36th way- Double Mist(y)

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Twilightspeckle: (soft voice) Please Welcome Mistfall!

Cats: claps

Mistfall: (Blue grey she cat with a white ripple like fur pattern) Hello!

Twilightspeckle: (mean voice) Crowfeather get on stage!

Crowfeather: (sighs) Fine 

Twilightspeckle: Hello everyone and welcome back to the Twilight House. Today we have Mistfall by Mistweb65!

Cats: Yaaay!

Crowfeather; Why doesn't any tom guests come?

Cats: Art you questioning our gender?

Crowfeather: No sir

Female cats: Art you calling us a—

Crowfeather: No ma'am

Twilightspeckle: Any way we know the drill! Leafshine!

Leafshine: My first job! Yaaaay! (Gets a pink bomb and throws it at Crowfeather and Mistfall)

Crowfeather: Bah! This thing taste— (sees Mistfall as a perfect beutiful she cat with dazzling eyes and sparkling fur. She than weakly smiles cutely shooting an arrow in Crowfeathe's heart)

Mistfall: (in real life she is screaming) This bomb (cough) smells terrible! 

Crowfeather: Hey you cutie wanna go out to dinner?

Mistfall: Sure if I could get out of this smell! (Cough)

Crowfeather: Really! Yes! C'mon let's go Mistfall

(Crowfeather and Mistflal walks out if the Twilight House)

Twilightspeckle: This is where the drama begins ya'll


Crowfeather: So I was batting off an huge ShadowClan warrior—Hey there's Mistypool!

Mistypool: Hi Crowy! 

Crowfeather: Hi Mistypool! How's your kits?

Mistypool: There great! They turned into apprentices and Breezepaw is a loyal apprentice, Hollypaw is doing great with healing, Lionpaw's a bit braggy and grumpy but he's a hard worker, and Jaypaw is doing well with Cinderpaw!

Crowfeather: (gets confused with the names) Umm okay Mistfall

Mistfall: Excuse me but I'm Mistfall

Crowfeather:Oops I mean Mistypool

Mistypool: Who is this she cat?

Crowfeather: She's Mistypool

Mistfall: No I'm Mistypool! Wait what?

Mistypool: No, I'm Mistfall remember? (Suddenly blanks out)

Crowfeather: Wait Ithought Your Mistypool (points to Mistfall) and your Mistfall (points to Mistypool)

Mistypool and Mistfall: Exactly! Wait what?

Crowfeather: cndnshhdgfgyquqiodofjndbwhhshfhftyryruweiuqojhbdjbnbj

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