33rd way- Meh Feathertail I guess

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Twilightspeckle: 'sup fan of Twilightspeckle and the lovers of seeing Crowfeather annoyed

Every cat: Yay XD

Crowfeather: WOW 

Twilightspeckle: So From way to way Crowfeather is getting harder to annoy cause he learned how to take deep breaths

Crowfeather: (snickers)

Every cat: Boo

Twilightspeckle: In order to get Crowy pumping up on getting annoyed we have this lovely cat!

(Claps rhythmic)

Feathertail: Hey Crowy! Did you miss me?

Crowfeather: Oh, uh, hi sweet (thinking about the things he done to Flowermoon and the other she cats)

Feathertail: Os something wrong Crowy?

Crowfeather: No! I was just thinking how beautiful you are 

Feathertail: Thank you! Are you ready to join StarClan now?

Crowfeather: (thinks, "what about Flowermoon, Silverbreeze, Stormfeather, and Mistypool?")

Feathertail: Crowy?

Crowfeather:Oh uh 

Feathertail: (cracks knuckles and smiles evilly) Are you ready to go to StarClan?

Crowfeather: But I'm not dead yet u know? (Smiles)

Feathertail: that's easy I'll just kill you with my own claws! (Leaps on Crowfeather)

Crowfeather: Ahhhhhhh

Twilightspeckle: OMG Someone! We can't get him dead, we need to annoy him 68 more times!

Security Cat: Yes sir!

(Security cat jumps to Feathertail)

Feathertail: Get off me!

Security cat: But we have an show and we need him!

Feathertail: He want's to be with me and he needs to die! Go annoy Stormfur or something!

Stormfur: (Who was one of The audience at Twilight House) Why me?

Feathertail: Than Mistystar

Mistystar: (Who was also in the crowd) I'm offended I was your mentor!

Feathertail: Fine Than Leafpool!

Leafpool: (was summoned hearing her name) Crowy! You pore thing get off Feathertail he wants to be with me

Crowfeather: Why just why? Dncbhsjwkospdojdnwnjsjdjdjdhhdjkwoowihfhd

Twilightspeckle: Let me give you a life lesson; don't fall in to many cats at a time. They might possibly kill you. 

Security cat: That she cats strong! Like me—

Twilightspeckle: Your fired. Anyway does any cat want to come here again? Or a new one? I'm happy to put u in my stage to annoy Crowfeather.

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