Chapter 16

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"You have to calm down, Hydreigon!" Ash yells while wearing his Dragon Prince costume, by his side are Alice, Drandon, and Lucine, as the Dragon Foursome is in a battle with the outraging Hydreigon. Each uses its own Legendary: Latias, Latios, Reshiram, and Zekrom. They all attack the Hydreigon until it is calmed.

"I guess that's the end of the battle." Drandon says, "Although it is a little disappointing."

"Yeah. I would definitely want another Eternatus like incident happening so that we can use our full powers as the Dragon Foursome." Lucine says.

"Eteratus' outrage is something we want to avoid since it brings a lot of trouble." Ash says. "But that's also a good thing."

"Well, we're done here, I guess we should all head back to the castle. It seems like the Champions from other regions are having a meeting." Alice says. "And they didn't invite you..."

"Apparently, they are talking about the Ash Ketchum murderer thing. Since Iris is considered one of the victims, she won't be participating too. As for your Dad, since the incident is in Kanto, he won't attend the meeting as well." Lucine says.

"But they don't know that the roles should be reversed..." Drandon adds. "I mean, we all know that Ash is the victim while Iris is the murderer."

"Not only that, but my sister is also going to attend the meeting, and it's up to her to make things interesting..." Ash says.

"Who asked for this meeting anyway?" Lillie mutters with slight annoyance, considering that she won't be spending some time with Mark because of it.

"Serena." Diantha replies.

After getting into the seats, all 7 Champions and the Kalos Queen are here as Goodshow walks into the room with a girl standing behind him. "This is Minami Satoshi, she is a detective and she will be joining us."

Minami bows at them as Goodshow turns to Serena, who is the one who has the meeting.

"Minami, right? As a detective, do you know about the Delia Ketchum murder case five years ago?" Serena asks.

"I have a bad feeling about where this is going..." Geeta, Lance, Diantha, and Lillie think in their minds.

"Yes, our agency has heard of this case before, but we didn't really think it was important, considering that it doesn't actually involve us. Why do you ask?" Minami asks. Deep down, she tries to calm her rage because Delia is her mother.

"Ever since that incident, Ash Ketchum has been missing. Nobody had seen him for 5 years, and the police also didn't find him anywhere. Since you're a detective, will you be able to search for any clues about where Ash might have been?" Serena asks. "We also believe that he might be hiding in this region because this region is a newly made one, and it has been isolated from the other regions before our current event."

"Serena, did you actually witness the murder yourself?" Lillie glares at her, "I saw your case file, all you saw was Ash holding his mother with the knife that is the murder weapon. For all you know, she was already dead when he found her and took out the knife from her."

"I don't want to implicate Ash either, but all evidence points to him. What's more, we have witnesses that are a number 12 people." Serena replies.

"The report stated that their testimonies are exactly the same. What more do you want?" Cynthia asks.

"Do you really need footage of the murder itself? Since that really wastes a lot of time." Steven says.

"But Lillie is right. For all we knew, those 12 could be conspiring against this Ash boy, and they are lying." Geeta says.

"It would be possible for a witness, but 12 of them lying at the same time?" Leon asks.

"That's why I wish to ask Detective Minami to find Ash so that we can capture him, and we can also deal with him as well." Serena says. Although this breaks her heart a little, as she had loved him. But she's the Kalos Queen, and her role is similar to a Champion. "There is also one thing, the residents of Pallet Town are also missing ever since the murderer. We believe that Ash might be kidnapping him as well."

"You know, the locals in the Sevestar Region actually do not believe Ash is the murderer, and neither do we." Minami says. "What's more, where do you think Ash can hide those Pallet Town residents?"

"Maybe he killed them too?" Leon asks.

"If that's the case, the bodies of those residents should be found by now, wouldn't you say?" Minami asks. "In the Sevestar Region, a drop of blood can be noticed by hundreds of people once a person finds it. Don't you think he would be caught by now?"

This causes the Champions and Serena to stay silent. "Besides, my sister Golly is a member of the International Police, and she has been tasked by them to search for him. During these 5 years, she hasn't been able to find Ash, I don't think how I could find him. And besides, according to the laws in our region. All who are guilty have the right to be held a trial."

"What's the point of a trial?" Leon asks. "The boy's guilty. There are 12 witnesses to this crime. They saw him stab the knife into his mother's chest, and he tried to kill them too when he saw them. They had to be treated for trauma. And the residents of Pallet Town all go missing after that."

"But in my opinion, I think it's fair to hear him out in a trial." Diantha says.

"We're going off the topic here." Steven sighs. "The purpose of the meeting is to request a famous detective to capture Ash here alive."

"But have you tried looking for him yourselves?" Geeta asks.

