18th way- HoneyClan Born to...

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Twilightspeckle: Yo Every cat!

Cats: Yo!

Crowfeather: Yo!

Cats: Meh doesn't sound cool

Crowfeather: (sighs)

Twilightspeckle: Today we have some guests! HoneyClan!

Cats: (claps rhythm)

(HoneyClan comes up on stage)

Twilightspeckle: Now the leader may take the speaking part

Moonstar: Hey'a cats! We're HoneyClan just newly born! If you want to join go to HoneyClan's Destiny!

HoneyClan: Woo!

Moonstar: Today we're here to annoy Crowfeather with our joy!

Crowfeather: Not gonna work Moonstar

Moonstar: Well HoneyClan, get into position!

(Lights turn off)

(A rock song comes on)

Crowfeather: Wait What!?

Coldsplash: Go go!

Licapool: (starts to dance around Crowfeather) Whip whip!

Bumblekit and Skykit: (runs over Crowfeather): Weeeee. 

Badgerice: Oh yah! Yoo-hoo! (Uses Crowfeather as an horse)

Crowfeather: I...I thought HoneyClan does actual Warrior stuff! Dnncjjskallsocjndnjjqkodpkmanncbvbjajkdk

Twilightspeckle: Bam!

HoneyClan: Bam bam!

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