Chapter 22: Meet Up

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After answering the call from Trenor and Minami, Ash, Serena and Saphira are now at the Johto Region, where they are supposed to meet up with Mark and Lillie, who just come back from the Hoenn Region.

"Mark, Lillie. How are the gems?" Ash asks, and Mark takes out the Fighting Gem and the Fire Gem, he says, "We got them alright. What about you? Brother?"

Ash takes out the Electric Gem and the Ice Gem, he says, "We got them as well. The only gems in the Johto Region are the Water Gem in the Whirl Islands, and the Dragon Gem in the Dragon's Den."

"The two places are on the other side of the regions, so we still need to split up as well." Lillie says as she notices Saphira, and she gives her a hug and asks, "So how is the little princess doing?"

"I have been being a good girl, Aunt Lillie. You can ask Papa." Saphira says with a proud face.

"Well, she did help us get the Ice Gem back in the Alola Region." Ash says. But then they notice the traitors are floating on pieces of wood as they are sent from the Grandpa Canyon.

"Oh no, not them again..." Ash mutters. "No, wait, this is a perfect time."

"What are we going to do now?" Mark asks, noticing Ash's sudden change of face.

"I am not going to hide from them this time, I need to do what must have been done in the first place." Ash says as the traitors notice Ash, Serena, Lillie and Mark at the same time.

"Ketchum!" The traitors yell as they quickly get out of the water.

"I am here alright, what do you guys want this time?" Ash turns around and asks them coldly.

"How dare you make your brother attack us." Max yells. "Look what he did to us!"

"It is not my fault, you're just annoying people who try to harass them." Ash says coldly. "Besides, now that you here, I demand my Pokemon back."

"And what if we don't?" Misty asks, only to be fired with the Moonblast by Serena's Sylveon. Bonnie asks, "Serena, why are you attacking us?"

Serena says with anger, "You know damn well why I do this! I have to suffer from my love for Ash because of your greed. You force me to love a man I don't love and break Ash's heart. I want you all to suffer the same way as I did!"

"It is your fault to fall in love with him, it is not our fault." Clemont says, but Serena has Delphox out and the Majestic Fire has been blasted on his face.

"You hypnotized me! I rather die than fall in love with someone that isn't Ash!" Serena looks like she is burning with fire and then her Delphox has also changed form, much to the traitors' surprise.

"Dazzling Gleam! Psyshock and Stone Edge! All of you!" Serena yells as all three of her Pokemon are now attacking the traitors mercilessly. But no matter how hard Serena blast their attacks on, they won't be able to die due to the fact that they have Ash's Pokemon.

Ash, Lillie, Mark and Saphira are now surprised at the outburst of Serena, and Mark says, "Although I hated her for what he did to you, brother...but now...I don't what to say."

"I feel the same way as well." Lillie says.

"Mama is so scary now..." Saphira says in a scared tone, and Ash quickly hugs her to calm her down.

"Can't blame her, but I need to stop what she is doing." Ash mutters.

Ash then pats Serena's shoulder, and he says, "Serena, that's enough. You won't be able to kill them if you continue to do that, you'll just tiring them out."

Serena says, "Then they will need to suffer more, even they won't be able to die, they can still feel the pain!"

"Serena, just listen to me, this isn't the you that I loved." This causes her to finally stop. "I know you are mad at them, I am also mad as well, but we have to wait, the time to make them suffer isn't here yet."

Serena frowns as she recalls her Pokemon, then Ash looks down at the down traitors as his eyes glow pink, then some of the Pokeballs on their belts start to float into the air and Ash grabs them all, he notices that there are only 11 of them and the others aren't his Pokemon, but right now he doesn't care about it as he just wants to be reunited with his friends.

"Come on out, my friends." Ash says as he tosses the Pokeballs, there are Snorlax, Charizard, Infernape, Noivern, Sceptile, Krookodile, Lycanroc, Heracross, Goodra, Gengar and Lucario. They have scars on their bodies and they are surprised to be free, but as they see that Ash is the one that released them, they quickly rushes to give him a hug despite the pain they have.

"I am sorry, I didn't want you to suffer, I was a bad trainer to you..." Ash says with tears in his eyes, the Pokemon forgive him and they also tell them how the other Pokemon were died from starvation and pain.

"How dare they do that...thank you for telling me, we will give them the judgment they deserve." Ash says in a fury tone, and the traitors finally able to get back up.

"Hey! What are you doing to our Pokemon! Give them back!" Max yells, but Ash says, "No, you are the ones that steal my Pokemon, because of the fact that you know that having my Pokemon can make you immortal!"

