fifteen (m)

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"Jae" A soft voice gently calls his name. At first he doesn't recognise the identity behind this voice but it soon resonates with him.

Slowly opening his eyes, he squints and has to blink a few times as he allows for his eyes to adjust to the sudden intake of light from his surroundings. He is leaning against a tree atop the top of a hill, which a lake resides at the bottom with beautiful clear waters.

The scent of the fresh cut grass was thick and somehow pleasing in the air. With crystal clear skies and calm water down at the lake, it was nearly a picture of serenity.

"Come play with us" his little sister exclaims as she grabs his arm, doing her best to tug on it with all her strength.

"Us?" Jaehyun can't help but question this. That's when he moves his gaze several metres ahead where he sees a silver haired male throwing a ball back and forth with another boy.

It's Taeyong and Jisung.

Taeyong notices Jaehyun is awake, pausing his throw to smile at the younger before releasing ball, releasing it into the air until it stops its journey, landing in Jisung's grasp.

The brown haired male goes to push himself off the tree but finds he cannot move. He has no control over his limbs, they are dead stiff, refusing to even flinch.

"Hey" Taeyong calls out as he approaches. He hands the ball to Hye, whispering something before letting her go as she runs off towards Jisung. The silver haired male then moves to take a seat beside the younger, leaning into him ever so slightly.

"What is this?" Jaehyun mutters.

"A dream" Taeyong states way too simply.

Jaehyun doesn't pull his gaze away from Hye and Jisung. His sister looks so happy as she runs all over the place in attempt to catch the ball as it falls from the sky. And most of all, she's alive.

He had always dreamed of days like these. Days where there no worries and no monsters. Days where the sky was clear and everything was just calm.

Days where they weren't be taken from their families.

Days where they weren't running away.

"You can stay as long as you'd like" Taeyong voices beside him, bringing his focus back to the silver haired male. It is now that the brown haired male notices the simple jeans and white t-shirt which hugs the older's frame.

It's nice seeing him looking comfortable, instead of being concerned and in black.

The wounds seem to be non-existent on this Taeyong. Just as Jaehyun has always hoped. More then anything he just wants to keep the older from harm. Yet there is only so much he can do.

"I can't sleep forever" Jaehyun eventually says in return.

"Why not?" The silver haired male shrugs softly. "It's the apocalypse, the boundaries of the human brain are surely able to change."

I want to stay.

Is what Jaehyun wants to say, yet he knows he can't. As much as the grey skies in reality are really draining, he still has more purpose there. This place needs to remain as...a dream.

"Surely you're tired of running away all the time" Taeyong seems to know what he is thinking. "Just stay here and rest for a while. There is no harm in that."

"You're wrong" Jaehyun rebuts. "I can't move here, I don't have control."

Taeyong keeps avoiding his gaze as he talks and that only makes it sink in more for Jaehyun, the fact that this Taeyong isn't real.

"You're not in control but you're in your dream scene. Isn't that better then being in hell with full control?"

Shaking his head, Jaehyun denies him. "I'd prefer to be stuck in that misery of a place with the man I love over being here with lifeless replicas any day of the week."

"You're crazy" Taeyong mutters as he stands from the tree.

"The best people are" Jaehyun smirks to himself as he allows for his eyes to close once more.

— — — —

The truck was still moving, Jaehyun could feel the motion of the vehicle before opening his eyes. The familiar feeling of the uncomfortable seat beneath him made him realise immediately that he was no longer in the dream.

"You slept for a while" The real Taeyong speaks to him. "We've been on the road for six hours."

"Do you want to tag team? I'll drive for a bit so you can rest" The brown haired male offers. He briefly glances at the wound on the older's shoulder which seems to be doing okay after it had to be dressed again.

The stitches split at the cottage and the bandage quickly filled with blood.

"I'm fine" The silver haired male remarks quietly. His eyes move away from the road to glance at the younger for a moment before going back to the darkened road before them.

The brown haired male doesn't take long to notice the other two trucks are behind them.

"You cried" The older mutters suddenly. "While you were asleep, you cried."

Jaehyun isn't surprised by this revelation.

"I was dreaming. The apocalypse never occurred and Hye was alive. Jisung was with us and we were happy."

"Your tears were filled with sorrow. I know you well enough to know that. Why were you sad?" Taeyong sounds concerned as he says this.

"I was sad because it was a reality which could never happen. I was sad because it was a lie."

There is a brief moment of silence as the older tries to process what is being said. Smiling sadly, he reaches to the younger with his left hand, gently lacing his fingers with the other as he just squeezes them reassuringly.

