There's A Reason It Was Locked

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A/N SORRY! Anyway, we're coming to the end of this story, wolfies. There's going to be alternate endings, sad one and a happy one. The sequel will go off of the happy one, which will still be sad for a certain character's fans. ONWARD WITH THIS CHAPTER!

*Dipper's P.O.V.*

Everyone was laying around being bored today. It was too hot to go outside, it was 100° for crying out loud! Mabel was mindlessly playing with Waddles. Aaron, Sam, and Bill had gone out for sword practice, Kate was attempting to sleep and I was reading the third journal for the thousandth time. Eventually, Kate fell off the bed and groaned but was too tired to get up.

"Kate, what are you doing?" I asked skeptically.

"I hugged the floor, Dipper." she mumbled. Mabel raised an eyebrow as did I.

"Backwards?" Mabel laughed.

"Mabel, I am magical." Kate said. I chuckled and went back to reading. After a few more minutes of silence, if you count Waddles being Waddles as silence, Kate sat up.

"Hey, why don't we investigate the Mystery Shack? There's gotta be some hidden rooms we haven't found!" Kate suggested. Mabel nodded and I agreed.

"DIPSTICK! QUEEN BEDAZZLE! HERSHEY! WE'RE HOME!" Sam shouted from downstairs. Bill and Aaron raced up the stairs while Sam ran and jumped over the two fighting friends. "HAHA! Losers!" the ginger-red head laughed.

"UGH! Whatever!" Aaron scoffed and Bill looked like he was trying not to laugh at the sibling rivalry. Sam plopped down beside Mabel.

"So what're we doin', weirdos?" she asked as she threw Mabel's sprinkles all over Aaron, Bill and I. I shook them off with a tick mark appearing on all the boys' foreheads.

"We're going to search the Mystery Shack for something to do." I said grumpily.

"YAY! COME ON THEN, STOP BEING LAZY!" Sam yelled and ran downstairs. Bill and Aaron let out a sigh and slowly followed. I shut the journal with a loud 'thwak' and dragged Mabel and Kate along behind the soon-to-be-insane ginger-red. God, she's crazy! Anyway, we split up, couples together. Kate and I, Mabel and Aaron, and Sam and Bill. We all searched in closets and carpets and walls. Finally Kate and I found a hidden closet next to Gruckle Stan's room. We opened it to find a musty old room with cobwebs everywhere and a box on a dirty pedestal. Kate picked it up and blew thd dust off the top. It was old wood and read 'Ouija'. Hmm, what's this?

*Mabel's P.O.V.*

Ma bro-bro called that they had found something, so I grabbed Aaron's hand and dragged him back to the attic. He blushed lightly and chuckled to himself.

"What'd you find Dippy?" I asked happily as I bounced on my bed.

"This game. It's called, Owja?" Dipper couldn't read the name right.

"Ouija. Like Wiji." Sam said from where she stood next to Bill. She walked up and took the bored from my twin carefully. "Be respectful. This 'game' is supposed to be able to summon spirits and demons." She told us with full sincerity.

"Should we still play?" Aaron and I asked at the same time. We glanced at each other and held back laughs.

"Yes, we will," Sam smirked and took out the board. "Now, everyone, gather around. Let's see if what people say is true..."

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