Chapter 1: the beginning of this mess

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I was sitting at home just watching tv with my lovely girlfriend, Claire, after a long day of work when she looked me in the eyes and said, "I love you Jack, more than anything." And that my friend is how this mess started, with those few words. When she said that, it made me think and feel like I needed to prove my love to her, with this simple thing, but it was way too expensive. Yet, a price tag would not stop me, she would get this thing, no matter the cost.

i had heard of the 11 mile road, yet I never believed it, thinking it was a load of crap, well that was until my friend, Eric, decided to find it. I never saw him again.......anyway thats when this 11 mile road shit started to give me the creeps, and all of that leads up to today, November 12, 2003. It's been just a quiet day, me and Claire haven't talked much today, mostly because we have been super tired.

I get out of bed and I look at the clock.

"Crap!" I exclaime.

it was 2:30, ten minutes before work. I jumped out of bed and got ready, than ran out the door.

I arrived at work 15 minutes late, which didn't do much harm to my work preformnce, no one even noticed that I was late so I just got to work.

a few hours later, work was over. I was driving home in the dark when I got lost.

"ugghh, how did i get lost?! I know my way home" I told my self and continued driving.

I had been driving for a little while, with each mile I was getting even more lost, then I found myself driving around tree. Great, I was completely lost. i kept on driving hoping to find some help when I saw something glimmer in the tree line. Being the dumb ass I am, I decided to follow the tree line and see where the shining was coming from. I kept on following it until the road turned. I looked down this turn and saw nothing but darknes, to be honest it kinda scared me. I looked at my GPS that had lost signal a while back, and it was back on. I saw that this road wasn't even on the map!

Thats when I journey down the 11 mile road, begins.

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