Chapter 45

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"What do you mean that the League Inspection is going to a halt?" Serena asks the Champions, who sigh as they are sitting at the restaurant chatting with each other.

"It seems like the Gym Leaders of Sevestar are going outside of the region for some business." Cynthia says. "The whole League inspection will begin again after 2 weeks, I wonder why is that, though..."

"Do you know anything about what they've been doing?" Leon asks, "Since it seems to be rude to just leave like that."

"Steven, do you know anything?" When Serena asks, Steven flinches a little, Luke has told him about what they are going to do in the next two weeks, but he isn't sure if he should tell them about it.

"I...I don't think so." Steven says. "My son didn't tell me that much, even though he is the Gym Leader of Sevestar and he should have known something."

"Maybe it is because of the fact that he hasn't been with you for five years?" They turn to see Geeta, Diantha, and Lance leaning against the wall.

"What do you mean?" Steven rolls his eyes.

"It is obvious, every one of the Gym Leaders in the Sevestar Region believes that it will be better to hear Ash Ketchum's side of the story before making a verdict." Geeta says.

"He doesn't deserve one, the evidence and testimonies all pointed to him." Cynthia says.

"He no doubt did it in cold blood, which in my eyes was incriminating to his reputation." Leon says.

"Really? I wonder if you're scared that he is the closest to making you lose your undefeatable Champion title, so you just want to get rid of him?" Lance asks, "And the both of you lost to him as well in the World Championships. Maybe you are just either sour or scared."

"Are you accusing us?" Cynthia says in rage.

"Maybe we are, or maybe we're not." Diantha says.

"So what are you doing here? Are you just here to mock us?" Serena asks while rolling her eyes, "We really don't have time to talk with you."

Diantha smiles and says, "I knew how you tried to meet Ash in Rota, Serena. However, you didn't seem to get any information from Ash, huh?"

Serena widens her eyes as the other Champions look at her with confusion. Geeta says, "No need to be surprised about how we know, the thing is, Lillie was also asked to attend the coronation, and she saw you and told us about it. Considering Lillie's former family is royalty from the Alola Region before Red adopted them as siblings."

"Champion Red and Princess Aurora were also there as well." Diantha says, "Though they didn't stay too long since they're still searching for the murderer."

"So what if I fail to talk to Ash?" Serena asks. "It doesn't even matter to you as well."

"It doesn't." Lance says. "If you want to know what Champion Red and the other leaders are doing outside of the Sevestar Region. The only thing I can tell us is the fact that both Champion Red and Princess Aurora have only 14 days of living and they are trying to search for a cure for them."

"Wait, what?" This causes them to be surprised, Steven already knows it, so he doesn't seem to be as shocked as the others.

"It's true." Diantha says, "If they fail, they are going to die. That's all I can tell you."

"Wait." Serena asks, "Can we help them as well? What are they searching for? Maybe we can help them search for it."

"More like you're trying to sabotage them." Geeta says, causing them to be offended. "You don't need to worry about anything, they can do this on their own."

Then Lance and Diantha leave, causing the group to glare at them, except for Steven. He already knew of the plan, considering that he is still doubting if Ash really kills his mother. He might be on Serena and the others' side, but he personally believes that Ash is innocent, just like his son.

He is also concerned about Champion Red and Princess Aurora. They might have split into 8 groups and each group is going to a region to find the Infinity Gems, Luke told him that he is going to Kanto along with Mark and East, but he is still concerned if they won't be attacked by others who is also after the gems.

In Lumiose City, Nate, Trenor, and Bonnie enters the Lumiose City Gem and finds Clembot. "I feel sorry for Clemont, but also not sorry, he won't be alive to see the whole thing."

Bonnie says, "You don't need to apologize, he deserves it."

They manage to open Clembot's body and find the Normal Gem inside. Trenor says, "This is what we're here for...Normal Gem..."

Nate holds the gem and says, "I can feel it, there is an infinite amount of energy in this small gem. But in order to activate it, one must use a Normal Type Legendary's Power to activate it."

"But I thought you would need a puzzle to get it." Trenor says. "How come it is this easy?"

"Clemont has already solved the puzzle." Bonnie says, "He found this gem in the underground mine and the puzzle is just a normal jigsaw puzzle."

"So we just need to find the Ground Gem next and we're done here."

After a few days, they eventually arrive at the Terminus Cave, Chole turns to Go and asks, "So the gem is inside this cave?"

"Yeah. This is the Terminus Cave and I am sure that Squishy will be able to help us." Bonnie says, and then Squishy comes to help them out. Bonnie asks, "Squishy, can you lead us to the Ground Gem? We need to use it to save Ash and Lillie."

