Home Is Not Here

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(A/N IM BAAAAAAAAAAACK, again. Don't kill me! -hides behind Bill and Will-
Please reread chapters 'There Are Many Types Of Pain' through 'Three Fateful Choices'. I changed the plot in a MAJOR way (Aaron x Sam never becoming a thing. •~•) so PLEASEEEEE reread that or just skim it. Holy crap I write this author note like a year ago. Half of this writing is old, the other half is new so sorry if there's a sudden style change.

*Caroline's P.O.V*

I blinked, feeling something was off. "Zhey have found each ozher..." I mumbled to the dream demon. He nodded grimly.

"I know."

It was late, and the other children had fallen asleep. Bill floated over and sat down next to me.


"You know as well as I do the 'final battle' between me and Caesar is coming. His army is gathering. His companion is there. We have to get anyone who will help." He folded his arms with an uncharacteristic frown.

"I know, und I agree. I vill take Dipper into town vizh me tomorrow by Vogel to get companions."

"I'm coming, too."

"Vhat? Vhy?"

"You know why."

"Let it go, Bill. Jou know it vouldn't vork out."

"Why not!?" He flared in temper and I just watched him. "I nearly died for it!"

"Zhat vas jour decision."

"You snarky bastard, you nearly cost me everything!"

"But I didn't." He growled in reply to my comment and was tense. That was 137 years ago, why was he thinking about it now? Let alone, he has a girlfriend.


"Jou have a frauline, vhy are jou zhinking about it?"


"Jou don't know if jou really liebe her, do jou?"

"Of course I do!"

"I haven't seen jou show affection ONCE since I've been here."

"We're all busy."

"Jou haven't even spoken to her."

".. So..?"

"Jou. Don't. Know. If. Jou. Liebe. Her."


"I knew it."

"Don't you tell her..."

"If she asks, I vill tell all. If not, zhen I vill tell nozhing."

I laid down on the window seat as he floated, watching everyone and debating his choices. Even he didn't notice the wounded energy radiating off of his frauline.

The next morning, everyone was up and active. Dipper and I went into town. Bill decided to go to the forest with Sam to get some monsters to help. Aaron and Katie were getting supplies and watching Mabel. She should wake up soon. As we got to town, everyone was crowded around in a circle.

"What's going on..?" Dipper wondered and we made our way to the front where we found Stan and a look alike in a fistfight.

"Stanley! Stanford! Stop." I growled and they stopped, looking at me. "Jou two are acting like idiots. Ve are going home NOW." I grabbed them both and dragged them home, Dipper trailing behind.

"Who... I'M SO CONFUSED!" The brunette yelled and the look alike chuckled.

"I guess StanLEY never told you about his twin." His hands adjusted his jacket and Dipper squealed.



"He reads your journals practically twice a day." Stan put in.

"Oh.." Dipper hugged the author, Ford I knew, and Ford sent a confused look at his twin.

"Shermy had kids, twins. That's Dipper. The other one you'll meet is Mabel." Stan explained.

"Oh..! You're my great nephew? I suddenly feel old..." Ford pet Dipper's hair as we got back to the Shack. "You took my house too. Wonderful."

"Yeah, yeah." We all headed in. Bill and Sam weren't back yet. This was either really good, or really bad. No matter what, without Bill, we wouldn't have a chance in the final battle. I mean, he IS a dream demon after all. Mabel was awake.

"Mabel!" Dipper cried and ran over to his twin.

"Hey, Dipper." She had a tired and slightly scared smile, but a smile nonetheless. He hugged her and Aaron smiled. The ravenette watched from his place sitting beside her. We were just waiting for- a screech echoed from the woods. Very bad it is.

"Come on!" I yelled and Ford and Dipper followed me. We ran into the woods and began looking for the other two.

"Bill? Sam?" Ford was obviously shocked that Bill was on our side but helped us anyway. A few minutes later, Sam came stumbling out of the woods, fear written on her face.

"Sammy, sveetie, you need to calm down. Vhere's Bill?" I held her shoulders and as stared at me with large doe eyes.


"Vhere is he? Vhat happened?" I asked her calmly.

"B-bill's d-dead... Caesar t-tore out his h-heart.." she was trembling like a leaf and I shut my eyes. Dammit...

"Shhh, come here." I whispered and hugged her. The redhead cried and cried into my shoulder, hiccuping for breath. "Shhhh..."

"How are we ever going to win now?" I heard Dipper ask Ford.

"I don't know, but we better think fast. Look!" I looked up to see the sky turning swirled iridescent black and growled.

"It's already begun."

(Also, this has bothered me for a while. I'm so sorry if it seems like I'm focusing on Sam and Bill too much, I really am. I just laid this plot out a while ago and Sam has a lot of connections... I'm really sorry...)

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