"You're crazy" He repeats what his dream version had said.

Jaehyun doesn't say anything as he turns to gaze at the older's side profile, silver haired male's concentration on the road before them.

"But you're my crazy, Jae."

The younger smiles softly at this remark. He reaches out to gently squeeze the older's thigh, opting for silence as he moves his gaze to be ahead once more.

The thought barely passes through his mind, yet he finds himself slowly moving his hand back and forth the older's upper thigh. The silver haired male swallows noticeably as he tries to straighten his posture in the seat, eyes glued to the road.

Jaehyun turns his head to gaze out the rear window, confirming the other two vehicles are still close behind, meaning they'd had clear vision inside their own truck and if it were to swerve or divert passage.

Contempt that it will be fine, the younger softly brushes his hand over Taeyong's crotch. He pauses, waiting for his response, waiting for him to tell him to stop. Yet he doesn't. Instead he merely bites his bottom lip, tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

He allows for his hand to hover over Taeyong's member as he palms it through the pants. The silver head lets out a shaky breath, doing his best to keep his focus on the road. He removes one hand from the steering wheel just as the younger unclips his seat belt, allowing for it to be removed completely.

Jaehyun sinks down in his seat slightly, trying to weave his arm between the hand brake and the console as he slowly unzips the older's pants.

The car swerves slightly to the left as Taeyong lifts his butt of the seat, long enough for the brown haired male to pull down his pants and underwear until they reach his mid thigh.

The brown haired male smiles as as the older's semi hard length. He wastes no time in wrapping his hand around the base, beginning to slowly pump it. This causes for a soft moan to escape from Taeyong's as he does his best to not move around in his seat too much.

They can't let the others see what is happening. Taeyong allows for his attention to drift, ever so briefly, as he turns to look at his lover.

"Focus on driving" Jaehyun's voice is hoarse.

The older pouts slightly but obliges, turning his head forward once more.

To reward the older for listening, Jaehyun quickens the pace of his hand. Precum is now leaking from the top of Taeyong's hardened dick. The movement of the brown haired males hand lubricates the silver haired's member.

Taeyong's breathing quickens, moans slowly becoming louder as he struggles to keep quiet, feeling his release approaching.

Jaehyun slows the pace once more as he brushes his thumb over the leaking tip. Taeyong swerves to the right but is quick to straighten the vehicle once more.

"J-Jae, please" The older cries softly in a pleading tone.

The younger is more than happy to oblige as he wraps his entire hand around the others dick once more. His own breathing quickens slightly as he begins to quickly jerk him off once more.

Taeyong thrusts himself into the younger's hand a few times, as best as he can without removing his feet from the pedals.

The obscene sound of skin slapping against skin becomes a quite prominent sound within the truck, amongst the silver haired male's moans.

Taeyong can't hold back as a loud sound of pleasure emits from his mouth, his seed coating Jaehyun's hand. The younger continues to pump his member throughout the older's orgasm.

Leaning over, he presses a kiss to the other's cheek.

He pulls his hand away and grabs a few tissues from the first aid kit which sits in the glove box, using them to clean up for the older. Once he's finished, Taeyong manages to muster the strength to raise himself once more, allowing for Jaehyun to pull his pants up once more.

"You okay?" Jaehyun asks as he tries to distract himself from the obvious bulge from within his own trousers.

Taeyong looks at him briefly and smiles softly.
"I'm great, Jae. I really am."

The younger can't help but smile too, seeing the older like this. Looking out the windshield, he can't help but feel surprised as he sees them approaching a tall, darkened wall which has barbed wire covering the top.

Taeyong frowns seeing this, he slowly pulls the truck to a halt, the other two coming to a stop on either side. Jaehyun can't help but feel confused as he views the wall, having no idea what this place is. Yet the older seems to know exactly where they are as he turns to make eye contact with Lucas then turning to make eye contact with Sicheng. He gestures for them to drive into the woods to their left which they all do.

Once they have parked again, everyone gets out, meeting in the space which is just in front of the trucks.

"Yuta's safe house has a lot of security there yet it isn't as tight as you would think" Taeyong explains to them all. That's when it clicks for the younger. The wall must be surrounding the perimeter of Yuta's safe house. They have finally arrived.

"Without having Yuta here, Mr Nakamoto had only assigned enough men here to be able to guard the entrance. There is a lock which only Yuta knows the code for which would've disarmed the soldiers immediately but we aren't lucky enough to have it that easy."

"We will have to fight them won't we?" Lucas questions.

Taeyong hums in agreement.