This causes them to widen their eyes as Ash says, "Professor Oak has told you about this, so you tried to kill my mother and then take my Pokemon for your own greed. And it is because of the same greed, you also throw Professor Oak away like he is some sort of old trash."

Mark and Lillie are surprised to learn the truth, and they are furious about the fact as well. Ash says, "Not only that, you also kill most of them while keeping some of them so you are still able to be immortal. But guess what, now I have my Pokemon back, you are not going to be immortal again! And you are going to pay for that!"

The traitors aren't going to hear what Ash is talking about as they ready their weapons to attack Ash, but Ash manages to use Blizzard to freeze their lower halves, and he says, "I won't be doing that if I were you."

Then he also uses the Flash to blind them, as they are escaping. Once they make sure that the traitors aren't in their sight, Mark says, "Good riddance."

"Talk about it." Ash says as he looks at the 11 Pokeballs that are on his hands. "But I am glad to have my Pokemon back with me."

Serena says, "Yeah, and now they won't be able to use your Pokemon as a shield to do whatever they want."

Mark says, "And Serena, I think I need to apologize to you." This causes them to be confused, and Mark says, "You see, ever since Brother ask you to join in the Team Alpha, I have been skeptical of you this whole time. But now I truly see how you really care for Brother, and I want to apologize."

Serena is surprised, and she says, "It's fine, I know why you are doing this. Even though I was hypnotized, I was also at fault for doing that to Ash, that is why I want to atone my mistake."

Mark nods and Ash smiles at the fact that Mark is starting to open up to Serena, her future wife and Saphira's mother.

"Right now, we must not waste more time, even though those traitors aren't immortal anymore, but there are still some time for the effects to wear off. We need to quickly get the Gems."

The others nod as Mark and Lillie bid farewell to the two as they go to the Whirl Islands.

Once they are now at the Olivine City, Lillie says, "According to the map, the Whirl Islands is on the Route 41. Which means we need to get across the ocean."

"I see, and it is a good thing that we have these two to help us out." Mark says as he sends out Kyogre and Lugia. The two of them have caused rain when they appear and Mark and Lillie ride on Kyogre.

"Kyogre, Lugia. We need to go to the Whirl Islands, since it is your home, Lugia, I need you to lead the way." Mark says.

"Sure. Please follow me." Lugia says as he leaves, and Kyogre is trying to go after the Pokemon. Once they arrived at one of the caves, they recall Kyogre back into the ball and follow Lugia into the deep caverns.

"Wow, this place looks like a ritual or some sort..." Lillie says as she notices a platform. Lugia says, "This is where people in the past dance for me, the Water Gem is behind the waterfall."

As they notice the giant waterfall, Lillie asks, "How are we going to get that?"

Mark says, "She's right? Is there a way we can get the Water Gem? Or we need to get wet?"

"There is no need, what you need to do is to do the summoning dance." Lugia says, "There are two kinds of summoning dance, one is for Ho-oh, and one is for me."

"But we don't know how to do the summoning dance..." Lillie says.

"This is not a problem, just watch how I do the dance and you'll learn it." Lugia says as he starts to teach them the moves. After they learned how to do it, they start to dance around as well, and eventually, the Water Gem manages to float out of the waterfall and then it lands on Lillie's hand.

"Now that we got the gem, I think we should head back to the base, and it is a good thing that it is close." Lillie says.

Mark nods and he says, "You know, I was still wondering about what Brother told me about Minami. Apparently, Alain wants to be her partner to help her search for the Gems."

"What? Minami agrees to have a human accompany her?" Lillie widens her eyes in shock. "And he hasn't died yet?"

"No, Minami somehow manages to open her heart to him..." Mark sighs, "I just hope that it isn't a bad idea since he made Brother lose the Kalos League, which is one of the reasons why mother is dead.

As they are now outside of the islands, they see that the whirlpools are getting bigger and bigger. Lillie asks, "How did it happen? Why are the Whirlpool getting bigger and bigger?"

Lugia says, "Without the Water Gem, there is no energy to stop the Whirlpool, right now we need to ignore it for now."

"Lugia, can you give us a ride back to the Mt. Silver? I know you are a Flying Type and you hate the cold, but please..." Mark says.

Lugia nods and he has Lillie and Mark sit on his back, then the all ride back to the Mt. Silver.

Here is a new chapter and Ash gets some of his Pokemon back while the others are gone. I have a hard time thinking about how to write about the other Pokemon Ash owned in this story, but in the end, they are the only ones left when counting the Pokemon that was at the Professor Oak's Lab.

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