Chapter 28

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Everyone is gathering around Preslea's phone this time. The messages are getting creepier and harsher. Abbie knows this is the great chance to show off the proof, but she prefers waiting.

I should've known that Leigheanna is not so bad, and therefore I should've treated her better. She hates Kaitlin more than us, or, at least, more than me. Alaria.

When I saw Leigheanna and Bridie together at Luna Bianca during my work shift, I was beyond irritated. Well, I shouldn't have acted that way. She knew how to put Kaitlin in her place better than all of us put together, but she had very little patience because of us. We should shame on ourselves. Lindsay.

I wish Leigheanna was my big sister. Hadn't Neva attempted to bust her to look goot to her bitchy mother, she'd cover our attempt to organize a party. I ran out of home very often because that bitch made me sick. Ainsleigh.

Abbie and Neva may be two little bitches, but they have a very soft side. If I were the social services, I'd take them away from that psycho. Alaria.

Do the right thing, Mom. Please denounce Kaitlin. She's responsible for killing Morris. Alaria.

Preslea: What does the last message mean?

Abbie can't retain tears. The rest of the family are trying hard not to upset her, but what she learnt is too much to swallow. She gains courage and extracts her phone from the front pocket of her jeans. She opens WhatsApp, then hands the device to Bridgette, who's shaking.

Bridgette: Who sent you that?

Abbie is struggling. Pronouncing that name is going to be the hardest thing she's done in her recent life.

Abbie: L-L-Leigheanna...

Bridgette: Oh, shit. I shouldn't have sent her there.

Preslea: You did the right thing instead. And I think I know why you sent there.

Bridgette: I wanted to find out what else Kaitlin was planning to do... and the only way I could do so without creating suspicions was that...

She stares at one of the scary messages that appears in a picture. It recits: 'Leigheanna, you'd better not mess with me, if you don't want to find yourself buried underground.'

Abbie: That comes from Mom's diary. Alaria and I read it once, and we earned-

Bridgette: That's enough! I'm done with all her shit! I thought she would just ruin my daughter's summer, not kill her! Now, I have enough proof to denounce her.

Dave: But, Bridgette, you know, Kaitlin could've paid someone to bribe the police and-

Bridgette: No buts! I'm glad that Leighy ran away to Vegas instead of being three meters underground!

Lenna: At least Leigheanna is alive! To be honest I even have no clue of where Elyce is-

Lenna wants to say more, but is interrupted by the doorbell ringing once again. Bridgette and Dave exchange looks, knowing that it could be anybody, including Kaitlin.

Dave: I'm gonna open the door. Just to make sure no-one else gets in trouble.

He doesn't even let his wife argue for that and rushes to the entrance door, opening it in a huff. His jaw drops as he finds Alaria and Meara at the threshold.

Dave: Girls, what are you doing here?

Alaria: It doesn't matter.

Meara: Screw it, Alaria. It does. We just followed our gut and-

Alaria: Shut up! It's not his business!

Dave: Lady, let me tell you, sometimes you're even worse than Leighy. Stop snapping and take our help.

Alaria: If you really want...

As the girls follow their uncle, back in the rear garden, everyone is shocked to find Alaria and Meara, then followed by their younger sisters. Especially Preslea. On the other hand, Rick isn't as surprised as his wife, but still didn't expect the four girls to be all safe.

Alaria: What's happening?

She glares at her father, who's sitting next to Preslea, who's shooting an apologetic glance. However, the woman only earns an even colder glare from her daughter. The majority of the presents is unimpressed with Alaria's attitude, especially considering that they all have to work together to stop Kaitlin.

It seems as things can't go worse than this, but everyone is immediately proven wrong as Bridgette's phone rings. She's shocked to find that the person who's calling is not exactly the one she wants to hear from in such a delicate moment.

Phone call between Bridgette and Officer Kees

Bridgette: H-h-hello... who is it?

Kees: Mrs Macias, right?

Bridgette: Y-yes.

Kees: We've just captured your sister.

Bridgette: What?

Kees: We found her at the border with West Virginia. She was attempting to disguise and probably buy a ticket to an unknown location.

Everyone else is muttering under their breaths, not believing that the woman who left an indeleble mark on their lives is finally to be punished. However, the phone call is nowhere near being close to the end, as Kees assumes a more heavy-hearted and lower tone.

Kees: But that's not just it.

Bridgette: What do you mean?

Kees: Well, what I mean, is that... your niece, Neva Harlan, has since died.

Bridgette: But... how...

Bridgette is trying hard to repress tears. She doesn't want to think of how to tell Abbie what happened.

Kees: Someone believes that she was simply strangled, but we found out that Mrs Harlan made her inject pills.

Bridgette: So, did she caused her a pill overdose and then strangle her? But why?

Kees: Mrs Harlan was said to regret having her youngest daughter. But there's more.

Bridgette: What else did she do?

Kees: Well, she drugged her niece, Elyce Tegan, and abandoned her in the woods three days ago. We found her lifeless body last night. We still don't know what caused her death, though.

At this point, Lenna and Abbie have overheard the conversation. The former is horrified at how her eldest daughter died, but somehow manages to maintain her composure, as she expected that something wrong would happen.

On the other hand, Abbie is crying rivers. The woman who's been vowing to kill Leigheanna in secret for years ended up taking away two innocent loves to cover up her failure. She can't believe to have been born just to please her mother's need to look somehow ordinary.

Abbie: I-I-I... m-my l-l-life... my existence has... has... no s-sense... I-I-I was b-born from a... a... m-m-mistake...

Bridgette: That's not true, Abbie!

Abbie doesn't listen to Bridgette and just runs away. She wishes she had stood up to her mother way earlier, she wishes she had been nicer to everyone who was trying to help her. She wishes she'd been different.

Meanwhile, the call is about to end, and Bridgette wants this nightmare to end, as well.

Bridgette: Is there something more I should know?

Kees: Yes. Kaitlin has-

The Sheriff is interrupted by the noise of a gun. Someone must've shot. He notices that Kaitlin has deceived everyone and that she's not wearing handcuffs. Instead, she's actually holding a gun. She's about to run away, but officers are surrounding her in circle.

Kaitlin: Step back, or I'm gonna shoot.

Kees: Put that gun down or-

Kaitlin: Step back, you traitor, or you're gonna die!

Kees hangs up without even saying goodbye to Bridgette. Kaitlin has now approached him. She's pointing the gun at his forehead. Beads of sweat are pouring down his face. He closes his eyes, hoping that she won't shoot him, but she does. He falls on the floor, covered with blood, but she keeps shooting at him, as well as other two officers, without mercy.

Then, she drops the weapon on the pavement, laughs slowly and coldly, and runs away.

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