46 - Go

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It's been awhile, boy
How come I still miss you when you treated me like a toy?
I was singing on the stage
When my eyes landed on your face

It shocked the hell out of me
Can't even feel my hands strumming the guitar
Feeling the numbness after the electrifying peek
Oh, dear what are you doing here like an owl?

I can feel the familiar feelings inside my chest
Can't hold it back and put it on rest
Feeling the flames as it burn me inside
The sudden surge of fire irritates my eyes

You are the cause of our breakdown
I kept on building our relationship
But in the end I put the flag down
Drowning our love and ship

The crowd's shouting for another song
But everything felt so wrong
You let a smile and cheered too
So natural that I want to breakthrough

Nervously strum and hum
Letting myself go as I mumbled
Words inside my head
Cursing and loathing myself gently

For being this crazy:
Over the man who raze me
He will only hurt me I know
But I can't stop my feelings now.


Date Created: February 13, 2019
Time Created: 3:06 AM
Inspiration: I Go Crazy by Paul Davis and Until Trilogy
Messsage: I sang it earlier on videoke and thought to myself that I want to write some poem inspired by that song.

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