11th way- Truth or Dare

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Twilightmist: Today we would like to do an Truth or Dare! And the cats who are doing it with Crowfeather is Firestar, Bramblestar, and Onestar!

Firestar: Hello!

Cats: (Cheering loud)

Bramblestar: Hello every cat!

Cats: (cheering loud)

Onestar: Hola!

Cats: Boo. Why did you almost destroy the clans. Boo

Onestar: (sobs)

Crowfeather: Hey Bramblestar! Heard your coming and I was so happy.

Bramblestar: Thx

Twilightmist: Now start truth or daring toms!

Firestar: Okay. Truth or Dare Bramblestar?

Bramblestar: Truth

Firestar: Do you think my daughter, Squirrelflight put the banana peels in your den today?

Bramblestar: Of course she didn't! My mate is the kindest and she'll never do something like that

Cats: Woo Bramblestar! He trusts Squirrelflight!

Bramblestar: Truth or Dare Onestar?

Onestar: Dare

Bramblestar: I dare you to tell Nightcloud that you like her

Onestar: ...

Cats: Do it! Do it!

Onestar: Fine! Hey Nightcloud

Nightcloud: What is it Onestar

Onestar: I really really like you

Cats: (squeaking and giggling)

Nightcloud: I accept

Cats: Wooooooooooooooo

Onestar: Umm thanks. Truth or Dare Crowfeather

Crowfeather: Truth

Onestar: Do you actually trust Breezepelt

Crowfeather: Of course. He is my son

Firestar: (cries of happy tears)

Bramblestar: (blows in a tissue)

Onestar: (bangs his head on the table)

Crowfeather: Is that really a big deal

Twilightmist: We thought you were more mean, rude, short tempered, and not forgiving,

Crowfeather: What! I am none of those, xnsincneojfnfhhsllaoainenfjmciskndhufuhehbnskkaoid.

Twilightmist: Truth or Dare causes this black tom annoyed every cat

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