Turn Back Time

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(A/N SOOOO SORRY ABOUT GETTING THIS OUT SO LATE! Wattpad kept being a butt to me and deleted it I don't know how many times! And a thank you to @HylianWriter and @AlexCipher7442 for getting me back on track! On to the chapter!)

*Bill's P.O.V.*

What... she's got lung cancer. I can't believe it, why hadn't she told us? I walked back into the room.

"Guys," I gulped. "Sam has lung cancer." I said shakily and handed out the bottles and glass tubes.

"But... why would she not tell us...?" Kate asked, hurt. I shook my head.

"I don't know."

"How.... Sam never- I never thought this could happen... I wondered why she always seemed to have a cough." Aaron sat down on the bed. Mabel and Dipper looked shocked and horrified at the same time. I ran my hand through my messy blonde hair. This was a lot to take in. I suddenly remembered something that sent chills down my spine.

"Caesar..." I breathed.

"What?" Aaron asked.

"Caesar, Sam said it's his fault she's sick! He has something to do with her cancer!" I growled angrily. I looked at Aaron and the others.

"Dipper, Mabel, Kate, go help Igneel take care of Sam. DO NOT let her do anything stupid, and try to get her to take the meds! Aaron, follow me. We're going to make my brother pay his bills." (see what I did there? I'll shaddup now) Aaron nodded and we ran out of the Mystery Shack. He had the fourth journal and I teleported us into the mindscape.

"Where's the demon?" he asked with hatred glinting in his eyes.

"Follow me." I said. We went over a hill and I saw Caesar. He was in his human form like me and had a portal open to watch Sam and the others. Aaron and I both growled in our throats and jumped on him from behind. I held the sword I had conjured to his throat.

"What'd you do to her!?" Aaron nearly yelled. Caesar smiled.

"Oh, what do you possibly mean?" he asked innocently. I cut his throat slightly and he winced.

"Why does Sam have lung cancer? You did something to make it happen!" I snarled in his ear.

"Oh, I just wanted to know what happens when you ruin someone's life! I cursed her with it!" Caesar cockily said and ducked out of my grip. Aaron conjured a black demon sword and I summoned twin black magic katanas.

"This will be..." I muttered.

"Our last stand!" Caesar finished. (Cookies for you if you know what that's from!)

"Not." Aaron mumbled. I glanced at Aaron and he returned the look. Chances are, one of us wasn't going to go home to Sam after this. Caesar took this opportunity and charged me with a giant thick black sword with a jaded tip (see pic above). I dodged to the right and tried to distract him. Caesar spun to face me and Aaron shot toward him from behind while I tried to aim for my brother's stomach. He backstepped and Aaron and I nearly stabbed each other. Caesar kicked me into a gray tree and I watched as he held Aaron by the throat.

"NO!" I yelled but Caesar had summoned a chain that trapped me to the tree. "AARON!"

*Aaron's P.O.V.*

"Too late, brother! You're too late for both of them!" Caesar laughed and shoved his sword straight through me. Warm blood bubbled into my mouth. Caesar stared straight into my eyes. He was trying to see if I feared death.

"Screw you, man!" I whispered painfully and spit blood in his face. He wiped it off dramatically and growled,

"You're the one who's dead, man!" and pushed me off his sword. The jagged points sent shots of agony through me. I bit my lip so I wouldn't show weakness and scream. He smiled at my pain and teleported away. With that, the chains on Bill disappeared and he scrambled over to me.

"That was stupid!" he muttered as he conjured a wrap for my stomach.

"Heh, stupid's my middle name!" I forced a smile. He tried to bandage me but I saw him curse under his breath.

"Dude, I'm not gonna make it. You gotta find a way to save Sam, not me." I said sadly and looked at him.

"You're my friend! I can't just leave you to die!" he yelled.

"But Sam's more than a friend to you," I looked down. "I never told her, but the reason I always looked out for her at the orphanage is because the house mothers told me I was her little brother. That's why I said what I said at the Northwest Mansion party." I smiled again. "Sorry, Bill. Take care of my big sis for me, alright?

"No! You can do that yourself!" Bill cried.

"Nope. I've done my part in her life. Now it's your turn." I chuckled lightly and agonizingly. I shut my eyes and let warm darkness take me.

*Bill's P.O.V.*

I watched as Aaron, Sam's brother and my best friend, shut his eyes and died in front of me.

