2. Hook the reader!

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2. Hook the reader!

Hook the reader in with an awesome story description/blurb! Look at other books in your genre that are doing well for inspiration on what works. Remember the ultimate aim of your blurb is not necessarily to cram in all your plot, or show how good a writer you are – it's to hook in your reader and get them to check out your first chapter! 

The best way to do this will depend on your genre, and the readers you're attempting to hook in.

I'm a fan of a tag line as a way of grabbing people's attention - something short and snappy that doesn't cost the reader any effort to read, but gives them a flavour of the story.


Here are a few of my taglines as examples:

"He was sent to curse her but he got caught under her spell..." (Thorn)

"In a world where everyone has a perfect match, what if you were matched with the dangerous, notoriously good looking, original bad boy...Cupid himself?" (Cupid's Match)

"British BUFFY meets FRANKENSTEIN! Join Frankie as she avenges her body parts!" (Frankie)

"A boy cursed by ink. A girl doomed to die. A story made to be broken." (INK) 

"Are you telling me I just exchanged my immortal undying soul for free WIFI?" (Devils Inc.)


I then follow with a short description - emphasis on short. People are lazy(!) - harsh but true - get your point across as concisely as possible. And make it hooky!

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