Three Fateful Choices

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*Sam's P.O.V.*

Aaron approached me. He had on a dark green and white tux, with a white bowtie. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned to face a tall, blonde boy wearing a golden tux. I looked up and saw Bill's face.

"B-bill...?" I whispered. I hugged him, and practically crushed him. He hesitated then hugged me back. We broke away and I couldn't help but feel an emptiness in my chest. Both the boys got in front of me, glanced at each other and nodded.

"Sam, before we ask you who you like, I have one thing to say. Do you enjoy fiores and oaks?" Aaron said.

"I.... Yes....." I stated in shock. My brother! Holy crap this was my brother'a secret code with me from years ago!

"Nice to see ya again, sis." I hugged my little bro tightly and smiled.

"You too bro!"

"On an other note," Bill looked away. "I like you, Bill, a lot." I said. Bill had a shocked expression.

"I'll leave you two lovebirds be!" Aaron laughed and walked away. Bill and I were left together.

"So, you really like me?" he asked. I nodded.

"Mhm. What's not to like?" I giggled a bit. Bill smiled and bowed.

"Would you care to dance, mi'lady?" he asked proudly. I curtsied regally and said,

"Oh, of course, mi'lord!" I giggled as Bill twirled me onto the dancefloor. I giggled again as we started dancing. I was horrible at it, but Bill didn't seem to mind. After we danced I couldn't breathe very well. Aw, crap! Not now, not now! I broke away from Bill.

"Uh, I need some air. It's a bit stuffy in here." I said hurriedly.

"O-ok! You want me to come with you?" he asked worriedly.

"No, I'll be fine. Be right back!" I stumbled out to the balcony and gasped for breath. Calm down, Sam, calm down... it was getting worse. I don't have much time...

*Kate's P.O.V.*

Dipper was off solving the ghost problem wirh Pacifica. I was already a bit upset that he didn't invite me but he brings her! Ugh, whatever. All of a sudden, glasses shattered and the ghost appeared. HOLY CRAP!

"RUN!" I screeched. It felt as if my legs were glaciers. I glanced down and saw they had begun to turn to wood. No, I can't go out like this, no... I saw Pacifica pull the lever and suddenly I was free! Dipper ran over and hugged her. WHAT!? He's more worried about her than me!? I growled and stomped over to the punch table. They were talking, laughing, and having a good 'ol time! Don't mind me! Pacifica shyly smiled, then whispered something in Dipper's ear. He looked shocked but smiled. What he did next put me over the edge. He extended his hand, she took it, and he swirled her out to the dancefloor! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? He completely forgot about me, didn't even care if I was alright, and now he's dancing with her!? A soft hand laid on my shoulder.

"Kate, what's the problem?" Mabel asked. Candy and Grenda were behind her.

"That's," venom dripped from my words. "The problem!" I pointed to where Dipper was spinning Pacifica around. The girls gasped. Then Mabel got angry.

"This time, it's not Pacifica's mistake, she doesn't know you like him! It's his fault! Dipper's SOOO dead!" she screamed. All four of us stampeded towards Dipper. The first thing I did was grab him by the collar and punch him in the gut.

"You little punk! How I EVER liked you is beyond me, you two-face!" I snarled. He looked scared, then angry.

"The only reason you liked me was because you wanted to play me! Make me do what you want!" Dipper yelled as he stood up.

"Where'd you get that idea, idiot!? You even said you liked me yourself!" I screeched back.

"I never liked you! You are always a pain in my butt and I just want you gone!" He yowled. A deathly silence settled. The music stopped playing. Everyone stopped talking to see what was going on. I took a step back and wore a hurt expression on my face. Then I got even more p'd off. I punched Dipper as hard as I could in the face and ran out of the Mansion. I fell against a broken pillar in the garden and must've fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I saw a sadly farmiliar black triangle.

"Hey, Caesar." I muttered.

"Why the long face, Ink Pen?" he asked.

"Dipper's a butt face. He said he just wanted me gone." I looked away.

"Well, why don't we arrange that? See what happens if you are gone?" he inquired. I stood up and looked at him.

"I'm listening."

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