"I assisted Taeil a while back in designing the security for this place. There are three of the best trained soldiers out the front whilst there are only two at the back. None on the sides as the only entrances are at the back or the front." Taeyong continues to voice the possible plan.

"Jungwoo will go with Lucas to fight the soldiers at the back whilst Sicheng, Jae and I will go to the ones at the front."

Lucas doesn't like the idea of making Jungwoo fight. He doesn't hesitate in voicing his discontent.

"Jungwoo isn't fighting. I'll take Jaehyun, you and Sicheng are pretty good."

"Jungwoo will be fighting. The soldiers at the back aren't that good. Besides, Jae needs to stick with me. I'm injured and I need to be able to keep him safe" Taeyong retorts. He immediately shuts down Lucas' statements as he says this.

"That sounds good but how do we get over the wall? They won't be letting us through the front gates and the entire wall barricade is covered with barbed wire" Sicheng brings up the concern which has been circling everyone's minds.

"A bit of barbed wire never stopped anyone" Taeyong says with a devilish smirk.

Jaehyun finds himself disagreeing and he gently pulls the older aside. The older winces slightly as the younger has grabbed his wound arm.

"You are no where near fit enough to be crawling over a barbed wire laced fence. You need to be able to fight these men which you are already going to struggle to do. You can't rush hurting yourself any—"

The brown haired male is cut off as Taeyong leans up, pecking his lips against his own.

"Stop stressing. You sound way too much like me" He frowns.
The others look on slightly surprised as they see this sudden act of intimacy.

"Let me go over the wall yeah? I could shoot them" Jaehyun suggests quietly.

Yet Taeyong just shakes his head. "As soon as one shot goes off, the rest will be alerted of your location and they'll only shoot you down. And what if you miss?"

"Maybe someone needs to sacrifice themselves for us to be able to get into this house, Taeyong. I'd prefer it to be me" Jaehyun continues to insist.

The older continues to shut him down yet before he can move to stop him, Jaehyun has pushed past him, rushing to the wall. He pats down his weapons belt, confirming his gun is still in there from where he replaced it earlier.

"Jaehyun stop! Don't you dare!" Taeyong tries to yell a bit more softly as he goes after his lover. He can't rush the soldiers hearing their yelling.

The brown haired male manages to climb up onto a low hanging branch as he hoists himself high enough to be able to grab onto the top of the wall. He manages to plant his feet beneath the barbed wire as he moves to be in a crouched position, skin merely missing the sharp wire.

He gazed down at Taeyong who is shaking his head rapidly. The others come up behind him as they prepare to follow climbing up onto the wall if need be.

Jaehyun finds he has positioned himself on a section of wall which is toward the back of the house. He can see two soldiers standing there holding their rifles by their sides as they seem to softly whistle a tune to themselves.

The brown haired male manages to pull his gun from the waistband, wincing as he cuts the top of his hand on the wire. Trying to ignore the pain from this, he aims his weapon straight for the head of the first shoulder.

After shooting him, he will have to move fast to get the other one. He won't have time to hesitate or aim, he will have to get the head on the first go or there is a huge chance he will die.

Taking a deep and steady breath, he tries to remember his training from that one day where Taeyong had assisted him in learning to hit the centre of that target. He will need to be able to pull off the skill he had on that day. Which he only had for one shot.

Without giving himself anymore time to think, he pulls the trigger.

Miraculously, the first soldier collapses onto the ground, blood quickly pooling around his head. Jaehyun moves to shoot the other soldier which he does, yet as the soldier moves to face him, he only manages to graze his cheek.

Jaehyun goes to shoot him again yet the gun just clicks. Cursing, he realises he has no bullets remaining so he throws the gun to the ground.

The soldier is given plenty of time to aim for him, he pulls the trigger. Taeyong yells out his lovers name as he witnesses the younger falling over the side of the wall, landing on the inside.

Ignoring the roaring pain in his shoulder, Taeyong scales the wall as fast as he possibly can. He allows for the barbed wire to rip the hanging parts of his clothes as well as loosely scratch his skin as he takes a successful head shot at the soldier.

Before he has a chance to check if Jaehyun is okay, he hears the other three soldiers approaching. He hadn't realised Lucas at his side and jumped slightly as the taller throws a dagger at the oncoming men. It lands within the males eye, sending him to the ground.

Taeyong shoots the other one whilst Sicheng throws his own dagger, taking out the third. Jungwoo is still on the ground, not sure is he is meant to climb the wall yet whilst the other three stand on top.

The silver haired male wastes no more time as he steps over the barbed wire, jumping to the ground. He tucks and rolls a few times as he hits the ground before coming to a stop.

