Chapter 1

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Phone call between Leigheanna's mother and aunt

Leigheanna's mother: No, I told you to leave my daughter alone! What are you actually planning to do?

Leigheanna's aunt: You must be kidding. I just want to spend the summer holidays with her. Abbie and Neva would be thrilled to spend holidays with you.

Leigheanna's mother: I don't think so. I know Leighy wants to go to Las Vegas with her brother and their friends. They took ages to earn enough money for the trip.

Leigheanna's aunt: Well, I think they have to change their plans...

Leigheanna's mother: No way! Leigheanna and Taylor have been planning this holiday forever! You can't do this!

Leigheanna's aunt: Huh. I don't care that much for your son, but I do care about Leigheanna! And, anyway, Bridgette, I can. I am your sister, and your children deserve to spend some time with me.

Bridgette: Kaitlin! Leigheanna is 19! She is in college! I think she'll say no when I tell her!

Kaitlin: There's no need to shout like that. Anyway, I decided. Abbie and Neva will stay at yours, and Leigheanna will stay at mine.

Bridgette: That's not fair at all!

Kaitlin: Bye-bye!

Kaitlin hangs up the phone. This is proof that she is mean.

Phone call between Bridgette and her husband, Leigheanna and Taylor's father

Bridgette (while the phone is beeping): Oh, come on, Dave! It's important! I am not leaving Leighy and Taylor with that b...

Dave: Hello Bridgette. What's up?

Bridgette: This day couldn't turn any worse! Did you know about the guys' plan of going to Vegas?

Dave: Yes. Taylor has just called me to remind me to talk to Riley's parents.

Bridgette: And have you called them yet?

Dave: I tried, but Bailey didn't answer! And, when I was about to tell Taylor to call Riley in person...

Bridgette: received my call. Got it. But please let me explain. Kaitlin has just called me, telling that she is sending Abbie and Neva here in town.

Dave: Which means that Leighy and Taylor have to bring them there! Impossible! They are nowhere near being 18! A trip to Las Vegas could be dangerous for them!

Bridgette: Hmm... In return, Leigheanna has to spend her summer with her.

Dave: That's enough! I am gonna talk to Kaitlin! Who does she think she is? She isn't God! I am certain that Leigheanna will say no!

Bridgette: I agree. Kaitlin has exaggerated this time. I thought her to be just a little overbearing, but she pushed over the limit! Leigheanna is our daughter, not hers!

Dave: Let's not talk about that. Try to talk to the guys. I hope they will understand...

Bridgette: So do I...

End of the conversation.

Phone call between Bridgette and Leigheanna

Leigheanna picks up the phone.

Leigheanna: Hello Mom. How are you?

Bridgette: Darling, we need to talk.

Leigheanna: About what? Mom, I didn't do anything to Aaron's mom's car! It's not my fault if there are vandals around!

Bridgette: It's not about Aaron's mother or her car. It's about your holidays.

Leigheanna: Oh, come on, Mom! You can't take it off! I studied and worked hard this year! Please, Mom, please!

Bridgette: I am sorry, Leigheanna, but you won't be going to Vegas with Taylor, Aaron and Leslie.

Leigheanna: What?

Bridgette: You're staying at Aunt Kaitlin's.

Leigheanna: Mom! You must be kidding! I hate that woman, and the only time I wanted to stay at hers was when Dad was sick and you were with him at the hospital. And, moreover, she mistreated me. Every time I have to stay at hers, I am forced to do so, and never enjoy myself! I don't want to hang around with either Abbie or Neva!

Bridgette: Don't worry! They will come here.

Leigheanna: This is absurd! So, they are going to Vegas instead of me!

Bridgette: They won't. They can't.

Leigheanna: How I will tell the others I can't go to Vegas because I am forced to stay with that witch?

Bridgette: Come on, Leigheanna, it will be just for a week or, in the worst of cases, a fortnight. Or this is what I hope.

Leigheanna: You'd better hope right, because I am about to lose my friends.

Bridgette: Oh, Leighy, I know you'll miss them... But you can make new ones...

Leigheanna (crying): I hope so.

Leigheanna hangs up the phone. She is crying and can't believe she has to call Taylor to tell him the bad news. She chooses to just message him.

Leigheanna's message to Taylor: "Not coming 2 Vegas. Mom told me I have 2 go 2 Kait's instead! Pls tell da others. I am 2 piss'd da fuck off 2 tell Aaron or Leslie. Have a nice holiday. Leighy xxx"

Taylor's reply to Leigheanna: "Hey sis. I know ur piss'd da fuck off, but don't worry. U needn't bear wit it. I'll tell da others. If ur lucky enough 2 meet friends @ Kaiti's, then hold 'em tight. U need 'em. Kaiti's a merciless bitch. Cheers! Tay xxx"

8,30 pm

Multiple phone call among Leigheanna, Taylor and Aaron

Leigheanna: Hey! Did you hear about the outrageous idea my horrible aunt had?

Taylor: Yeah, I know. Get to the point!

Leigheanna: I didn't mean to ask you! I was talking to Aaron!

Taylor: Well, our aunt believes we should spend more time with her.

Leigheanna: In other words, Aunt Kaitlin is forcing me to stay with her all the fucking summer!

Aaron: So, this means no Vegas, right?

Leigheanna: I am afraid it does...

Aaron: No way! Who does that filthy bitch of your aunt think to be? We are all going to Vegas, or nobody is going at all!

Taylor: It would be easier if we could cancel or delay the trip. But we can't! I am afraid we will lose loads of money...

Leigheanna: Unless I refuse to go to Aunt's. I will definitely get bored, and she will certainly mistreat me, so I bet the only way to have her back off is... going to Vegas without telling anyone.

Aaron: But it's too risky! Let's just go to your aunt's and crush her fucking face!

Leigheanna: How?

Aaron: Just call Leslie and tell her the truth. Then, we are gonna plan everything together. Sounds good, doesn't it?

The phone rings again. It's Leslie.

Leslie: Hello guys, what's up?

Aaron: Hmm...

Leslie: Why are you all depressed?

Taylor: Hmm... I have to hang up. I must call Riley.

Leigheanna: Hear from you later!

Taylor leaves the phone conversation

Leslie: I am under the impression - tell me if I'm wrong - that you are not happy at all! What the heck is going on with you? It's summer time, and...

Leigheanna: Leslie, we're not gonna enjoy our summer at all!

Aaron: Leigheanna's disgustingly hateful aunt is forcing her to spend our holidays with her!

Leslie: That's enough! I am gonna screw Kaitlin's face for good!

Leigheanna: Don't forget to burn her house...

Leslie: Hahaha!

Leigheanna: By the way, see you tomorrow. We need a plan!

Leslie: See you!

Aaron: See you...

End of the conversation

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