"We tried. We even alerted all the Officer Jennies to keep a look out for him whenever they were sent on a police mission." Cynthia says. "We couldn't find a trace of him, which makes us believe he's hiding in this region as we had never searched here...didn't you alert your Officer Jennies?"

Geeta says, "I didn't see a reason to, actually. I mean, he used to be a student from the Uva Academy, so why would he hide Paldea Region? That would be stupid."

"And the Alola Region as well." Lillie adds.

Lance and Diantha also shake their heads, causing them to widen their eyes. Minami says, "I think Geeta, Lance, Diantha, and Lillie did the right thing in not alerting Officer Jennies. Let's think about it, do you really want a boy like him dead? He's only 20 years old if he's still alive today."

"We do not want him dead." Serena says. "We want him to be captured alive so he can face punishment for the crime he did, and question him on the whereabouts of his neighbors."

"Then you're asking the wrong person here. I personally don't believe Ash Ketchum actually killed his mother or kidnapped his neighbors. Unless you really have proof other than the 12 witnesses whom I think are frauds, then I won't be hunting him down." Minami says.

"What?" Serena tries to protest, but Cynthia stops her. She asks, "So what do you propose?"

"So let me get this straight: You want to enlist my service to capture Ash Ketchum because he is wanted for the murder of his mother and needed for questioning by those residents in Pallet Town, right?" Minami asks.

Serena and the others nod, and Minami says, "Then what are your fees? Since you said he's a dangerous murderer, according to the ranking system from the Sevestar Law, this is an S-Rank Mission, and thus you will be paying more than a hundred thousand dollars."

"That sure is expensive..." Lillie mutters.

Nobody has the courage to say something, so Minami says, "Then I'll ask all of you to settle a debate. An alternative to this situation has already been placed on the table, and I would ask you Champions to decide. A majority would approve the plan. No one may abstain from the vote. When I manage to track Ash Ketchum down, we will hear him out and learn from his side of the story."

"What?" The 8 people in the room are surprised.

"And since I'm also a lawyer, I will be a part of this trial as Ash Ketchum's lawyer." Minami says.

"Are you joking?" Leon asks.

"No. I should also tell you that if we do hold the trial, it will be known that it was done with your approval. Although the individual breakdown of your votes will be kept secret for your own security. You may cast your votes."

"I vote no. We can't let a matricide like this lose in this world." Cynthia says.

"I admit that it breaks my heart doing this, but for everyone in the world, I am going to vote no as well." Serena says.

"But I think that's really fair to me. So I vote yes." Lance says.

"We didn't get to hear his side of the story, so I'm going to vote yes as well." Geeta says.

"We can't just hand down judgment like this. What kind of Champions would we be?" Lillie asks as she also votes yes.

"That's why I ask for help from Detective Minami." Serena says.

"I vote no with Serena." Leon says.

"I would vote no for our region, but if it is for myself, I would vote yes." Steven says.

Minami turns to Diantha, who nods and says, "I vote yes."

"And looks like we have a stalemate. It seems to me that we need a ninth vote, someone who won't be biased against this." Minami says. "Even if we have the other Champions in the votes, I know for sure that Adam would vote yes and Iris would vote no, so it's still a tie."

"What about Champion Red?" Lance asks.

Minami shakes her head and says, "Unfortunately, we can't choose him. As I mentioned, most of the Sevestar natives think that Ash Ketchum is not guilty, and Champion Red would be biased toward them as well. So we'll choose the next person in line."

"Princess Aurora." Steven says.

"That's right. She was also from the Kalos Region like Serena and Diantha here, who vote for opposite votes. She won't know the breakdown of the votes, so don't worry about it." Minami says.

Serena wonders if Aurora would vote yes just to spite her, but Aurora didn't know who Ash is, and judging by her cold personality, she would want to vote no so that she could see a person suffer.

However, during the meeting, Minami has turned on the phone in her pocket so that Alice can hear everything, she's petting Glaceon and Manaphy while smirking, "Try all you want, Kalos Queen Serena, but what you don't know is that Ash's mother is also Minami's mother. And with me having the final vote, we have the chance to prove Ash's innocence. As for the Pallet Town Residents, let's say that they decide to change their facial appearance and they are living happily on this island since nobody is going to threaten them for talking about the real murderer.

And here is a new chapter, as you can see, Minami will be Ash's lawyer after Ash is having a trial in the future, and I know that in some countries, it is illegal to have a family member being the lawyer or a judge, but for the story purpose, I am going to do this. And you can see that Steven is hesitating to vote no since his son is actually a member of the Sevestar Gym Leader. I promise I will show some interactions with them in future chapters. I hope you like this chapter.

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