Chapter 20

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While Leigheanna is about to join her friends in Las Vegas, it looks like Abbie has a lot of questions to ask. She's looking for answers, something she's been denied for a long time.

Still, she doesn't look like she trusts her aunt Bridgette. The latter is known for her sharp tongue, especially when it comes to matters related to Kaitlin.

As aunt and niece are sitting in Leigheanna's bedroom, they stare intensely at each other, hoping that one of them will ever break the ice. However, Abbie is still reluctant at talking to her aunt, believing that she won't believe her at all just because she's Kaitlin's daughter.

This is what leads Bridgette to take matters into her own hands and speak herself, before this awkward silence goes on, creating more embarrassment on both parts.

Bridgette: Abbie, I see you're down in the dumps. What's going on? Please tell me.

Abbie: Are you sure we can talk without any sort of prejudice?

Bridgette: What are you even talking about? Prejudice! Huh!

Abbie looks down, regretting what she has just said. Again, she perceives that Bridgette isn't very willing to listen to her; so, she stands up and heads to the door, but is blocked by her aunt.

Bridgette: Sit down. We're going to talk, no matter what you're thinking of.

Abbie sits back down on the bed, but is still looking away, not convinced by her aunt's command.

Abbie: Seriously, Aunt, I don't think this is important.

Bridgette: Really? Oh, come on, Abbie. Don't be like Leigheanna. If you have some problems, just tell me.

Abbie: Aunt, I-

As she notices that Abbie is tucking nervously a strand of her blonde hair, Bridgette places a hand on her leg.

Bridgette: You can tell me everything, Abbie. I can see you're scared. And I don't get why Kaitlin sent you here. Do you mind telling me why?

Abbie: If you really insist...

Abbie sighs and finally turns to her aunt. Her eyes are filled with tears. Who else could know the horror of life with such a psychotic woman better than her daughter? Those tears don't just convey anger, disillusionment or sadness, but also fear that revealing her mother's secrers to her aunt may prove costly.

Abbie: Well, it's not true that Mom sent me here just to spend the holidays. Otherwise, I should have stayed back home with the others. It was actually a punishment.

Bridgette: What did you do?

Abbie: Well, I caught her sleeping with a man, and nosed around to find out that she... she... she had taken all the pictures off the walls! She wanted to replace them with photos of the two of them! I was so disgusted! She wanted to replace Dad!

Bridgette: What do you mean?

Abbie: She did this with our other uncles. She slept with them and then took away their children! Only Neva is my sister!

Bridgette: Oh...

Abbie: Did you know?

Bridgette is stuttering. Her secret has been found out. She never let it out because she feared she'd face Kaitlin's payback. Now, she has to deal with Abbie's rage. How is she going to tell Leigheanna the truth?

Bridgette: Okay, you know I know, too. But neither Dave nor my children do. Please, don't tell them. It's me who has to tell them the truth!

Abbie: I'll try...

Bridgette: But why would she take all the pictures away? Leigheanna told me that she found just a picture of Kaitlin, her husband and a little girl. Was it you?

Abbie: Oh... that picture. Yes, the girl was me. I was two or three at that time, I can't remember. Dad always called me "my little princess" and, when he could, he took me out for a picnic.

Bridgette: Oh, that's so sweet, Abbie. I still can't believe that he died so early. Neva was still a baby, I guess.

Abbie: Yeah, and those pictures are the only thing that still let me recall his figure. Now, she wants to burn them all!

Bridgette: She can't! You have the right to recall memories of your father whenever you want!

Abbie: But the point is-

Bridgette: There's no point here, Abbie. Either your mother stops repressing your thoughts and memories, or else you have to stand up to her! You can't let her treat you this way, okay?

Abbie nods, but keeps not being convinced by her aunt's intentions, even though they have a common goal: stepping up against the woman who threatens to ruin their lives.

Meanwhile, Bridgette's phone is ringing. She hopes it's her husband, who hasn't talked to her for days, calling, but she's caught by surprise as she sees a name she'd never expect appearing on the screen. Preslea. The woman Abbie thought she died until a couple of weeks ago.

Bridgette: Sorry, Abbie. I have to take this call.

Bridgette rushes out of the room and presses the answer button, not even noticing that her niece is overhearing the conversation.

Phone call between Bridgette and Preslea

Bridgette: Hello?

Preslea: Uhm... Hi, Bridgette. Do you remember when we visited last time? It was about two weeks ago, do you remember?

Bridgette: Oh, yes. Sorry, it's that I didn't expect your call. I mean, I hoped it'd be Dave calling, since he hasn't showed up for two days!

Preslea: Don't worry. He'll come back home. Unless, obviously, Kaitlin attempts to abduce him, too.

Bridgette: This is not a joke!

Preslea: Sorry, sorry. After that happened to me, I decided to take it jokingly. After all, I couldn't be resented at Rick, especially after the accident.

Bridgette: Kaitlin can't keep acting like this. She needs to stop!

Preslea: Listen, Bridgette. I talked to Lenna this morning. She told me that she's been told that Elyce may be dead.

Bridgette: Do you think Kaitlin has got to do with this?

Preslea: I'm afraid she does.

Bridgette: But why? Leigheanna has only told me that Kaitlin hit her. That psycho bitch must have threatened her! This is what led her to run away!

Preslea: You know what, Bridgette? I'm not surprised that she did. After all, if I could, I'd show her all the letters Kaitlin sent me. She's cunning, clever and whatever, but she believes we forgot all the lies she's been telling since she was a child.

Bridgette: Yet, no-one apart from us knows...

Preslea: Kaitlin has always been attracted by what's obscure. Lies, deception, abduction, traison are what appealed to her the most.

Bridgette: And this includes adultery...

Abbie: Aunt, is everything okay?

Bridgette: Sorry, it's Abbie. She must've overheard us.

Preslea: Never mind. That's better for us. She, as well as Neva, needs to know the truth about her mother. And I think Leigheanna may also have understood something more...

Bridgette: What do you mean?

Preslea: Are you still wondering why she hasn't got back home yet?

Bridgette: Now that you're letting me know, you're confusing me...

Preslea: That's easy. She must be heading to Las Vegas.

Bridgette: What?

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