Jaehyun lays in a heap on the ground, unconscious with a trail of blood dripping down his head. Taeyong panics as he runs over to be crouched before the younger.

"Jae?! Jae!" He screams his name as he shakes the younger's body. He tries to see if the bullet hit his head but he can't find an entry point. Yet the brown haired male won't wake up. He checks for a pulse, feeling slightly relieved as he feels a faint heartbeat.

Yet he still won't wake up.

Sicheng comes up to his side, gently placing a hand on Taeyong's back as he gets a view of the situation which is unfolding before him.

"He won't wake up. Why won't he wake up?!" The silver haired male feels himself beginning to hyperventilate.

Sicheng manages to push the older away as he separates the pair. Taeyong panicking like this won't help Jaehyun at all. The younger rolls the brown haired male onto his back and gently shakes his side.

He can't do chest compressions as the other's heart is still beating.

Finally, the unconscious male begins to cough. Sicheng rolls him back onto his side and he instantly coughs up a few drops of blood. Taeyong barges past Sicheng as he grabs onto Jaehyun's arm.

The brown haired male opens his eyes, looking up to gaze at the older. Slowly he moves into a seated position, not having a chance to speak as Taeyong throws himself at him, wrapping his arms around him.

"You really scared me, never do that again" Taeyong exclaims.

Jaehyun can feel the older's racing heartbeat as he leans into him. He must've thought he had died for a few moments there. The brown haired male hasn't seen the other so worked up since he lost Jisung.

"It just grazed the top of my head" He opts to say. "I was knocked unconscious from the sudden fall from such a big height."

Taeyong pulls away to examine the source of the blood stream on his lover's face. Looking at it with a more calm mind he notices it is merely a graze.

They got lucky.

The pair are interrupted from their moment at the sudden sound of a window being broken. Taeyong helps Jaehyun onto his feet before alongside Sicheng, they make their way to the front of the house where they see Lucas has smashed the small window by the door to unlock it, Jungwoo behind him.

"We don't have the key" Lucas shrugs sheepishly as the door swings open.

"You are so lucky they don't have an alarm installed" Is all Taeyong says.

"It doesn't sound like a very good safe house" The taller mutters beneath his breath.

"It has a system which is only switch on once Yuta enters. So it won't be activated until we take him back" The older explains quickly.

They enter the house, going straight to the lounge room where a large television occupies a large space on the wall. The silver haired male turns it on, flicking to the new station to check if there's any news on them or the institute.

He frowns bitterly as he sees the all two familiar man in his black suit. Jaehyun walks up to his side, pressing up against his back, allowing for the older to lean against him slightly. The others move to all be standing with a clear vision of the screen.

"Hello citizens of the world. You all know of my name, yet I have a new title. The old sorcerer was unfortunately a lying bastard who was planning to wreak so much havoc to our poor world. Fortunately I over took him and he was locked up where he will no longer be able to remain in control. This leaves me as your new sorcerer."

This isn't good at all.

"For the past half century or so, we have been taking children from their families, training them to fight the monsters and to try and win back control of what we once called home. That was project 100 which was created by Mr Nakamoto. Whilst I have discovered the many flaws of this plan, there was one part which I must admit he was right about."

Taeyong has a terrible feeling he knows exactly what Doyoung is going to say next.

"To be able to bring our home back, to muster the strength to fight off these monsters, we need someone who can lead us and not a simple defence leader such as myself. We need a King. Nakamoto Yuta has been in training to fill this position ever since he was born 20 years ago. The fall of his father means it is time for his coronation. In two days time, in the pavilion outside the institute, you will all bend the knee to your new king. All are obliged to come and anyone who isn't there will swiftly be executed."

Not wanting to hear any more of it, Taeyong turns off the screen, leaning further back into the younger's warm embrace.

"They're going to crown Yuta" Sicheng's voice wavers as he says this. He moves to take a seat on the couch as he feels his legs are going to give way beneath him.

"Yuta will become King" Taeyong says softly, causing for all eyes to fall on him, all holding solemn expressions.

"We are going to kidnap the King."


also on that note there's like 4-5 chapters left of this story :/ i don't see it surpassing 20 chapters

i hope this update has been worth the awfully long wait.

sorry it's taken so long but i've been quite busy with school and work and even during holidays i just haven't had inspiration for this chapter as it was a bit more of a filler. i never want to produce something that isn't worthy enough for you guys to read so it does take a bit longer sometimes.

also someone send help, im very sick and i feel like i'm dying

thanks for reading!!

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