❥Fool for you

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Her sweet smile melts my heart, when she looks at me my face turn as red as beetroot, her voice is my therapy it heals my heart and her existence is my peace.
Guess I am just a fool in love. I love her so much, she's the love of my life and her name is Kiya.

Kiya and I've known eachother for 20 years. She is always there for me she's like my safe place i can come and cry to her and she won't ever judge. She listens to all my stories and my problems. My child innocence always saw her as something I needed in my life but as i grewup I realised how much i want her. She's not just an integral part of my life she's like my whole world.

She's not 99% kind she's 100% kind, and because of that I always wonder does she take care of me because of her heart's kind nature or could it be she really love me?

Just thinking about her loving me back makes me happy and that's when I decided to get greedy.
I want her, I want to confess my feelings. What if she really loves me the way I love her? I have to try I am gonna confess my love to her I can't hold this feelings forever but what if she doesn't love me in a same way I love her, will it ruin our friendship?

I don't know anymore, lost in my thought someone tap on my shoulder she was my friend Zoya she sat beside me and said "hey, you ok?"
I told her everything that was going inside my mind and how I feel about Kiya. Zoya is my nice friend and she's very close with Kiya too, because I trust her I told her everything and then she said she'll help me.
She believes that Kiya and I will make a good couple, and she thinks Kiya loves me too, listening to her made me happy, I thought maybe there's really  a hope for me.
She said she'll help me and she already have a plan for it.

Zoya believes that first we need to make Kiya admit that she really loves me. When it comes to feelings Kiya's heart is always in a denial and it's really the fact about Kiya she is always there for everyone but for herself never, even when she's sad she just put a smile and hides all the pain.

I asked Zoya "how can we make Kiya admit how she feels" and she replied "Simple, by jealousy" I said "how?" because Kiya is not the one who gets jealous. "She might if someone she loves started loving someone else" said Zoya.

Next day we started our plan, Whenever Zoya was with Kiya she only talked to Kiya about me and how much she loves me and whenever I was Kiya I did the same and talked only about Zoya.
Everytime Kiya saw me and Zoya together we pretended to act close.

After one week Kiya took me for dinner, after having dinner we were walking back home and she pointed at a hairpin in the store display and said "look isn't it so lovely" I replied "yes it will look so good on Zoya"
I could sense her frowning I think she was jealous but she didn't said much I took her home and she just said goodnight, and it made me realise I am just hurting her and she's someone who has never hurt me even once. So I decided to end this game.

Next day I went to the same store and bought the hairpin Kiya liked. Today I am gonna confess my love to her.

I texted her-

"hey Kiya.. today I am gonna confess my love to someone i can't live without.. i don't know how it'll go but I wanna try can you come and meet me?"

       Within a second Kiya replied:
        "Oh you are gonna confess to Zoya today?"

Before I could type
"No not Zoya"

She sent another text
"All the best, you two look cute together♡"

After reading her text my heart sank, I wanted to explain everything to her but I couldn't.. afterall how can I?
I wanted to tell her "no it's not Zoya it's you".
I am just so pathetic, she was so happy last night but I ruined her mood over a childhood game. I don't deserve her, I am just a fool who ruined our beautiful friendship.

For the first time in my life I felt so lonely and heartbroken so I decided to go to our secret spot, spot where me and Kiya used to share all our stories.

I went to our spot and something I never imagined happened.
Our spot was decorated with fairy lights and there was Kiya, standing in front of me in a beautiful dress with her sparkling green eyes and silky brown hairs.

She said "do you really thought you can fool me, how can you forget that with just one look I can tell if you are lying or not.. you were acting so strange so I followed you and I found about your little prank you were planning with Zoya.
I have loved you for 20 years but I was afraid to confess my feelings to you, I was afraid of losing you but then I realised by hiding my feelings I was just hurting you so I decided to confess my feelings last night but you still wanted to play your childhood plan so I decided to prank you too my lovely fool"

Kiya's words again healed my heart, I hugged and tied her hairs with a hairpin she liked at the store.
She hugged me back saying "guess I am a fool for you too, all I want is your love and attention" we kissed under the fairy light and with her all my dream come true.


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