Tis The Season (For Pranks)

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-In which Cassie gets roped into a prank war-
I don't own Percy Jackson or Avengers

You know what?  Fuck the early morning sun.  All my friends hate the early morning sun.  I did not want to be woken up at 7:00 AM today.  Fuck you, Apollo. 

It's worse because there's nothing I have planned to do today.  I guess I could go fuck around and make something in the lab, but that seems boring.  Yesterday was uneventful, school was boring as always. 

I am, however, at the compound today.  Why?  Because I can.  And Morgan was having a sleepover with her little friends, and I didn't want to interrupt.  So, me, Olivia, and Rachel are here chilling.  Jess and Camila are off being cute together somewhere else.  I think they went upstate for the day. 

Jess is lucky.  Rich girlfriend who absolutely loves her, and good grades.  I'm pretty sure I sold my soul to Athena to pass ELA this month.   I liked my soul, but Dad would absolutely destroy me if I failed a subject

I just heard a crash coming from the kitchen. Considering that I'm in my room, that must be a pretty big crash. "Ugh, my head.", I hear Pietro groan. Has he been speeding around and hit a wall again? It happens more than you'd think.

But then, I hear a "Haha, got you!". "CASSIE! Get in here!", Pietro roars. Uh oh. I run in, only to see him standing in front of the way into the kitchen. And covering the entryway is a sheet of plastic. MY sheet of plastic. That I used for a prank on him to great success.

So who has been rooting through my old blueprints? It's none other than Wanda. She's still laughing. "Care to explain why you two pranked me this close to Christmas?", he asks us both. I hightail it out of there and up into a hidey-hole I found a few months ago. I avoid the vents like the plague, I hate small spaces like that. But here is fair game.

I have a pillow, blanket, and some nonperishable snacks up here. Plus, a phone charger and nearby outlet. I could live up here if I had to. He keeps looking.

If he thinks I pranked him, then I'll actually prank him. I have ideas. Carefully, I sneak away to the lab. Putting on my goggles since I don't want shaving cream in my eyes, I take a few things. Shaving cream, glue, and feathers. He's going to fall asleep in an hour or so, because I know for a fact he stayed up all night playing Mortal Kombat.

And Steve and Dad are asleep right now. I could rope them into this and start a good old fashioned prank war. Yeah, I think I'll do that.  I sneak over to the common room, where both Steve and Tony are sleeping on separate couches.  Carefully, I spray shaving cream into each of their hands, and put glue and a feather on each of their noses.

When they wake up, they'll be surprised, that's for sure. I then sneak off into the gym and wait for Pietro to wake up. After putting a camera up to record the reactions of Steve and Dad, of course.

Oh, maybe my friends and I could play something? Or plan a party? Parties are always fun.  "Cassie!  Did you see what happened to Clint!", Rachel shouts from a beam on the ceiling of the gym. 

"No, what happened?", I ask.  "Natasha happened!  He's still tied up in a net in the kitchen!", she replies, barely containing her laughter.  Well, that's what you get when you try to steal Nat's food. 

"We should go save him.", Rachel comments, as we walk over.  We take our sweet time getting there, so that Clint can learn his lesson. "Please help me!", he begs, hanging upside down. "Go help him, Cassie. I'm making tea.", Rachel says, heading over to the counter.

I press the pendant on my neck, instantly surrounded in flexible whatever-this-thing-is-made-of. I don't know, I was daydreaming when Dad was explaining it. Quickly slicing the net, Clint tumbles to the floor.

He thanks me and runs up to the counter. He takes the vent cover off of the ceiling and climbs in. As said before, I'd die before going in there. The tea kettle starts making noises, and I run over to the cabinet and get a mug.

Thankfully, only Wanda likes my specific favorite brand of tea, and she's nice enough not to use all of mine. So, I have plenty of my own. The tea is nice, it distracts me from the chaos I have caused today. Speaking of chaos, I'll go check the camera. I managed to get the shaving cream onto Pietro too, and dyed half of his hair bright pink.

Wanda isn't safe either. I rigged her shower with a special hair dye that Bruce and I have been working on, strong enough to turn Wanda's hair blue with no bleaching first. With any luck, she'll have a new hair color in about thirty minutes.

I check the footage, and I see utter carnage. Steve woke up first, and got shaving cream all over himself. He didn't notice the feather for quite a while. Dad was next, managing to contaminate the whole couch with shaving cream.

And Pietro was third, he looked hilarious. I don't think he's noticed that his hair is now pink. But I hear a shocked scream from Wanda's room, and I run over to see my results with her. Oh, it's magnificent. Her hair is blue, and the dye washed off the rest of her like I planned.

"Cassie! Did you do this?", she asks, looking at herself in the mirror. "No, Pietro did. I dyed his hair, though.", I reply. I am a great liar sometimes.

"Oh, I can't wait to see! He's not gonna believe the chaos I'm about to cause!", she exclaims, bolting off into the kitchen. I better clear out before I get in trouble.

I gather my friends together and stare that we need to leave. They agree, and we start the long drive back. Oh, today was amazing, and tomorrow I'm planning a party so magnificent that every kid in school will be jealous.

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