Chapter 30

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In the Kalos Region, Diantha is about to leave the house, and David asks, "Mom, is it another movie filming?"

Diantha says, "Well, it is not exactly that. I'm going to visit Ash at his living place."

"Ash? As in Ash Ketchum? You mean our cousin who was framed for murdering Aunt Delia?" David asks. "Can I come as well?"

Diantha says, "Of course, you can come. I'm sure your uncle Adam will be delighted to see you."

David rubs his head with a sheepish smile and says, "Well, yeah... I also have a lot of inventing stuff that I wanted to ask him. But I'm a little scared that Ash might be disappointed with us..."

"Why would he be disappointed with you?" Diantha shakes her head. "He misses the two of you as well. That reminds me, where is Elline by the way?"

David says, "Elline was in the Unova Region, she said that she wanted to watch the musical "The Phantom of the Opera" in Nimbasa City. However, that show already ended a week ago, and she hadn't returned from Unova as well..."

"I just hope nothing bad happens to her." Diantha says while they head to Sevestar Island. And on the island, they were greeted by Adam, who is helping training Ash's Pokemon.

"Brother Adam!" Diantha greets Adam, who stops training and turns to her.

"Diantha! And that man over there, your son David, right? It sure has been a while." Adam says.

"It's nice to see you again, Uncle Adam." David says.

"David is here since he misses Ash and wants to meet him. But it seems that we come in a bad time?" Diantha asks.

"Ash and Alice are in the Unova Region. We just called and Ash informed me they have the use for the Electric Type Disguises." Adam says.

"Really? So Ash and Alice are now going for Electric Types? I heard that they have been crazily developing 18 disguises." Diantha asks. "So what are their disguises?"

"Same as you did. They are planning to become an actor and an actress. They are working with director Tom Wood and they're also working on the movie "The Thunder Girl." Adam says.

Diantha is surprised, and she says, "No way. I say that they do have the potential for being an Actor and Actress, considering they do a good job in using disguises."

David says, "Did you also mention "The Thunder Girl"? That was one of Elline's favorite novels. She will definitely be jealous if she learns that Ash and Alice are a part of it. Does that mean Alice is playing the role of the Thunder Girl?"

"Sadly, none of them get the Thunder Girl. Ash gets Professor Bolt and Alice gets Professor Electra." Adam says. "When they joined in, the role of the Thunder Girl is already chosen."

Diantha says, "Well, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing. But in the story, Bolt and Electra are husband and wife, and the Thunder Girl is their child."

As they hear the noise, they look up in the air and notice a plane approaching. Delia says, "Looks like Ash and Alice have returned."

"I still can't believe those two manage to fly around in AK151." Diantha says. "And having Wallace's son as their coach is also surprising."

And once they arrive on the ground. Ash asks, "So how do you feel, Elline?"

"Just glad to know that my life isn't wasted." Elline says. "But good flying skills you have there, Ash."

"Thanks." Alice says, "Wait, is that your mom over there?"

Ash and Elline notice Diantha and David are with Adam. Elline gulps as she never knows that her mother and her brother are going to be there.

"Elline? Is that you?" Diantha is shocked to see her daughter with Ash and Alice. Elline says, "I never thought you would be here...Mom. And David as well."

"Ash! Long time no see!" David says.

"Hi, David! It sure has been a while. I think you haven't met my girlfriend before, right? Alice, this is David, Elline's brother and my cousin." Ash says.

"Nice to meet you, David." Alice says as they shake hands.

Diantha asks, "So Elline, what are you doing with Ash and Alice?"

Ash says, "Long story short, we found Elline at the Pokestar Studios, she is trying her first film as an actress. She was curious about where I was the whole time and I brought her here."

"Hold on, you mean Elline as an actress?" Diantha asks. "Didn't you tell me you aren't interested in acting? What changed your mind?"

Elline frowns and says, "I never said I wasn't interested in acting. I just hate that people treated me like I was always in your shadows, Mom. I want to be the famous actress Elline, not the famous actress' daughter Elline."

Diantha gives Elline a hug and she says, "I'm sorry, I never knew you would think something like that. You don't need to worry about how those people think, you can just be yourself."

"I know, Ash and Alice practically told me the same thing." Elline says. "And I'm happy to get the role that I dreamed of."

Ash says, "Indeed, Elline here is the Thunder Girl."

"No way... you really get the leading role?" David says. "Congratulations, sis."

Elline says, "Thanks, but what are you doing here? Aren't you busy with the robotic Rockruff that you're working on?"

David says, "That was already finished and it was now testing. And that also gives me time to finally see you, Ash. So what have you been up to these days?"

