Chapter 19

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(A lot of Flashbacks this time)

After Ash leaves Sevestar Island, he's going on a quest to search for his missing siblings. But just before he can leave, he notices a brown spot on the ocean. He sends out Charizard and gets a closer look, only to find that the brown spot is actually a coffin. "A Coffin? And it is shaking..."

Ash also sends out Lapras and Greninja to help carry the coffin, and after they bring it to the shore, they open it and Ash gasps, inside the coffin is a boy who is one year younger than Ash, and he has the same face as Ash as well. Noticing the aura, Ash recognizes who the boy is.

"Mark!" Ash rushes towards the boy and they try to check his heart pulse and breathing. "His breathing is a little weak. If we are able to save him in time, then he might be still alive."

Then they put him inside the bed and Ash is helping him with the CPR, eventually, he starts to cough out ocean water and he slowly opens his eyes, much to Ash's relief.

"Calm down, you are still weak. Just rest a little. Everything is going to be okay, Mark." Ash says.

Mark is surprised that the boy in front of him knows his name, but when he gets a closer look, he has the same face as him. Memories started to flood inside his mind, and he gasps, "Brother Ash? Is that you?"

"I'm glad you're still remembering me." Ash says.

Mark suddenly gives him a snarl and says, "How dare you! Why did you kill Mom? What has she done to you to deserve this fate?"

When Mark mentions Delia, Ash feels pain in his heart, but he says, "Mark. Calm down and let me explain everything. I didn't kill my Mom! I was framed! The real murderers set me up and fake all the evidence to point at me!"

At the same time, Ash tries to use the move Play Nice to lower Mark's anger, and Mark says, "What do you mean by that?"

Ash proceeds to tell him everything, about how his former friends come to his house and kill their mother, and how he was in Professor Oak's lab. By calling Ash's Dad and Professor Oak, they confirmed Ash's story is true. Mark's anger starts to rise again, but this time not for Ash.

"Just what the hell is wrong with this world? Why do we have to suffer?" Mark yells in agony and Ash gives him a hug.

"We'll get our revenge. I promise. But first, I need you to tell us why were you in a coffin?"

Mark then reveals this to both Ash and his father, who is online on Ash's Rotom Phone. After Team Rocket attacked their family, he was sent to a family who owns a resort in Dewford Town. He has been working as a worker because the owners were greedy people and they dislike raising someone that cost more money. They set up Mark to make a lot of mistakes, so he could be tossed into the ocean in the coffin. He didn't know how many years had passed since he was in the coffin, but the only reason he wasn't drowned was because his aura was protecting him.

Adam then reveals that he was sent to the family when he was six, and every time he asked them what happened to his son, they always told him not to worry. Adam realized that he was lied to and he was furious. Ash asked if the owners have Psychic Type Pokemon, and Mark revealed that they have an Alakazam.

"This is intolerable. We have to do something to those selfish owners." Ash growls.

"I have an idea, but we will need help from the other International Police members. And that means you're going to reveal yourselves to them. Is that okay for you?" Adam asks.

"Of course, you're the boss of the International Police, and I know that all the members inside can be trusted." Ash says. "But first, we have some evil people to take care of."

Then the three of them head to the resort, and when Adam asked to see Mark again, they see the fake Mark doll and the Alakazam is the one controlling it. After showing the real Mark and exposing the owners, they decided to attack. But the Alakazam is defeated by Ash's Incineroar's Malicious Moonsault and the owners' weapons were also knocked down by Ash and Mark.

After the owners were arrested, Looker met Ash and wanted to ask about the murder of Delia Ketchum, and Ash decided to reveal everything to them. Adam, the boss of the International Police, says, "I managed to persuade some of the League members to believe Ash's innocence, however, most of the world still believed in the lies. Half of the League believed Ash is guilty while half weren't. And that caused a lot of problems. All we can do now is wait until they expose themselves and gather more evidence in the long run. We will also give Ash the Witness Protection Program so that he would be protected from the world who believed he's guilty."

All of the International Police agree with Adam's decision, and Ash was also given the name Red because of the program. Then Mark also joined Ash to search for their siblings.

(Time Skip)

When the Sevestar Region was finished, Ash and Alice were looking for leaders. When they arrived at Petalburg City, they heard an argument at the Petalburg Gym. And then they noticed Max running out of the house with tears in his eyes.

"That's Max..." Ash gasped in surprise. Alice says, "You know him?"

"He used to be my travel companion, along with two of the murderers..." Ash growls a little.

