Chapter 37

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"Umma, what is this?"

Shahma did have the courage to take the box from her mother after knowing what was in it. She could think of a million ways in which her mother would react at the situation they were in but this could not be included in it.

"Do you think it will be that easy surviving out there," Zahra shook her head before continuing , "You will need this, trust me"

Shahma knew that her father must have worked day and night to earn the money which he used to buy the golden ornaments in the box. He must have dreamt about Shahma wearing them on her wedding day.

Shahma shook her head.. Her guilt would not let her take it. She was ready to work hard independently for her survival but she could not do this to her father.

The pain she felt at that moment, the moment when her mother would be aware of her being runaway, was something that she had tried to imagine about when she decided to leave her house but that hadn't prepared her well enough for the suffocation she felt inside as she looked at the lady who made her who she was.

The dim light could only give little details about her mother's grieve but she could feel the pain in her mother's voice.

A few drops of tears escaped Zahra's eyes as she took Shahma's hands and kept the box on them.

"We earned it for you dear, you must have it"

"Umma, what I need is...father and  you to understand and forgive me, I know that I was terribly late at letting you know of my disinterest but I was afraid and anxious. Each time I came to you , I ended up sweating a lot and shivering to an extent that I could not bring up the topic, I am such a mess...I am so sorry,"

Golden ornaments adorned the shiny white floor when the box fell on it. Shahma had never felt her mother's hug to be warmer than the one she had that day. She could feel the love and care deep into her being as she made her embrace tighter.

She wanted to stay bounded by the warmth forever but she knew that she couldn't. She took a step back.

"I just wish uppa could understand me,"

"Uppa does but he cannot accept it, that's all,"

Shahma wept as she tried to gain composure. She took some deep breaths and it was helping.

"I...I think that I was actually pressurized by all those questions about my marriage, I am not ready for such a life changing decision but I realized it a little late..."

"Your father will understand it and I can understand dear, I have been through it..." her mother kept the ornaments in the box, one by one, tear by tear. The inner part of the box seemed to shine due to what it withheld. The ornaments jingled as her mother stood up.

"The marriage between your father and was something sinfully good," She chuckled in between her weeps.

Shahma frowned, her face still stained with fresh tears and being stained further as she looked at her mother to continue.

"During those days...there was no such notion as mother told me that everything would be alright after I married a handsome man, all that I had to do was keep my weird feelings as a secret," the chuckle that followed held a bitter agony. Her chuckle did not contain regret or guilt, only raw pain.

"Your father was a blessing in disguise. He was pretty brave to admit about his asexuality when we met for the first time and I saw no option better than him," She scratched just above her forehead, looking at the box, lost in her memories.

"Our marriage was an answer that lead to the next question. They were getting worried about us for not having kids and that was when we heard about IVF and we had you guys without letting anyone else know about our little secrets," She extended the box towards Shahma and Shahma took it, in a trance due to her mother's story. She kept it in her bag, her eyes not leaving her mother's.

Shahma's mother sighed.

"The point is...your father knows how it feels to be forced into a marriage but he chose social acceptance over himself and he must be expecting the same from me, he will come into senses a little later but I don't want you to suffer due to his time consumption," She opened the door for Shahma.

"Call me once you reach there and don't suit yourself there, use it only if required," she pointed at the box, "you will be back soon,ok?"

Shahma nodded.

Shahma was suddenly pulled into another embrace which ended with a kiss on her forehead.  She did not want to go and she did not want to stay away from her wonderful family.

She wondered if she was being foolish to leave her loving family for uncertain number of days. Her doubt was cleared when she saw the encouraging smile on her mother's face.

Zahra was extremely beautiful but the beautiful face was starting to show some wrinkles, reminders about the cornucopia of experiences that the soul within withheld. She had to live a life of guilty and shame before her marriage, she herself had wondered a lot why she liked girls. She had wished if she could like men just like her friends and relatives but saying herself that she liked a boy or man was a lie that her soul could never accept.

Zahra patted on Shahma's head.

It was going to be a new experience for Shahma. She walked away with a newfound confidence and smile.

At the window, the only man in the house looked proudly at his daughter walking away from the house. He was afraid of the monsters in the dark and his daughter's innocence but preparing and knowing everything from her bus tickets to the company that was going to accept her, he felt a little at ease.

He did not want his daughter to live a lie like he did but he needed time to adjust himself and handle the situation. He was going to say that Shahma went for an interview but what about the questions that might follow? What could he say when they asked why did she have to go for an interview when she had one more year of college left? He could say that the vacancy was created by a person who would retire next year. what about the wedding he was going to call off? He shook his head.

He did not want his little princess to go through the stressful situation.

He went back to his bed before his wife came back. He prayed that his princess would be safe.

Shahma herself prayed that she would be safe as she got in the bus. She had a brief look at herself on the rearview mirror. The girl she saw was a little dark but confident...and surprisingly, beautiful too.

She smiled the most beautiful smile of her life.

On that day, Shahma decided not to wait for a Prince Charming anymore and decided to be a princess charming before finding a prince. On the same day Thomas decided to wait for the girl who was his princess charming .

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