"No, Aaron, you're my best friend don't die on me! DON'T DIE ON ME, I WON'T LET YOU!" I yelled at his limp body. Caesar did this... "Caesar... I WILL KILL YOU! YOU HEAR ME!? I'LL KILL YOU!" I screamed to the sky only for my words to be lost to the mindscape. But I still think I heard my brother's evil cackling echo. I stood up, mumbled 'sorry' to Aaron's body, and ran back to the Mystery Shack. When I got there, I stopped in my tracks. A presence was missing. Sam... Sam! I dashed inside with what little energy I had left and dragged myself up the stairs. When I got to the attic, I saw Igneel wrapped up in a ball wih his wings covering his face. He only did that when he was sad... I turned and saw Kate crying and Dipper hugging her. Mabel sat on her bed with a face like a sheet. I glanced at Dipper's bed and saw Sam under the covers. I got over to her and checked for her pulse. Her skin, her beautiful olive skin, was as pale as a vampire's and she had no heartbeat. Her onyx eyes had lost their usual excited twinkle and were dull. Her flame red hair seemed to have had it's shine taken from it. This was the girl I loved. The girl who melted my heart. The girl that turned a sarcastic, cold demon like me to madness just to know how to ask her out. She can't be gone, not her...

"No... no no no no NOOOO!" I yelled hoarsely. Kate looked up.

"Bill... She died a few minutes after you left..." Kate whispered. I fell to my knees next to the bed. There was a silence that stretched for what felt like hours.

"Where's Aaron?" Mabel spoke up quietly. My already broken heart shattered more when I remembered what happened.

"He's... d-d-d..."

"What!? TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" Mabel screamed at me.

"HE'S DEAD! CAESAR KILLED HIM!" I screamed back. Mabel's eyes widened and filled with salty tears, as did mine. "He's dead... Sam's dead..." I murmured.

"Aaron's... dead...? He can't be... I LOVE HIM HE CAN'T DIE!" she sank to her knees and I crawled over to her.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered and hugged her. Dipper's head shot up and he told Kate something quietly and left her sitting on the ground.

"Bill! I know how we can get them back!" he said so the girls couldn't hear. My eyes widened and I left Mabel. Dipper led me downstairs to an old closet room. This was Grunkle Stan's room. Dipper went inside and I followed. He grabbed a... measuring tape? I saw a hourglass on it and realized it was Blendin Blandin's time tape measure.

"Is that...!?" I gasped.

"Yeah! Bill, we can go back in time and save Sam, and if we save her Aaron won't die!" he said excitedly. I nodded happily. We used the time measure to go back 1 day ago. We went back and saw ourselves going back after Sam got away from Caesar. Dipper made rustleing in the bushes and we heard Sam say she'd be right back. She came into the bushes where we were hiding and we told her what would happen if she didn't take her cancer meds. She was surprised but said she would take them. I hugged her suddenly and whispered in her ear,

"I'll see you soon!"

With that, Dipper made us come home and we both ran upstairs. When we got there, we saw Igneel, Mabel, and Kate straing at something and we came up next to them. I saw Sam and Aaron, and they were alive! THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND MY BEST FRIEND IS ALIVE! Mabel ran up to Aaron and began crying tears of joy and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then he did something I didn't expect. He kissed her. Sam, Kate, and Dipper gasped.

"I SHIP IT! I SHIP MARON!" Sam yelled and Kate laughed. She hugged her sister and I barely could keep my patience in check now that I see Sam alive. When Kate stepped away, she winked at me and gave me a 'go-for-it' look. I slowly, almost dreamily, walked up to Sam. She gave me a bone crushing hug and I hugged back with happy tears in my eyes. Then, I did something I never thought I'd do- I kissed her. And after a few shocked moments, she kissed back! She likes me back! We broke away.

"You're a good kisser, for a dream dorito!" she said with blush and a smirk. "But you're the dream dorito I've fallen for."

"And you're the sarcastic, quick witted, feisty girl I've fallen for." I said with a goofy smile.

"I SHIP IT! I SHIP SILL!" Mabel yelled and we all laughed. Igneel howled in laughter.

"Hey, Bill, can we take a break from mysteries for a while?" Sam asked innocently.

"I think we ALL agree with that!" I chuckled. Finally, everyhing was... normal.

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