The two of them decided to stalk Max to see what he was doing. When they were hiding behind the tree, Max muttered, "Screw Dad, screw Mom, and screw May. Not only they treated Ash as a murderer, but they also tried to force me to go to the Kalos High School, which had a bad reputation for bullying..."

Ash and Alice look at each other with surprise, it seems that Max believes in his innocence. He decides to reveal himself. "What are you doing here?"

Max jumps after seeing a hooded man approaching him. "Are you lost? What are you doing here?"

"Of course, I'm not lost!" Max decides to protect himself by sending Gallade. "I-if you get closer... I-I'll attack you..."

"Relax, I meant no harm, young boy." Ash says. "The world is cruel, it is normal for you to have your Pokemon protect you."

After Ash takes off his hood, Max gasps and says, "Ash... is that you?"

Ash shushes him and says, "Not too loud, the walls have ears."

"Sorry... but what happened, Ash? May, Mom, and Dad said that you're a criminal who killed Ms. Ketchum. But I don't believe it, because of how nice she is and you won't ever do such a thing..."

"You're right. I didn't do such a thing." Ash says as he reveals everything to Max, and after hearing what Ash said, he's angry. "You're telling me that May played a part in murdering Ms. Ketchum? I can't believe it!"

"I know. But they faked the evidence to paint me as a criminal, it's a good thing that the International Police is on my side. You did the right choice for running away from your former family. If you want, I can bring you to my living place."

"Really? Where is it?" Max is excited, then Ash decides to introduce Alice to him, and then they head to Sevestar Island. Max not only likes the place, and thanks to Mark, Max wants to be a part of Ash's Gym Leaders and specializes in Fighting Types. And after the region is in process, he also becomes Ash's secretary of the island.

They also notice the news of Max going missing and being kidnapped, and to their anger, they blame Ash as the one who kidnapped him. They know for well that they need to be patient until the day for revenge comes.

(Flashback Ends)

Ash, Alice, Lillie, and Max are now at the ranch area, it's where most of the Fighting Type Pokemon are located. Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Keldo are watching over them in the area. (They will appear in postgame and like in Sword and Shield, you need to find 50 footprints for each of them to make them appear, and Keldeo appears after you catch three of them.)

"So the Fist Plate is safe?" Lillie asks.

"Yeah. It's a good thing that Team Rainbow didn't get to the plate back then." Alice says as she remembers the Fist Plate inside a sealed door in the basement of the lobby.

"Although we didn't have Team Rainbow, we had pirates instead. They wanted the treasure in the FS Resort, and we have to fight them and chase them out of the resort." Ash finished feeding Maneon with the Pokemon Food, and they find Paul approaching them. "So that's a new Eeveelution?"

"Maneon. To evolve this Pokemon, you must have the Pokemon level up here." Max says. "It has Hustle and Scrappy as its ability while Stamina is the hidden ability."

Ash says, "Maneon is an excellent fighter, always seeking out greater opponents to test its own strength."

"I see." Paul says. "I might as well find one for myself."

Then they stop in front of the Regi Temple, Ash says, "And this belongs to Regiflex. The Fighting Type Regi. Regiflex likes to flex its muscles to show its strength, although this Pokemon has a hard time controlling its explosive power."

"The ability is Clear Body with Justified as its hidden ability." Alice says. "Although it doesn't have some signature moves."

"Only 9 of them have signature abilities and signature moves." Ash says. "Regigigas made it that way, so don't ask me why."

"I wonder if Brandon will use them in his Battle Pyramid since he is good with using Regis." Paul says.

"That sure is a good thing to think about." Max says. "By the way, aren't you going to disguise yourselves as Felix and Kim in the resort?"

"We could do that, but I don't think it is necessary for now, the reason we're still here is because we're waiting for Reisa and her ship so we could go to Oceablu City for the upcoming concert." Ash says.

"And speaking of that, it should be thirty minutes." Alice says. "We'll need to go now."

Ash recalls Maneon and Pikachu jumps onto Ash's shoulder, then the two of them bid farewell to the others. Lillie says, "They really are busy. But I can't wait to hear what songs they're going to perform as Jude and Aoi."

"Me too." Max says as they go back inside the resort.

Here is a new chapter, and this concludes the Fighting Type chapters, and I also need to mention that in the game, you will need to book a room because after beating Max in the game, you'll be able to use the HM for Flash. And the HM for Flash is located inside your room and on the table. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will start the Water Type and Oceablu City.

Ash's Maneon: Ability: Stamina. Moves: Blaze Kick, Close Combat, High Jump Kick, Low Sweep, Bounce, Play Rough

Ash's Regiflex: Ability: Justified. Moves: Hyper Beam, Lock-On, Zap Cannon, Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Ancient Power

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