he had been. Hungry for power, and a murderer. But now she had new friends, and Sunstreak.

She really liked Sunstreak, and she was pretty sure she loved him. But it was different than how she had felt with Darkstalker. More... real. And she had so many visions. About them getting married, them having dragonets. And she wished for those visions to be reality, but she didn't tell anyone. She had kept them to herself.

And then she saw a vision. It came over her, stronger than some of her other ones.

Clearsight was in front of a pond, and she saw Sunstreak walk up to her in the reflection.

"Hey, Sunstreak," Clearsight said, looking over at him.

"Hey, Clearsight." Sunstreak said. "Can I talk to you?"

"Of course." Clearsight said. "What is it?"

"I've been feeling weird whenever I'm around you." He admitted. "Wait, that sounded weird. I mean, I just feel all warm inside, and I get really nervous talking to you, but I don't know why, and I just wanted to tell you I'm case you could help me, and I don't know what it is, and I'm pretty scared because I don't want to be like, dying from this, and it only happens when I'm around you, so—"

Clearsight put a talon in his mouth. "Shh." She said. "Sunstreak, I know what you mean. But I know what the feeling is. It's love." She said.

Sunstreak's eyes widened. "So I love you?"

"It seems so." Clearsight said.

"That makes sense." Sunstreak said. "I'm sorry for telling you. I shouldn't have said that. You probably hate me."

"No, no!" Clearsight said. "Sunstreak, I love you, too."

"Really?" Sunstreak said.

"I do." Clearsight said. "I have for a while. And I've had visions about us."

"About us?" Sunstreak repeated. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I've seen us getting married." Clearsight started. "And I've seen our dragonets."

"Our dragonets?" Sunstreak said. "We're having dragonets?"

"Possibly." Clearsight said.

"That sounds amazing." Sunstreak said.

"It does." Clearsight agreed.

"I love you, Clearsight." Sunstreak said, grinning.

"I love you, Sunstreak." Clearsight said.

Clearsight shook her head, clearing the vision. She couldn't wait for it to happen.

A/N: Requested by @DoveflowerofMistClan 

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