"Of course, I have been guarding it for years, let me show you where it is." Squishy says.

Before they are able to get inside the cave, a man stands in front of them as he says, "I can feel it, the Normal Gem is with you."

They realize the man is looking like a mummy, but he has red hair. Trenor says, "So you're the demon that Calyrex told us about..."

"Of course, it will be rude to just call me a demon. I have a name Delis." He notices Bonnie and says, "You're one of the people who has ruined my plans..."

"Your plans?" Bonnie asks, "I don't even know you!"

"Of course, you don't. Because I was possessing a man named Lysandre." Delis says, causing Bonnie to gasp. "He might have died, but I managed to get out of him before I also got myself killed as well."

"So what Lysandre did to Squishy and then trying to control was you the whole time?" Bonnie says with anger.

Trenor says, "Bonnie, we can deal with him later. We need to find the Ground Gem as fast as possible. Squishy, use Land's Wrath!"

Squishy hears it and then he makes the ground shake, Delis has to stay on the ground as he can feel the ground shaking, then he notices the group running away.

"You're not getting away from me that easily." The demon roars as he chases after the three people and Zygarde.

The four of them are running to the third basement after getting through what seems to be a maze inside of the cave, which seems to be the puzzle for this gem. Nate asks, "Is the demon still following us?"

Bonnie turns and says, "It is. What are we going to do then?"

"We can't let them catch up to us." Squishy says as he changes into 50 percent form, "Hop on quick, we will get the gem and then we escape to the other side of the cave."

The three of them nod as they rush to the pedestal where the gem is. Nate gets the gem and then the three of them ride on Squishy as he uses Extreme Speed.

"Extreme Speed? Don't think that'll work!" Just then, the mummy demon starts to power up and then goes with the same speed as Squishy, much to their horror. Once he is now blocking them, he says, "I see you have gotten the second gem. Hand it over or you'll be punished."

"As if." Trenor jumps down and he starts to have an aura fight against the demon. Trenor is going for the Ground Rope as it goes for Mud Bomb, but the demon blocks it with a shield and goes for a Shadow Ball, Trenor uses the Fighting Gloves to block the attack with Detect.

"Now we feel useless...we don't have any aura with are we supposed to fight against them?" Bonnie asks.

"Trenor will eventually get tired if this keeps up." Nate says.

Much to their horror, Delis manages to hit Trenor with the Night Slash, causing him to have scars on his body as he falls to the ground.

"Trenor, are you alright?" Bonnie asks.

"His attacks...unlike our auras, they do real damage. If I'm not careful, I will get myself killed..." Trenor says.

Just then, Nate notices the Normal Gem glowing, and Nate says, "The Infinity Gems! We can use them to our advantage."

He raises the gem, causing the demon to widen his eyes, "Like I'm going to let you use those gems! They are ours!"

The demon stops hurting Trenor as he charges at the gem, but with the gem glowing, Trenor is healed and he quickly uses Vine Whip to slam him to the ground.

"Normal Gem is also known for the Gem of healing. It can heal any injury, no matter fatal or not." Trenor says. "What about the Ground Gem?"

When he reaches the gem, it emits a glow, and the demon screams in agony until it stands there doing nothing. Bonnie asks, "What happened to the demon?"

"The Ground Gem, also known as the Gem of Order, is capable of controlling the minds of people or Pokemon if the user says so. I guess the demon is now under our control." Trenor says.

"So what are we going to do with him?" Nate asks.

Trenor looks at the demon and says, "Demons aren't from our world, they are here because of the gems. However, there is a way we can do to kill the demons. That is to stab its heart in its weakest state."

Trenor takes out the knife and says, "I realize why Grandmother has to tell us about the past. Our family is bound to taint our hands with blood."

Then Trenor charges and stabs the demon with the knife, causing the demon to scream in pain, and then he stabs again until the demon turns into dust and is gone forever.

"Is he really gone?" Bonnie asks.

"I guess so." Trenor says, "I guess we're done here, it's a good thing that we have split into 8 groups. Or else we won't be able to finish in time."

"There are 3 days left before Ash and Alice's time is up. We have to hurry." Bonnie says as they leave Kalos as fast as possible, hoping the others are also finished with their quests to find the gems and get back to the Sevestar Region safely.

Here is a new chapter, as you can see, we're beginning with the gems searching, it won't be too long considering I'm going to write 5 chapters about it. Ash and the others are split into 9 groups, and each group has 3 people. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be two more groups.

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