"Using disguises to make sure my life is better." Ash shakes his head. "A majority of people still believe that I killed my Mom, and that's why I have to hide myself."

"So what is this island?" Elline decides to ask. "Are you sure you're safe here?"

"Nobody knows the existence of the island." Adam says, "It is the perfect spot for Ash to stay in since the only ones who know the place are those who believe in Ash's innocence. And right now it's also in the development of becoming a region."

"A new region from scratch? That sounds like a tough challenge. I think I like it." David says.

"Yeah, if you don't mind, we can help out as well." Elline says.

"That will be nice." Ash nods.

Then Adam gathers the other siblings as they greet Elline and David. The two of them are furious after hearing about their suffering. They decide to stay on the island and help the development, and thanks to David, Ash and Alice also get new disguises Alexander and Relena and they become inventors. They manage to create a lot of new stuff, like the Ultra Wormhole Statues, Paradox Machines, and other cool things.

(Flashback Ends)

In the FS Resort, Clemont and Sophocles are looking at the computer, while the others are either back in their rooms to take a shower or go shopping. But when they open the blueprints, they realize that the blueprints look familiar. The blueprint is the robot Clembot, and the writing is the same as Clemont's.

"Hey, this is my blueprint!" Clemont gasps. "This wasn't even made by David after all! This is Clembot! And this is my Precisely-Even-Cut-o-Matic!"

"Does that mean all this time he is a fraud?" Sophocles asks, "That means he was using our inventions to rise to fame! How dare he!"

"But how did he manage to get our blueprints in the first place?" Clemont asks as they take a close look at the files. "And this isn't even the blueprints that we've copied from his computer!"

Sophocles gasps and says, "You're right! Did we copy the wrong files?"

Clemont says, "Then what about the photos? Don't tell me that we also copy the wrong files as well."

And much to their horror, there isn't any password on the zip file once they unzip the file, and they are the porn scenes from the hentai movies that they've seen on television the other day. There are all kinds of sex positions and the female seems to be in pleasure. They blush as they realize those aren't the pictures that Trip took.

"I didn't think that the two of you would do something like that." Clemont and Sophocles quickly close the laptop and jump, they see that Alice is standing in front of them.

"Princess Aurora? What are you doing here?" Sophocles asks.

"Champion Red is visiting his brother here in FS Resort, and I tagged along." Alice says. "But I couldn't believe that the two of you are watching pron behind your friend's back."

"Wait, it's not what you think it is!" Clemont says.

"Ok...then what is it?" Alice asks, staring into their head, causing them to either blush really hard, or panic because Alice has the wrong idea about the two of them.

"Well..." If they tell Alice that they copied those files from David's computer, they have to admit that they broke into David's Gym. They could have said that it was what's inside Trip's camera, but they wouldn't want to betray him or else they would be the ones betrayed instead.

"No explanation?" Alice sighs with disappointment. "Look, it's okay to have these types of hobbies since we're all human, but try not to show your pron stash in public."

"Princess Aurora, you're not going to tell anyone about it, are you?" Clemont asks while biting his lip, and Sophocles seems to be doing the same.

"Well, it is not my business after all." Alice says with a shrug, "I don't know what's the point to tell anyone about it?"

The two boys just sighs as they smile with embarrassment, after all, they are attracted to Princess Aurora's beauty.

"Just to let you know, both of you are Electric Type users, and it won't be good if everyone finds out that Electric Leaders are some sort of perverts. Elline would be enraged once she finds out about it. Good luck with what you're doing." Alice says as she leaves.

When Alice leaves, she finds Ash, David, Mark, and Elline in their own room. Ash asks, "So how did the traps go?"

"Extremely well." Alice says as the others laugh.

"Still, I can't believe you told Mom about the porn you've been collecting." Elline says. "And I feel ashamed to be the same type as those two as well. But then again, it is the users who are at fault, not the type."

"You're right about that." Mark says. "If Electric Types are bad, then Pikachu is not going to be happy."

Pikachu pouts a little as Ash rubs his head. Golly says, "I wonder what will happen to them once the other traitors find out the truth."

Ash says, "Anyway, since we're doing really well today, how about we all have dinner together? The treat is on me."

"That is very nice of you." Alice says with a smile. "How about the buffet?"

"No problem, I will also ask the chefs to prepare the best food." Mark says as he leaves, David and Elline are also happy for the plan to work as well.

Here is a new chapter, the traitors are going to do something for what David did back in Elmososha Gym, only to be played back at them as they not only didn't get what they want but they also got tricked by David. I wonder what will happen to them after this incident. I hope you like this chapter.

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